Doomfire Warlocks Daughters of Khaine is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble 5 models. Withered and gaunt – almost to the point to desiccation – they immediately strike the observer as pained and tortured beings, their faces twisted into sneering expressions of hate. They can be armed with cursed scimitars or doomfire crossbows, and are equally expert at using both while atop their dark steeds. These are large, armoured war horses, with evil-looking spurs on each leg, enormous, vicious teeth and runes emblazoned upon their flanks. The unit leader, a Master of Warlocks, can be identified by his twin-bladed scimitar and unique masked face. Doomfire Warlocks for Warhammer Age of Sigmar come as 98 components, and are supplied with 5 60mm Oval bases. The kit can optionally be used to assemble 5 Dark Riders. |
It is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing cinders with every war cry, and that the wrath of the forge burns in his glare. This is no dishonourable mercenary, but a religious crusader whose word is his bond. Doomseekers are deadly Heroes who specialise in utterly annihilating your chosen target. In-game, they're deadly hunters – choose your target at the start of the game, then watch your Doomseeker obliterate them with a hail of additional attacks. Gaining extra power as they take damage, Doomseekers are brutal combatants and perfect if you're looking to take out your foe’s strongest units. This kit builds one Doomseeker. It is supplied in 11 plastic components and comes with 1x 32mm round base. |
In Drazhar, the Incubi ideal of violent perfection is exquisitely personified. His every strike exemplifies the tenets of his order, and each life he claims serves as a gruesome liturgy for his dark brethren. Those Incubi who fight in the presence of Drazhar set aside their deep-seated jealousy and are driven by his unquestionable skill to even greater extremes of martial expertise. Drazhar invariably becomes the locus of murder on the battlefield, the calm centre in a storm of beautifully enacted violence. Equipped with the Executioner's demiklaives, nothing can stand before the Master of Blades in combat as he easily slices his way through anyone who dares to challenge him. Clad in segmented armour that is even more ornate than that of the Incubi who follow him, Drazhar makes an amazing painting project as well as an incredible battlefield leader. This kit is supplied in 16 plastic components and comes with a 40mm round base. |
Dreadlords are master strategists yet selfish individuals, their arrogance matched only by their martial prowess. Some Dreadlords ride to war on Dragons, creatures of vast power who, when they are roused from their slumber, are capable of slaughtering entire armies with wickedly sharp claws, horns and fangs. The kit comes with plenty of optional extras, including two different Dragon heads and two different riders - a Sorceress and a Dreadlord, both of which come with a variety of heads and weapons. This multipart plastic kit contains 82 components with which to make either a Dreadlord on Black Dragon or Sorceress on Black Dragon, and is supplied with a 105mm oval base. This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints. |
Where once Dreadscythe Harridans were healers and nurturers, the Harridan Curse – dealt as a terrible reward by Nagash – reshapes them in death into something quite the opposite of what they once were. Where there were once healing hands, bonescythes grow; horrible reaping instruments meant for murder, borne by now-raging killers for whom the sight of blood is an inspiring vision spurring them on to further fury. While they retain memories of life, they cannot control their actions – each bears full witness to the atrocities they commit, yet can do nothing to halt. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Dreadscythe Harridans. Particularly horrible and tragic even for Nighthaunt, They are tortured and twisted forms, rising as ethereal spirits whose emaciated arms peek out from beneath their cowls. These arms are their weapons – from the wrist onward, each becomes a curved, serrated scythe blade, growing out at a right-angle for maximum reaping efficiency. Each features a morbid, grinning skull for a head, above which long hair billows behind them, with beautiful roses ironically entwined. 4 of these models feature an alternate right arm, allowing for some uniqueness when assembling, and you have the option to build 2 Slasher Crones – these are the unit leaders of the Dreadscythe Harridans, and can be distinguished easily as they feature 4 arms instead of 2. They each feature graveyard detritus – pieces of rock, wrought iron – by which they attach to their bases. This kit comes as 40 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases. |
