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Special offers

Games Workshop-LTD

Games Workshop-LTD
Games Workshop


  • Endless Spells: Hedonites of Slaanesh

    The endless spells of the Hedonites of Slaanesh are sinister sorceries said to have been summoned from the Palace of Slaanesh itself. Possessed of a vindictive sentience and an appetite for torture, woe betide those who try and resist their siren lure…
    These Slaanesh Endless Spells offer diverse and powerful tactical options to your Slaanesh army, designed to slay your foes and offer helpful boons to your own units. This set contains all three Slaanesh Endless Spells:
    - The Wheels of Excruciation – a flock of lacerating blades that excel at shredding lightly armoured enemies.
    - The Mesmerising Mirror – a sinister looking glass that can snare units and slike Heroes dead.
    - The Dreadful Visage – a horrifying mask that flays foes, strikes terror into their hearts and emboldens Slaanesh units.
    This set is supplied in 18 plastic components and with 2x 90mm oval bases.
  • Endless Spells: Lumineth Realm-lords

    The Lumineth Realm-lords are carefully attuned to both the winds of magic and the elemental forces that define their realm, with powerful mages marrying the two in devastating endless spells.
    Unleash the full magical might of the Lumineth Realm-lords with this endless spells set! Inside, you'll find the models you need to use the following summoned sorceries in your battles:
    - Sanctum of Amyntok: a magical shield for keeping your favourite Wizard safe
    - Rune of Petrification: a hovering harbinger of destruction that wreaks havoc with your enemies
    - Hyshian Twinstones: a pair of magical batteries that allow you to store up excess power for when you need it
    This set is supplied in 16 plastic components. One spell features an integrated base, while the other two are based on a 50mm Round and a 75mm x 41.5mm Oval bases, which are included in this set.


  • Endless Spells: Sylvaneth

    Unleash the verdant life magics of the Sylvaneth with these endless spells! Available only to Sylvaneth Wizards, these powerful summoned sorceries have the potential to turn the direst of battles in your favour with a variety of in-game effects. In this set, you’ll find three endless spells, including:
    The Gladewyrm – a summoned beast that crushes your foes and heals Sylvaneth units
    The Spiteswarm Hive – a colony of magical insects which makes nearby Sylvaneth faster or more durable
    The Vengeful Skullroot – a sinister, sentient tree that can slay foes and cause them to run in terror
    This set is supplied in 15 plastic components and comes with 1x 50mm round base and 1x 105mm oval base.


  • Endrinmaster in Dirigibile Suit

    Many Endrinmasters take to the skies in mastercrafted dirigible suits, their aether-turbines allowing them to zoom through the air towards skyvessels in need of repair even as an in-built weapons array blasts their enemies into pieces.
    Repairing skyvessels, leading your Endrinriggers into battle, punching out monsters – what can't the Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit do? This highly versatile Kharadron Overlords character is great for airborne lists with lots of skyvessels, Endrinriggers and Skywardens – or just for a rewarding painting project!
    This kit is supplied in 26 plastic components, and comes with a 50mm round base.
    £26.00 save 10%
  • Endrinmaster Kharadron

    Endrinmaster Kharadron contains the components necessary to assemble one model. Covered in details signifying his genius in maintaining the complex machinery of the skyfleets, he wields a massive aetherhammer – this is connected to his suit by pipes and metal arms, implying incredible weight only he could lift. His headgear, as well as a variety of lenses used to aid diagnostics, features the ‘God’s Eye’; a beam emitter that can cut through and weld metal (with a nice secondary use in blasting enemies), and he’s brimming with tools and equipment for battlefield repairs; the Endrinmaster goes so far as carrying an anvil into battle for on the spot repairs!!

    This Warhammer Age of Sigmar kit is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base and comes as 13 components.

