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Warlord Games

Warlord Games

Warlord Games - 28mm Historical & Sci Fi Wargames Miniatures







  • Bolt Action: Combined Arms (WW2 Campaign)

    Bolt Action - Combined Arms is a strategic board game that commands the players to face off, seize the initiative and outwit their foe amidst the fog of war. Each game will see you fighting for control of air, land, and sea in order to claim objectives and hold them against the enemy.
    Choose your theatre of war, from the western and eastern fronts to North Africa and the Pacific. Each theatre has its own challenges and opportunities, some rewarding control over the sea, some rewarding control over the skies. How many of your precious resources will you sink into each, and how much will be left to control the land? Will you rely on stealth as you move units secretly, springing up where you are least suspected, or will you attempt to overwhelm your enemy with brutal overkill?
    Combined Arms can be played as a stand-alone game or players can incorporate Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Cruel Seas, or Victory at Sea for an epic continent-spanning campaign. Unique cards link your campaign with your chosen wargames, meaning your choices in the campaign could mean victory or defeat on the tabletop.
    This box contains:
    Rules booklet
    4 game maps covering North West Europe, The Eastern Front, North Africa and The Pacific theatres of operation.
    Orders Board
    Operations Board
    6 Card decks
    67 Tokens
    Plastic Army markers
    Plastic Objectives
    £53.00 save 10%


  • Mythic America Aztec & Nations Starter Set

    The new Mythic Americas version of Warlords of Erehwon still keeps at its heart a singular objective in mind – to allow for fast-paced and exciting miniature battles upon a standard-sized table between rival forces known as Warbands. A Warband represents your own band of warriors – courageous humans, blood-thirsty monsters, legendary heroes, and mythological entities from the depths of the darkest myths.
    Mythic Americas: Warlords of Erehwon provides a new multi-level, scenario-driven approach to your games. This approach offers plenty of opportunities to reward tactical play, but at the same time keeps things manageable in terms of the size of forces and space required. The game still uses ten-sided and Order dice, making for a game with mechanical depth and considerable adaptability. The Order dice test system, at the mechanical core of Mythic Americas, and an extremely balanced rules set offers Warband leaders great tactical freedom, but the game still offers lots of opportunity for fate and chance to have a say in the outcome of your battles. But, every experienced general throughout the ages knows that fate and chance will test even the most ingenious battle plan!
    This is The Way.
    The Mythic Americas Starter Set includes:
    Aztec Starter warband:
    1 Tlalocan High Priest Hero unit (INCLUDING 4 Bound-Dead Bodyguards. 5 models)
    2 Tlalocan-Bound Dead WARRIOR units (10 models)
    Tribal Nations Starter warband:
    1 Sachem Warlord Unit (INCLUDING 2 Mohawk Warrior Bodyguards - 3 models)
    1 Mohawk Warrior UNITS (5 models)
    1 Seneca Warrior UNITS (5 models)
    Softback Rulebook
    Game Cards
    Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
  • NHS Tribute Figure

    This miniature has been made in tribute to the efforts of Sir Tom Moore’s spectacular achievements in raising money for the NHS. All profits to go to NHS charities.
    Note: WarGameStore buy this at £4.16 + £0.84 VAT = £5 so we ourselves make no money on each sale.
    Captain Tom Moore served in India, the Burma campaign and Sumatra during the Second World War as a member of the Royal Armoured Corps. He later became an instructor in armoured warfare.
    At 99 years old, Tom Moore began to walk laps of his garden in aid of the NHS Charities Together, with the relatively modest goal of raising £1000 by the time he turned one hundred. On the day of his birthday, he had accomplished a fundraising total in excess of £30 million. For his efforts, he was appointed an honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College and in July 2020, was knighted at Windsor Castle, amongst other accolades
    You may be wondering why the model is named ‘NHS Tribute Figure’. We have reached out to the Sir Tom Moore Foundation in the hope of making this 'his' model and have hope that we may yet be able to present him with painted examples but Sir Tom has been understandably busy lately (meeting the Queen, no less!). Nevertheless, we wanted to begin raising funds for NHS charities in his honour so have opted to make this available now.
    All profits for sales of this item will go directly to NHS charities.


  • Pin Markers (Plastic)

    These 3D markers are made in a clear red plastic… simply pop the 2 parts together and you’ve an instant marker to track the amount of pins that a unit has taken. Ideal for Antares and also for your Bolt Action battles!

    When a unit is shot at by an enemy unit and suffers one or more hits it takes one pin once any casualties have been removed. Some kinds of special munitions are designed to inflict extra pins; for example netmunitions, which cast a temporary suspensor net over the target.