Arch-Revenants soar high over the battlefield, borne upon the wings of a zephyrspite. Swooping down to strike where the foe is most vulnerable, their regal presence inspires nearby Sylvaneth, filling them with courage and warlike aggression. Arch-Revenants are brilliant front-line commanders for your Sylvaneth force. Mobile and pretty nifty in melee, these bringers of Alarielle’s vengeance are great for flitting up and down your front line while picking off particularly dangerous enemies and making your Kurnoth Hunters fight even harder. This kit is supplied in 18 plastic components and comes with a 40mm round base. |
Raiders are the favoured transports of the Drukhari. Bladed skycraft, they are lightweight and extremely manoeuvrable. Raiders travel at extreme speed, using their sword-sharp fins and jagged keels to cut apart the foe, while their prow-mounted heavy weapons punish the foe. This box set contains one multi-part plastic Raider. This 103-piece set includes two weapon options - a dark lance and disintegrator cannon. Model supplied with a large flying base. |
Said to be a truly ancient spirit, one who fought at the end of the world-that-was, the daughter of Alarielle known as Drycha Hamadreth has named herself the Regent of the Outcasts, leading them into battle while screaming her discordant songs of hatred for all who are not sylvaneth. Her lack of control and bloody-minded genocidal urges make her a frightening foe – wavering between crushing depression and white-hot rage, she makes no distinction between orruk and Stormcast, gor-kin and duardin. She is an agent of violence who will fight on and on until her twisted dream of sylvaneth dominion is achieved. This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to build Drycha Hamadreth. Her body is the host for either a colony of Flitterfuries or a swarm of Squirmlings, and she is armed with slashing talons and thorned slendervines. She comes supplied with 12 spites and one Citadel 105x70mm Oval base. |
Dungeon Bowl is the game of subterranean sporting mayhem, played between two Blood Bowl coaches. In this expansion set, the College of Life's Emerald Crusaders face off against the College of Death's Black Widows, as two teams explore a sprawling dungeon with a customisable layout – including the lair of a deadly werewolf. Will you be able to score a crucial touchdown, or will you be scuppered by the traps and opponents you encounter along the way? Inside this expansion box, you'll find the following miniatures: 13 College of Death miniatures in bone-coloured plastic: – 1x Wraith – 1x Flesh Golem – 1x Mummy – 1x Wight Blitzer – 2x Ghoul Runners – 2x Skeleton Linemen – 5x Zombie Linemen 12 College of Life miniatures in green plastic: – 1x Halfling Hefty – 1x Halfling Catcher – 1x Wood Elf Thrower – 1x Wood Elf Catcher – 1x Wood Elf Wardancer – 3x Wood Elf Linemen – 4x Halfling Hopeful Linemen Plus: – 1x neutral Wandering Werewolf, for use with the Werewolf's Lair tile The box also contains: – 7x brand new double-sided Dungeon Tiles, lavishly detailed and themed around the Colleges of Life and Death – 18x Dungeon Bowl Door Tokens – A 36-page softcover Death Match Rulebook rendered as a Spike! Journal yearbook detailing the 2494 season, including all the rules you need to play Death Match using the new Dungeon Tiles, six Sponsors, and two featured teams These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints. You'll need a copy of Dungeon Bowl to make use of this supplement. |
While many Dwarves live within the safety of great mountain halls, there are some that prefer the wandering life - those who will gladly sleep under an open sky rather than a rocky ceiling. These warriors are known as Rangers, and they will patrol the lands around every Dwarf Hold, ensuring the safety of their kin from the Dark Lord's servants and wandering monsters. While less-heavily armoured than they warrior brothers (but only just), they carry a formidable array of weapons into battle, which often includes a healthy selection of very sharp throwing axes. This plastic boxed set contains 24 components, with which to build 24 Dwarf Rangers: 8 with bow, 8 with two-handed weapon, and 8 with two hand weapons. This set comes with 24 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. |
The Dwarfs of Erebor are hardy and fierce, tempered by years of war against the Easterlings and Khandish and their constant strivings against the Orcs from Mordor and the Goblins that infest Middle-earth. Dwarves are trained to fight in their youth, taking to the field of battle in kinbands next to wise veterans, who impart expertise gained through constant combat. This training creates skilful soldiers and a fighting spirit as strong as the mail that protects them. The sharp axes of the Dwarves and their stubborn courage are rightly feared among the servants of evil. This plastic boxed set contains 32 components, with which to build 24 Dwarf Warriors: 8 with bow, 8 with 2-handed weapon, and 8 with hand weapon and shield. This set comes with 24 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. |