  • Enforcer 'Sanctioner' Pattern Automata

    Sanctioners are semi-sentient servo-automata, employed by Palanite Enforcers in times of particular crisis. These hulking cybernetic brutes are controlled by the salvaged cranial remains of particularly merciless Enforcers, psycho-conditioned for utter dedication to the letter of the law. As such, they are known on the streets of Necromunda as ‘Lawtomata’, relentless armoured constructs protected by thick carapace plating, shrugging off small arms fire and putting down whole uprisings with heavier weaponry than any flesh-and-blood Enforcer could bring to bear.
    This multipart plastic kit builds two Enforcer 'Sanctioner' Pattern Automata, armoured robots that can be used by any Palanite Enforcer gang. Each of these cybernetic sluggers sports a built-in grenade launcher and can be armed with a variety of fearsome weaponry – the kit includes two right-handed pacifier assault claws, as well as two heavy shock batons, two concussion cannons, two assault rams, and two mancatchers that can be mounted on either arm, or even both. Each Sanctioner's arms can be posed as you see fit, and the kit offers multiple ways to pose their legs, adding extra variety to your robot reinforcements.
    The kit comprises 104 plastic components, and comes with 2x Necromunda 40mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
    Rules for using the Enforcer 'Sanctioner' Pattern Automata in your games of Necromunda can be found in The Aranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos supplement.


  • Éomer™, Marshal of the Riddermark™

    Éomer is the nephew of Théoden, and one of Rohan's foremost warriors. Exiled by the command of Grima Wormtongue, Éomer returns to the aid of his king at the Battle of the Hornburg. However, it is amidst the carnage of the Pelennor that Éomer truly makes his name. Following the death of Théoden, and presumed death of his sister Éowyn, Éomer fights like a man possessed, slaying Orcs, Haradrim and even Mûmakil to avenge those who had fallen.
    Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark is a multipart plastic kit supplied as 2 models, 1 on foot and 1 mounted and charging. Both models feature options for a helmeted or unhelmeted head, as well as a choice of throwing spear or sword in one hand, and either a shield or a helmet in the other. Both models are clad in heavy armour, and the horse can either be assembled unarmoured or with scale mail barding.
    This kit comes as 27 components, and is supplied with 1 Citadel 40mm Round Base and 1 Citadel 25mm Round Base.
    © 2020 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (s20)
    £23.00 save 10%


  • Éowyn & Merry

    Éowyn is a valiant shield maiden of Rohan and niece to King Théoden. Unwilling to be left behind while the menfolk rode to war, she disguised herself as a Rider of Rohan, calling herself Dernhelm. Along with her plucky Hobbit friend, Meriadoc Brandybuck, she travelled with Théoden’s army in secret and fought with incredible valour at the Battle of Pelennor Fields. This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Éowyn and Merry, both on foot and mounted on horseback. When mounted, you have the option to remove Merry, leaving just Éowyn. On foot, Éowyn carries a sword and shield, but also bears a throwing spear when mounted. Merry is clothed in the uniform of a Squire of Rohan and also bears a sword and shield. Both versions of Éowyn can be assembled with either a head that features her flowing golden hair, or with a full helm in her guise as Dernhelm. These miniatures come as 23 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 25mm Round bases and a Citadel 40mm Round base.

    £28.00 save 10%


  • Escher Death-maidens and Wyld Runners

    Death Maidens and Wyld Runners represent the two ends of the Escher lifecycle. All Escher adolescents grow up in the Wyld, learning everything they need to know about hive life free from the oppressive societies imposed by most other Clan Houses. As they come of age, they either join the clan or become Wyld Runners, reckless and bold explorers and beast wranglers. Death Maidens are fallen warriors of the Escher, raised from their graves in order to seek revenge for the House of Blades.
    Expand your Escher gang with these six fighters and their cute but deadly pets. Wyld Runners may be armed with low-tech weaponry, in the form of whips and bows, but are no less lethal for it. Death Maidens come armed with a needle pistol and venom claw, allowing them to kill their enemies with the finest poisons from the House of Blades.
    This 138-part plastic kit makes:
    – 2x Death Maidens with needle pistols and venom claws
    – 4x Wyld Runners, two with wyld bows and two with whips
    – 4x Phelynx
    This kit is a treat for customisers and converters. Each Phelynx can be kitted out with a choice of interchangeable heads, while the Death Maidens and Wyld Runners feature the same arm and head fittings as the Escher Gang kit, allowing you to mix and match them for greater variety!
    It is supplied with 10 Necromunda 25mm round bases.
    Rules for using these models in games of Necromunda can be found in House of Blades.
    £31.50 save 10%
  • Escher Gang Necromunda

    Escher Gang Necromunda is unique among the great Houses, as its gangs are entirely women. Masters of chemical manipulation, what an Escher may lack in terms of strength, she more than makes up for in speed, skill and psychotic flair.

    Assemble an Escher gang, or add to the miniatures in the Necromunda: Underhive box with this set of 10 plastic miniatures.

    They provide a massive amount of variety and options in assembly, meaning every gang will be unique.

    This Escher Gang box includes:

    • 10 bodies, 2 each of 5 unique designs wearing flak armour.
    • 18 heads, 2 each of 9 unique designs, 4 of which are wearing respirator masks.
    • 14 different hairpieces, 2 each of 7 different designs.
    • A variety of different weapons including 6 lasguns, 8 laspistols, 6 stiletto blades, 2 shotguns, 4 power swords, 2 autopistols, 2 shock whips, 2 needler/bolters, 2 plasma pistols, 2 chem-throwers and 2 autoguns, along with additional frag, krak and choke gas grenades, 4 sheathed stiletto blades and 2 sets of chem-synth packs.
    • This Necromunda box comes with 10 25mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.
    £31.50 save 10%


  • Etheric Vortex Gloomtide Shipwreck

    This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Gloomtide Shipwreck.
    This is an Etheric Vortex scenery piece, which models with the Idoneth Deepkin allegiance have access to. The Shipwreck itself is a sea-dessicated hull, the skeleton of some long-forgotten vessel now home to barnacles, coral and creatures sympathetic to the Idoneth. The model is in 2 pieces, which can be placed separately on the battlefield, or together to form one wrecked hull – each section is encrusted with barnacles, littered with bones and trinkets, and feature ship details such as a broken sextant, a ruined rudder, a lantern and a ship’s bell. Alluding to the wreck’s former life, there are plenty of Sigmarite details, with a figurehead holding a hammer, a twin-tailed comet on the mast and a plaque at the rear.
    Also included are 6 shoals of sea creatures – these can be added to the wreck as you please, though make excellent additions to the base of any Idoneth Deepkin miniature.


  • Eversor Assassin

    Assassins protect the future of humanity by eliminating the few who become tainted with treachery, greed, the daemonic or other evils too heinous to name. Formal records of their exploits are not available - it is not known precisely how many worlds have been saved from destruction by these secretive killers, but it is safe to say billions of lives are owed to their selfless actions. The Assassins work silently and without thanks. They are the bloody-handed and secret saviours of the Imperium.
    Most Assassins operate with stealthy precision, lurking in the shadows - or sometimes in plain sight - and striking with accuracy when the time is exactly correct. Not so the Eversor Assassin! The Eversor Temple believes that the best way to eliminate a target is in a blaze of psychotic fury, disregarding factors such as collateral damage, practicality or the potential innocence of bystanders. This Assassin is in a permanent state of searing rage, kept in check by massive doses of sedatives; when the time comes for him to act, he’s roused from his coma and unleashed. Only his death will stop his berserk mission.
    This pack contains one multi-part Eversor Assassin, and is supplied with one Citadel 32mm Round base.
    £25.00 save 10%


  • Evocators

    Stormcast Eternals Evocators is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble 5 Stormcast Eternals Evocators. Each of the 5 is clad in Stormcast Eternals armour, with cloaks, tabards and ornate helms denoting their status as lightning-empowered shock troops of Sigmar. This kit comes as 76 components, and is supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases and a Stormcast Eternals Transfer sheet.

    £40.00 save 10%
  • Exalted Deathbringer (with Ruinous Axe)

    One of the most favoured of Khorne, the Exalted Deathbringers kill in order to ascend further in the glorious name of the Blood God. Every attack wrought with their hideous weaponry, every kill made, every panicking enemy slain without mercy or hesitation brings them closer to the pinnacle of bloodlust. An Exalted Deathbringer is a furious, whirling torrent of sheer violence, leaving nothing alive in its wake.
    This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything needed to make one single-pose Exalted Deathbringer of Khorne, armed with a sinister Ruinous Axe and Skullgouger. Covered in mutations, scars and Khornate symbols, this model will strike fear into all who face it in battle!


  • Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear Khorne Bloodbound

    Bellowing forth a mighty, blood-curdling roar, the Exalted Deathbringer pierces his enemy with his enormous spear, lifting him high with a single, muscular heave. The weight of the unfortunate victim drives them further down onto the polearm, each agonised, twisting convulsion pushing the blade ever deeper. Soon (but not soon enough), they will perish, adding yet another grisly trophy to the Exalted Deathbringer’s ever-expanding collection.
    This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything needed to make one single-pose Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear. Includes a CItadel 40mm Round base. 