The most skilled warriors in a Dwarf hold are its Hammerers – individuals who have proven themselves in many battles, showing great strength, martial prowess, and also steadfast loyalty. Meanwhile, Dwarf Longbeards are the oldest, most experienced Dwarf warriors, a fact evidenced by the length of their beards. They receive due respect from younger Dwarfs, who have been taught to respect their elders. This multipart plastic kit builds 20 Dwarf Hammerers or 20 Dwarf Longbeards. Alternatively, you can build 10 of each for use in your Dwarfen Mountain Holds army in games of Warhammer: The Old World. As their name suggests, the Dwarf Hammerers are ready to crush foes with blows from their great hammers. Meanwhile, you can build the Longbeards wielding great weapons, or brutal hand weapons and tough shields. Both units come with an option to build a full command group, including a champion, standard bearer, and musician. This kit contains 364 plastic components, and 20x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. It also includes 1x Dwarf Mountain Holds Transfer Sheet featuring 342 high-quality waterslide transfers to decorate your models further. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Ironbreakers guard the deepest Dwarfen tunnels from those who would otherwise invade their holds and domains. They wear fine suits of gromril plate engraved with runes of protection against the dangers of these deep, dark spaces and of war. Irondrakes fight alongside Ironbreakers and are armed with short-range but potent drakeguns that fire searing blasts of alchemical fury. This multipart plastic kit builds 20 Dwarf Ironbreakers or 20 Dwarf Irondrakes. Alternatively, you can build 10 of each for use in your Dwarfen Mountain Holds army in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Ironbreakers are armed with hand weapons and carry tough shields for battering their way through any opposition. Alternatively, you can build the unit as Irondrakes, armed with death-spitting drakeguns. Both units come with an option to build a full command group, including a champion, standard bearer, and musician. This kit contains 340 plastic components, and 20x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. It also includes 1x Dwarf Mountain Holds Transfer Sheet featuring 342 high-quality waterslide transfers to decorate your models further. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Dwarf Lords are warriors with vast experience of battle who have been tutored in the art of war by the elders of their clans. When the time comes for them to lead, they will have learnt more than most commanders ever know and will have been tried and tested on the battlefield many times. Some lords are carried into battle by Shieldbearers – stout warriors who heft a shield to serve their liege as a fighting platform. This multipart plastic kit builds two Dwarf Lords – one carried aloft by Shieldbearers, the other marching into battle on foot – to lead the armies of the Dwarfen Mountain Holds. The kit includes two bearded heads, two ornate helmet crests, and two armoured bodies, which can be swapped together in any combination to customise your mighty leaders – either of which can be posed atop the accompanying Shieldbearers. You'll also find weapon options to build one Dwarf Lord with an axe and shield, and the other with a great weapon, plus an optional holstered pistol and a grim ancestral badge. This kit comprises 50 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 50mm Square Base and a Citadel 25mm Square Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Since the Dwarfs first came to the Worlds Edge Mountains, the crossbow has been their ranged weapon of choice, although, in recent times, devotees of the handgun have grown in number. Dwarf Quarrellers wield long-range crossbows, whereas Dwarf Thunderers fire shorter-range handguns, each obsessively tinkering with their weapon of choice to prove their designs to be the best. This multipart plastic kit builds 36 Dwarf Quarrellers or 36 Dwarf Thunderers. Alternatively, you can build 18 of each for use in your Dwarfen Mountain Holds army in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Quarrellers are armed with armour-piercing crossbows, while Thunderers carry booming handguns into battle – both ideal for taking out your enemies at range. Both units come with an option to build a full command group, including a champion, standard bearer, and musician. This kit contains 621 plastic components, and 36x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. It also includes: 1x Dwarf Mountain Holds Transfer Sheet featuring 342 high-quality waterslide transfers to decorate your models further. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Dwarf Runesmiths work literal magic with their hammercraft, binding the Winds of Magic into mighty runes of power and earthing enemy spells before they can harm their Dwarfen kin. When these individuals feel the rage of battle, their weapons, and those of their kin, begin to glow and radiate heat as if remembering the forgefires from which they were created. This multipart plastic kit builds one Dwarf Runesmith for Dwarfen Mountain Holds forces in games of Warhammer: The Old World. This stoic sage of smithing is clad in heavy armour and comes with a choice of two bearded heads. The kit includes a choice of two ritual hammers, and the Runesmith can also carry either a blazing rune clasped in a pair of tongs, or an ornate tome tucked under one arm. This kit comprises 10 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Dwarf Warriors are formidable fighters – strong and extremely resilient, broad of shoulder, with powerful arms and a low centre of gravity. When they charge into battle, the momentum generated by their broad, armour-clad bodies is remarkable, hitting the foe with a resounding impact, splintering the enemy’s shields and carving through their formations. This multipart plastic kit builds 36 Dwarf Warriors – tenacious and well-armoured infantry for the Dwarfen Mountain Holds. Each of these tough fighters can be armed with a two-handed great axe, or a finely crafted one-handed weapon and a shield. This kit also provides all the command upgrades you'll need, whether you choose to field your Dwarf Warriors in small groups or in a single mighty throng – you can build grizzled champions, musicians with two different horn options, and standard bearers with a choice of cloth banners or ancestral icons. The kit includes a variety of different weapon designs, shield decorations, and bearded heads – meaning you can give your Dwarfen muster a varied look, no matter how large it grows. This kit contains 477 plastic components and 36x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. It also includes 1x Dwarf Mountain Holds Sheet featuring 342 high-quality waterslide transfers to decorate your models further. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. |
Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all the warriors at his command. Unlike the rabble of Orcs that spew forth from the Black Gate, the armies of the East are well-trained and disciplined warriors that will fight fiercely for Sauron, who they view as a vengeful deity. As children they are schooled in the art of war, and their womenfolk fight alongside the men as equals - in Rhûn all are prepared to fight for the Dark Lord. Easterling Kataphrakts are heavy cavalry - nigh unstoppable killing machines that will sweep enemy cavalrymen from their saddles and ride down unprepared foot soldiers like a scythe through wheat. They are the elite of the Easterling armed force, and an enemy general should be wary of their devastating charges. This plastic boxed set contains 70 components, with which to build 6 Easterling Kataphrakts. There are also a wide variety of extra components in the kit, including a banner, a set of war drums, a cloak for the captain, 4 sheathed swords and 2 dead Easterling casualties, which can be used on your bases or as objective markers. This set comes with 6 40mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. |
Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all the warriors at his command. Unlike the rabble of Orcs that spew forth from the Black Gate, the armies of the East are well-trained and disciplined warriors that will fight fiercely for Sauron, who they view as a vengeful deity. As children they are schooled in the art of war, and their womenfolk fight alongside the men as equals - in Rhûn all are prepared to fight for the Dark Lord. Trained to fight in deadly phalanxes, their spears form a hedge of sharpened blades that is virtually impenetrable - only a foolish general would send his warriors to take on a block of Easterlings head on. This plastic boxed set contains 54 components, with which to build 20 Easterling Warriors: 8 with sword and shield, 8 with bow, and 4 with spear and shield. This set comes with 20 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. This set includes 4 miniatures |
The Sacristan Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chambers hail from the Ordinatus Conclave – sometimes known as the Conclave of the Thunderbolt for the devastating effect it can have on battle. These warrior-engineers command the chambers’ magical field artillery. When a Celestar Ballista is set up to defend a sacred site, approaching too close can mean an explosive death. Their rune-inscribed projectiles are filled with coils of stray lightning coaxed down from the top of a Sigmarabulum, and are launched like streaks of blue-white energy at the foe. Should their strike be true, they will blast right through the target in a chain explosion of arcane force. Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles a Celestar Ballista, crewed by 2 Stormcast Eternals Sacristan Engineers. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on pre-coloured gold plastic. The Sacristan Ballista is a powerful launcher, which sits on a tripod and is attended by 2 Sacristan Engineers. The Ballista itself is aggressive and slightly spartan, effectively a large armoured crossbow. At the front are 4 barrels, which launch the runed bolts, with armour plates featuring a lion motif and inscriptions. From above, the loading mechanisms are visible – rather than firing the rather unstable energy-filled bolts directly, cartridges are used to load artillery into the ballista. The Engineers are armed with sigmarite blades, though this is not their primary equipment – they hold measuring equipment, compasses and cartridges, all used to calibrate, load and fire the Ballista. There is a helmeted Engineer and 1 unhelmeted; both feature the iconography of the Sacrosanct Chamber. Extra details for the base are included, with an ammunition box full of cartridges, and another box filled with spare instruments. This kit comes as 17 components, and is supplied with a Stormcast Eternals transfer sheet, a Citadel 60mm Round base and 2 Citadel 40mm Round bases. |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. This set includes 2 x Dreadblade Harrows |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. This set includes 4 x Glaivewraith Stalkers |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. This set includes 4 x Myrmourn Banshees |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. This set includes 1 x Reikenor the Grimhailer |
Easy to Build: Age of Sigmar boxes are a great way to get started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They make the perfect expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and come supplied with rules, a painting reference and the appropriate sized Citadel round bases. Thi set includes 3 x Sequitors |
The most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions are the Chainrasp Hordes. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. They are lesser spirits, held together in the afterlife by nothing other than their own never-ending spite and all-consuming madness, a negative energy which saps the will of their enemies. Chainrasps may have thought death to be an escape from terrible imprisonment but, in truth, it was merely the beginning. Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles 10 Easy To Build Chainrasps. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together. As with many Nighthaunt, the Chainrasp Hordes are little more than wisps of ethereal form willed into reality by sheer force of hatred. Each of these models is essentially a floating hooded cloak, from beneath which a twisted skull-face glares; hung variously from each models’ neck and arms is a heavy length of chain ending in an iron weight, a symbol of their deviant criminal history in life (1 model even has his wrist bound in stocks…) They are armed with malignant weapons – swords, axes and spiked maces – and the kit includes options for a Dreadwarden; this is the unit leader, face locked in an iron helm, carrying a large candelabra along with a set of heavy iron keys. This kit comes as 20 push-fit components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases. |
Easy to Build: Myphitic Blight Hauler Death Guard is a push fit Warhammer 40,000 kit with no glue required. It is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on a pre-coloured green plastic sprue. Myphitic Blight-hauler is an unpleasant combination of machine and putrid rotting meat. From the front, it resembles some grotesque armoured vehicle, with a curved carapace featuring the symbol of Nurgle and 2 large, covered tracks. Where this differs from an ordinary attack vehicle, however, is the toothed maw at the bottom. From the rear, the horror continues – a third track is visible, along with a mass of flabby flesh, bound into the machine with straps and metal. The Myphitic Blight-hauler is armed with a multi-melta and missile launcher, which are mounted either side of the carapace. This Warhammer 40,000 plastic kit comes as 13 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 80mm Round base. Rules for this miniature are included in the box.