  • Exalted Hero of Chaos

    Unleashing a storm of aggression and violence that builds and builds with each blow landed, an Exalted Hero of Chaos leads the charge. Scything into enemy lines with his pair of death-axes, his attacks blur into each other in a shocking display of might and brutality.
    This pack contains one Finecast Exalted Hero of Chaos, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.


  • Exalted Sorcerers

    Twisted arcanists, wicked of intent and strange of form, Exalted Sorcerers have an encyclopædic knowledge of spells and are able to bend reality to their desires. Amongst their number are warrior-mystics that have stalked the galaxy for ten thousand years – to these masters of the esoteric, matters of war are a crass distraction, but these visionaries bring a terrible focus to bear when battle rages. Enemies are torn to shreds by devastating magical barrages, hideously changed, twisted and distorted as the most ill-fated Chaos Spawn.

    This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to make 3 Exalted Sorcerers, each armed with Inferno bolt pistols and force staves. The kit includes 6 different chest plates, 7 different heads and a Disc of Tzeentch – this can be modelled upside down with different visible details, and includes magic flame for elevation. Supplied with 3 32mm Round bases and 1 40mm Round base.
    £40.00 save 10%
  • Executioners or Black Guard

    Utterly loyal, the Black Guard are the personal protectors of the coven’s leader.
    The Black Guard have a choice of 10 helmeted heads, and 10 ebon halberds. The Captain has a choice of two bare heads, leans on his sword with his right arm and points towards the enemy with his left. The standard bearer holds the banner in his right hand, and carries a knife in his left. Also included is the option to build a drummer.
    This plastic kit contains 60 components with which to make either 10 Black Guard or 10 Executioners. Also included is 1 transfer sheet with which to add a variety of banner designs.
    This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. 


  • Exorcist

    Adepta Sororitas: Exorcist

    The Exorcist is equipped with a hull-mounted heavy bolter and a choice of Exorcist missile launcher or Exorcist conflagration rockets as its primary armament. The vehicle come equipped with smoke launchers and can also be upgraded with an additional weapon in the form of a hunter-killer missile.
    The kit comprises 99 components and includes all of the Exorcist's weapons and wargear options. The model comes supplied with an Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet.
    £57.00 save 10%
  • Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians

    Like all Space Marine Librarians, those of the Dark Angels Chapter bring prodigious psychic powers to battle, blasting their foes with the raw power of the Immaterium. When not at war, the Dark Angels Librarians are charged with recording the Chapter's history, preserving the victories and defeats of the Chapter forever in the shadowy archives within the Rock.
    This blister contains one metal Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians. This finely-detailed Citadel miniature is armed with a force weapon and comes with a metal backpack and banner with sculpted Dark Angels detailing. Model supplied with a 25mm round base.


  • Fabius Bile

    Clonefather. Primogenitor. Spider. Fabius Bile has laboured under many epithets during his long and wicked life, but none truly convey the unrepentant evil of this heretic crypto-scientist. A twister of flesh and a sculptor of nightmares, Fabius Bile is one of the most abominable renegades to blight the Emperor's realm.
    In command of Fabius, you can unleash gene-spliced horrors upon an unsuspecting galaxy, bringing your enemies to their knees. Bile is also more than capable of taking care of himself too, carrying as he does the deadly Rod of Torment. He can be accompanied by a Surgeon Acolyte, who assists him in his twisted work. This pair make an excellent modelling or painting project and are an excellent addition to a Chaos Space Marines army.
    This 21-piece kit creates one Fabius Bile and one Surgeon Acolyte. It comes supplied with a 40mm Citadel round base and a 32mm Citadel round base.
    Rules for using Fabius and his Surgeon Acolyte can be found in Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider.
    £28.00 save 10%


  • Fabius Bile: Primogenetor

    Exiled into the depths of the Eye of Terror for his dark deeds, former Emperor's Children Apothecary Fabius is drawn back to the Imperium in search of a secret that could be the key to saving his misbegotten life…

    It's the start of a brand new series of twisted tales from the mind of an author for whom depraved antiheroes are his bread and butter. And Fabius' vile experiments and complete lack of morality make for a deeply entertaining – albeit monstrously disturbing – tale.
    £8.99 save 10%