Eidolon of Mathlann Idoneth Deepkin is a multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Eidolon of Mathlann, in his form as an Aspect of the Storm or as an Aspect of the Sea. He comes armed with a fuathar – a spear of repressed fury – and a crulhook; the former is a long, barbed spear held in the Eidolon’s left hand, while the latter is a set of serrated blades attached to his right arm by a strong chain. His armour resembles a set of scales, topped of by a closed-face helm and enormous crest which resembles a spiked net. The most striking feature of both Eidolon models which can be built from this kit is definitely the cloak – representing the unimaginable power of the seas, it is styled as a cascading torrent of ocean water. There are plenty of detailed basing options included, with corals, sea creatures and other detritus from beneath the waves included – you’ll have a lot of spares left over to decorate other Idoneth miniatures. As well as this, an ethereal Stormshoal fights alongside the Eidolonn. This kit comes as 51 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round base. |
Eight mighty artefacts, crafted by the dark servants of Chaos, blight the Mortal Realms. The Ruinous Powers hunt them – and so do a group of heroes, chosen by Grungni for this dangerous and essential task.
READ IT BECAUSE It's a different kind of Age of Sigmar story, and the first of a trilogy, at that! A classic quest story with a disparate group of heroes drawn together by fate and unimaginable consequences if they fail… sounds unmissable. |
Eisenhorn is a multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Eisenhorn. The miniature depicts Eisenhorn in his younger days. Eisenhorn comes as 10 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. |
Inquisitor Eisenhorn faces a vast interstellar cabal and the dark power of daemons, all racing to recover an arcane text of abominable power - an ancient tome known as the Necroteuch.
READ IT BECAUSE The classic novel returns in a brand new edition. Inquisitor Eisenhorn gathers allies to unravel a conspiracy and hunt an alien threat. Relive the adventures of some of Warhammer 40,000's most beloved characters, or experience the beginning of Eisenhorn's remarkable adventures for the first time |
Avenger shuriken catapults and ammunition pouches equip each of the Dire Avengers within this Games Workshop kit. Also at your disposal are parts to make an Exarch (who can be played helmeted or bare-headed) with one or two shuriken catapults, a diresword and shuriken pistol or, alternatively, a power weapon and shimmershield.
With its potent armament and ability to carry a small squad of fighters, the Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Falcon is designed to take the fight to the enemy, or to extricate the warriors should resistance prove too fierce. Falcons are chosen as single models. A box contains a single Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Falcon model. |
Even within the heat of battle, Farseers cast their magical runes to draw down predictions of change, making them the most accomplished visionaries of the craftworld. |
The role of the Warhammer 40,000 Fire Dragons is to attack enemy strongholds and war machines, using their deadly weapons to destroy well-armoured troops and tanks. They carry fusion guns that can reduce an enemy to a cloud of superheated vapour in a second, or reduce a vehicle to little more than a lake of hot, molten metal. In the event that an enemy vehicle continues to advance, the Fire Dragons will employ sophisticated melta bombs to breach the tank armour before rending it down to its component atoms. Should any of the occupants survive, they will be swiftly melted to death by the nearby Fire Dragon Aspect Warriors. This boxed Warhammer 40,000 set contains six Eldar Fire Dragons. These models are finely detailed resin cast miniatures. They are supplied as eight separate components and come with six 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints. |
The arcane technologies of the Warhammer 40,000 Eldar race make the Fire Prism one of the most daunting battle tanks in the Warhammer 40,000 game. Armed with a formidable prism cannon that can blast smoking holes into enemy vehicles or vaporise infantry, the Warhammer 40,000 Fire Prism is a versatile and deadly addition to any Eldar army. In contrast to the brute lethality of the Fire Prism, the Warhammer 40,000 Night Spinner is a silent hunter that casts an almost invisible monofilament mesh onto the foe - the ultra-strong threads of this web shear through flesh, bone and armour alike as they descend from the skies upon their unfortunate victims. This Warhammer 40,000 box set contains one model which can be assemble as either a Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Fire Prism or a Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Night Spinner |
The Hemlock Wraithfighter dominates the skies aided by a Spiritseer and spirit stone notwithstanding the two deadly heavy D-scythes. |
The rangers of the Warhammer 40,000 Eldar are unparalleled scouts and expert marksmen. Known simply as 'Outcasts', the Rangers are the eyes and ears of the craftworlds, keeping a close eye on potential foes and reporting any sources of danger to the Farseers. In battle, the Rangers will scout ahead of the main force, taking up commanding positions on the battlefield. Blending in with their surroundings, they use their long rifles to deadly effect, their energy bolts finding the eye sockets and neck joints of even the most heavily armoured troops. |
Psykers of unparalleled ability and renown, the Aeldari Farseers meticulously plan and execute strategies covering thousands of years and unimaginable distance. Even their smallest actions are capable of effecting enormous change; they are the butterfly's wings and the hurricane in one. This multi-part plastic kit contains everything required to make one Aeldari Farseer Skyrunner or Aeldari Warlock Skyrunner. Sleekly designed for speed and manoeuvrability with elegant fins and a beautifully-embossed carapace, the Skyrunner includes two different HUD units. Armament-wise, the Skyrunner features a twin-linked shuriken catapult, while the Farseer has two weapon options available - a witchblade or singing spear. Inside the box, you'll find twenty-five parts to assemble, and the kit is supplied with one small flying base. |
The Warrior Aspect of the Warhammer 40,000 Striking Scorpion epitomises the deadly attributes of their namesake, and they are the most potent of all the close assault aspects. They are merciless killers without exception, revelling in the hunt and the kill. When they launch their attack, they use shuriken pistols and scorpion chainswords; vicious blades with diamond-toothed edges that mangle and tear flesh. The signature attack of the Striking Scorpions is made by the weapon pods housed on either side of the warrior's helmet, known as mandiblasters. Activated by a psychic pick-up, they fire a hail of needle-thin shards that act as a conductor for a highly charged laser. A mandiblaster volley and the blistering storm of attacks from the Scorpions that follow it is enough to tear the heart out of an enemy force. This Warhammer 40,000 boxed set contains six Eldar Striking Scorpions. These models are finely detailed resin cast miniatures. They are supplied as 14 separate components and come with six 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Games Workshop Super Glue and Games Workshop Paints. |
The Warp Spiders Aspect Warriors are the epitome of aggressive defence. Using a compact warp-generator housed within their armoured backpack, they can make short warp-jumps, disappearing and reappearing in the blink of an eye. This makes them the perfect ambush unit and many a foe has suddenly found themselves surrounded by heavily armoured Aeldari intent on destruction. The ritual armament of the Warp Spiders is the death spinner; a highly advanced weapon that extrudes a thick cloud of razor-sharp monofilament wire. The tension within the wire, combined with the magnetic containment field of the gun sets the wire into blurry motion, whereupon it will slash through flesh and bone with shocking ease. This boxed set contains five Aeldari Warp Spiders. These models are finely detailed resin cast miniatures. They are supplied as seven separate components and come with five 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints. |
The Wave Serpent is the main troop carrier of a Craftworld's army. Protected inside its hull and force field, Guardians and Aspect Warriors can be transported in safety to any part of the battlefield. A Wave Serpent can carry up to 10 models or 5 Wraithguard and a Warlock. This boxed set contains 1 multi-part plastic Aeldari Wave Serpent and includes options for a twin-linked bright lance, twin-linked star cannon, twin-linked missile launcher, twin-linked shuriken cannon and a twin-linked scatter laser turret. |
This multi-part Warhammer 40,000 plastic kit contains seventy-two parts - everything you need to make three Eldar Windriders. Incredibly sleek jetbikes with an array of sensors on the back adding interesting textural detail, they have the option of an elevated HUD - ready for an attack run. Their shuriken catapults can be upgraded to either a shuriken cannon or scatter laser; three of each are included, meaning nine weapon options in the box. Also included are three new guardian helmets, three small flying bases and an Eldar transfer sheet. |