  • Faction Pack: Blades Of Khorne

    The Blades of Khorne hurl themselves upon their prey, howling like mad beasts. These savage killers seek to honour the Blood God by taking skulls and drowning the Mortal Realms in a tide of hot gore.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Blades of Khorne unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the blood flow.
    This set of 44 cards includes:
    - 1x Blades of Khorne Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 34x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Cities Of Sigmar

    The Cities of Sigmar are mighty fortresses – disparate alliances of humans, duardin, and aelves. They stand shoulder to shoulder to bring order and sanity to the Mortal Realms.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Cities of Sigmar unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and stand firm against the many enemies of the God-King Sigmar.
    This set of 62 cards includes:
    - 1x Cities of Sigmar Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 52x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Daughters Of Khaine

    The Daughters of Khaine are warlike aelves, deadly and graceful. With every drop of enemy blood that splashes across their skin, their murderous power reaches new and terrifying heights.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Daughters of Khaine unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the slaughter begin.
    This set of 35 cards includes:
    - 1x Daughters of Khaine Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 25x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.
  • Faction Pack: Disciples Of Tzeentch

    As the Disciples of Tzeentch march to war, a storm of deadly change-magic boils the skies and transmutes the land, inflicting horrifying mutations upon all who would stand in their way.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Disciples of Tzeentch unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the glory of change unfold.
    This set of 39 cards includes:
    - 1x Disciples of Tzeentch Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 28x Warscroll Cards
    - 7x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Flesh-Eater Courts

    The Flesh-eater Courts are touched by a curse that distorts their very perception of reality. While they see themselves as valiant knights and honest soldiers, they are, in truth, wretched fiends who hunger for flesh.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Flesh-eater Courts unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the feast begin!
    This set of 36 cards includes:
    - 1x Flesh-eater Courts Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 26x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Fyreslayers

    The duardin Sons of Grimnir hurl themselves into the fray with fierce battle-joy, war hymns upon their lips, and ur-gold runes hammered in their bare flesh.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Fyreslayers unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and go berserk.
    This set of 31 cards includes:
    - 1x Fyreslayers Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 22x Warscroll Cards
    - 5x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Gloomspite Gitz

    The Gloomspite Gitz lurk in the darkest crannies of the Mortal Realms. An army of vicious grots and troglodytic monsters, they swarm up from the depths to bask in the gaze of the sinister Bad Moon, filled with a fanatical urge to despoil and cause mayhem.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Gloomspite Gitz unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the madness consume you.
    This set of 45 cards includes:
    - 1x Gloomspite Gitz Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 35x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Hedonites Of Slaanesh

    The Hedonites of Slaanesh cavort across the Mortal Realms in vile carnivals of sin and excess, seeking their absent deity, the Dark Prince. Any who find themselves in the path of these raiders are destined to die a slow and very painful death.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Hedonites of Slaanesh unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and give in to your whims.
    This set of 40 cards includes:
    - 1x Hedonites of Slaanesh Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 30x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Idoneth Deepkin

    The Idoneth Deepkin are a mysterious race of aelves who dwell in the oceans of the Mortal Realms. They emerge from their watery seclusion to plunder the souls of land-dwellers, reaping a grim harvest upon which their very survival depends.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Idoneth Deepkin unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the soul harvest begin.
    This set of 25 cards includes:
    - 1x Idoneth Deepkin Faction Background Card
    - 2x Army Rules Cards
    - 16x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Kharadron Overlords

    The Kharadron Overlords maintain sky-fleets as grand as they are formidable. Forged by stoic duardin who value profit above all, they are wonders of artifice and raw firepower. When diplomacy is found wanting, their destructive capabilities are enough to level fortresses and cripple nations in a blistering cannonade.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Kharadron Overlords unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and get ready to balance the books.
    This set of 24 cards includes:
    - 1x Kharadron Overlords Faction Background Card
    - 2x Army Rules Cards
    - 15x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Lumineth Realm-Lords

    The armies of the Lumineth Realm-lords are glorious to behold. Masters of magic and paragons of the military arts, these aelves fight alongside the aelementor spirits of their home to cleanse the Mortal Realms of ruin and corruption.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Lumineth Realm-lords unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and purify the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 38 cards includes:
    - 1x Lumineth Realm-lords Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 29x Warscroll Cards
    - 5x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Maggotkin Of Nurgle

    The Maggotkin of Nurgle shamble from foetid wastes with drones and gurgles, blessed with their patron's unholy bloat. Wherever they go, diseases spread uncontrollably, and entire nations are infected with Nurgle’s generous gifts.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Maggotkin of Nurgle unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and get spreading the blessings of Nurgle across the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 34 cards includes:
    - 1x Maggotkin of Nurgle Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 24x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Nighthaunt

    Shrieking and swirling from the grave, the spectral Nighthaunt bear Nagash’s malice. Punished for their crimes in life with eternal servitude to the Great Necromancer, their bitterness fuels them to fight without end. Only through terrorising and slaughtering the living can they find any flicker of satisfaction.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Nighthaunt unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and get haunting the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 40 cards includes:
    - 1x Nighthaunt Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 30x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Ogor Mawtribes

    The Ogor Mawtribes scour the realms for meaty delicacies, gouging circular paths of devastation as they gobble up anything and everything they can find. These gluttonous brutes are capable of incredible feats of consumption and can even draw supernatural energy from the sacred slops they create.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Ogor Mawtribes unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to devour the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 37 cards includes:
    - 1x Ogor Mawtribes Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 26x Warscroll Cards
    - 7x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Orruk Warclans

    When the Orruk Warclans are on the march, nowhere in the Mortal Realms is safe. These louts live and breathe fighting, are enormous in number, and brawl with a single-minded tenacity born of the simple desire to be the biggest and meanest warriors in the realms.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Orruk Warclans unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to smash apart all opposition.
    This set of 45 cards includes:
    - 1x Orruk Warclans Faction Background Card
    - 3x Ironjawz Army Rules Cards
    - 3x Kruleboyz Army Rules Cards
    - 31x Warscroll Cards
    - 7x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Ossiarch Bonereapers

    The Ossiarch Bonereapers march upon the realms to carry out Nagash's eternal mission of conquest. Their strategy, both on and off the battlefield, is dictated by dispassionate logic. They leave subjugated settlements alive but force their citizens to submit tithes of bone or face annihilation.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Ossiarch Bonereapers unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to collect the Bone Tithe.
    This set of 33 cards includes:
    - 1x Ossiarch Bonereapers Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 23x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Seraphon

    Many legends surround the Seraphon. It is said that they have visited the Mortal Realms since time immemorial and fly the Aetheric Void in golden temple-ships full of unknowable technology. Staunch enemies of Chaos in all its forms, they often attack unpredictably in pursuit of a future only they can divine.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Seraphon unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and enact the plan of the Old Ones.
    This set of 41 cards includes:
    - 1x Seraphon Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 32x Warscroll Cards
    - 5x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Skaven

    For aeons, the perfidious Skaven scurried beneath the earth like an infection under the skin, rising to bombard their foes with hideous mutants and machines alike. Now, they are erupting across the realms in explosive boils of corruption, their centuries of scheming and plotting finally bearing fruit.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Skaven unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and spread your skittering swarm across the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 54 cards includes:
    - 1x Skaven Faction Background Card
    - 4x Army Rules Cards
    - 43x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Slaves To Darkness

    Far beyond Sigmar’s gleaming bastions march the Slaves to Darkness – shadowy hosts of barbarians and executioners hell-bent on tearing down all semblance of civilisation. Many hold a special hatred for their fellow mortals, having been abandoned by their kin in ages long past.
    This set of cards sets you up with your Slaves to Darkness unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to bring glory to the Dark Gods.
    This set of 57 cards includes:
    - 1x Slaves to Darkness Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 47x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Slyvaneth

    From the heart of the Realm of Life pulses a song of war. It reverberates through every tree, stream and blade of grass, surging through veins of sap and into the bodies of the forests’ pale, gnarled-bark guardians. These fey creatures are the Sylvaneth, each one lovingly grown by their mother-goddess to defend the natural order.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Sylvaneth unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to cleanse and reclaim the glades and forests of the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 34 cards includes:
    - 1x Sylvaneth Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 24x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Sons Of Behemat

    The Sons of Behemat are towering behemoths, almost beyond mortal comprehension. Every step they take sends tremors through the earth, and walls crumble under their pounding fists. Even a small stomp of gargants can tear through entire towns, the titans delighting in the destruction they leave in their wake.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Sons of Behemat unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to crush the Mortal Realms underfoot.
    This set of 18 cards includes:
    - 1x Sons of Behemat Faction Background Card
    - 2x Army Rules Cards
    - 12x Warscroll Cards
    - 3x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Soulblight Gravelords