Towering over its foes, the Wraithlord is controlled by the essence of one of the craftworld's mightiest warriors. Able to be equipped with a wide variety of Heavy Weapons, Assault Weapons and even a close combat weapon the Wraithlord is an extremely versatile component in the Aeldari battleplan. This superb multi-part plastic kit makes a mighty Aeldari Wraithlord and includes a variety of lethal weapons and upgrades. |
Eldrad Ulthran Craftworlds is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble one model. Standing tall, wielding a beautifully-jeweled witchblade and the Staff of Ulthamar, he wears impressively elaborate armour reflecting his status as high Farseer. Patterns of psycho-receptive wraithbone runes are secreted about the model – Eldrad is said to have devised over a dozen distinct runes. Even his billowing cloak is inscribed with runes, demonstrating his psychic might – as a backup, should his psychic abilities fail, he carries a shuriken pistol also. This Warhammer 40,000 kit comes as 13 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round base. |
Blood Bowl referees carry the weighty responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the sacred writings of Nuffle. They're entrusted with the vital duty of upholding the values of the beautiful game and ensuring both teams strictly follow the rules and compete fairly. Good job so many of them are open to Bribes then, because that sounds a bit boring. Purchase a Biased Referee for your games and use these awesome models to remind you of any remaining Bribe attempts while making your games more immersive. These plastic models are supplied in 8 components, allowing you to assemble one Dwarf and one Elf referee. The models are supplied with 2x 32mm Round Blood Bowl bases. |
The Emperor's Champion is a humble warrior plucked out of the ranks of the Black Templars by the divine will of the Emperor himself. The furious blows of the enemy ring from his nigh-impenetrable Armour of Faith, while the Champion seeks out enemy generals and heroes and slays them with sweeping blows from his Black Sword. Wreathed in golden light, these implacable warriors can shrug off countless wounds and, in return, strike down innumerable foes. Their holy wargear is held in the Reclusiam of the Black Templars, and should the Champion falter and fall, crusades are launched to recover these sacred armaments. The kit is comprised of 13 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Emperor's Champion, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints. |
When the Daughters of Khaine march to war, their wizards and priestesses can conjure blood and shadow into dangerous magicks to harry their foes. The Bloodwrack Viper is an enormous serpent formed from boiling blood, a manifestation of hatred and bitterness that binds its prey into a crushing embrace before squeezing so forcefully that the victim explodes in a shower of gore. Carried through the air by a tempest of blood, the Bladewind carves a bloody path through anything in its way, slicing through armour with unnatural ease to get to the flesh and blood beneath. The most devout of Khaine's priestesses can summon a manifestation of his Iron Heart, a blood-dripping icon that burns with supernatural rage. Those bathed in its wrathful aura continue to fight and kill even when stricken with mortal wounds. The Daughters of Khaine endless spells offer diverse and powerful tactical options to your army, designed to slay your foes and offer helpful boons to your own units. This set contains models for all two endless spells and an Invocation of Khaine, two of which can be cast by your wizards, while the third can be summoned by priestesses. This 42-piece kit builds three miniatures for Daughters of Khaine armies: – Bloodwrack Viper – Bladewind – Heart of Fury This kit also includes a 100mm round base and two 50mm round bases. Warscrolls for these models can be found in Battletome: Daughters of Khaine. |
Tzeentch is the god of magic – so it stands to reason that his endless spells would be among the Mortal Realms’ most deadly and unpredictable summoned sorceries! With this set, you'll be able to wield the might of Tzeentch’s most powerful magics for yourself. This set contains 3 Tzeentch endless spells, usable by any Tzeentch Wizard. Inside, you'll find plastic models for: - The Burning Sigil of Tzeentch, a bringer of mutative energies that can blast your enemies to bits or provide your own units with invaluable bonuses - The Tome of Eyes, an endless spell that grants the caster access to the dreaded Parchment Curse and makes their casting rolls more reliable - The Daemonic Simulacrum, a magical predator that excels at slaying wizards This set is supplied in 18 plastic components, and comes with 2x Citadel 50mm Round Bases, and 1x Citadel 105x70mm Oval Base. |