    The Soulblight Gravelords rule their kingdoms in a dark mirror of mortal nobility. Their castles are decorated with fountains of blood, and their armies are made up solely of lifeless revenants. Their vanity and accrued luxury barely mask the monsters that simmer below the surface, consumed by eternal vampiric thirst.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Soulblight Gravelords unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to drink the blood of the Mortal Realms.
    This set of 49 cards includes:
    - 1x Soulblight Gravelords Faction Background Card
    - 2x Army Rules Cards
    - 40x Warscroll Cards
    - 6x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Faction Pack: Stormcast Eternals

    The Stormcast Eternals descend from the heavens in great columns of lightning, blazing onto battlefields across the Mortal Realms to hold back the forces of misrule. All are warriors of superhuman skill, taken from their former lives to serve as Sigmar’s undying champions in the long war against Chaos.

    This set of cards sets you up with your Stormcast Eternals unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and prepare to strike down any enemies of the God-King Sigmar.
    This set of 70 cards includes:
    - 1x Stormcast Eternals Faction Background Card
    - 3x Army Rules Cards
    - 53x Warscroll Cards
    - 13x Spearhead Cards
    All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.


  • Fanatics (Loonsmasha/Sporesplatta)

    When the Gloomspite Gitz take to the battlefield, their enemies approach their formations nervously, watchful for the spinning dervishes known as Fanatics.
    Armed with a massive ball and chain, Loonsmasha Fanatics are driven loopy with potent fungus brews then unleashed upon the enemy in a whirling storm. Though they inevitably come to grief in the end, Loonsmasha Fanatics cause bloody carnage first.
    Spinning madly, Sporesplatta Fanatics swing thwackwheezer puffshrooms attached to heavy metal chains. The spore clouds they generate veil the grot hordes from sight, and invigorate allies even as they choke and blind the foe.
    Fanatics are a deadly surprise-attack unit in the Gloomspite Gitz army. Before the game begins, you’ll be able to opt to secretly hide them inside your other units, releasing them for brutal and unexpected attacks. 
    This kit builds 5 Loonsmasha Fanatics or 5 Sporesplatta Fanatics. This kit is packed with detail as well as a host of spares, including a skeletal squig, mushrooms and a bonus miniature of a grot being sick – perfect for adding some gribbly detail to your chosen bases.
    This kit is supplied in 45 components and contains 5 x 32mm round bases and 1 x 25mm round base.


  • Fane of Slaanesh

    A Fane of Slaanesh is a focus of worship wrought in precious metal. Around it are laid offerings to the Dark Prince, but in truth it is one of his most exalted greater daemons that peers through. Those whose offerings meet with the creature’s approval are rewarded highly – but those who offend are justly punished.
    Available at no matched play points to all Slaanesh armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the Fane of Slaanesh is a key tactical lynchpin in your army. By sacrificing their life force or their artefact of power, your Heroes can empower themselves, making your Keepers of Secrets, Heralds or any other champions you choose even deadlier. What’s more, summoning Daemons near the Fane of Slaanesh will reward you with depravity points, allowing you to bring even more onto the battlefield. 
    This kit is supplied in 10 plastic components.
  • Farsight: Crisis of Faith

    Farsight: Crisis of Faith
    ISBN: 9781784966249
  • Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot

    The Burning Chariot of Tzeentch is striking in every way, allowing you a number of options, additions and arrangements such as large, decorative spikes, books, facial features as well as an Exalted Flamer and two Screamers.

    This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot. Accompanied by 3 Blue Horrors, this model is being dragged into battle by 2 Screamers of Tzeentch. The Herald himself wields a staff of change, covered in warpfire, and is chanting incantations from a detailed arcane tome. As well as this, you can assemble an Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch on foot.
    The kit comprises 49 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 120x92mm Oval base, with a Citadel 75x41mm Oval base for the Exalted Flamer (as well as 3 Citadel 25mm Round bases for the Blue Horrors.) 
    This kit can alternatively be used to assemble a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch, with a Herald of Tzeentch on foot and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base for this purpose.


  • Feculent Gnarlmaw Daemons of Nurgle

    Feculent Gnarlmaw
