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Marcher Worlds - Solo Hunter

Marcher Worlds - Solo Hunter


Sales Code
PIP 82004
In stock
2 item(s) available
List Price
Our price
£10.45 (Save 30%)


Quantity (2 available)

Drawn from amongst the greatest marksmen of the Marcher Worlds, the Hunters are the scout-snipers of the Ranger forces. With deadly and withering accuracy, they take apart any enemy unfortunate enough to enter their sights. Each round fired from a Hunter’s high-powered sniper rifle can be further supercharged with Arc, enabling it to tear through the most heavily armored of targets. Furthermore, the Hunters are trained to move with every shot, making them all but impossible to pin down. Their mimetic cloaks serve to further obfuscate the snipers by generating active camouflage that can render them all but invisible in plain sight.
The Hunter can move up to 3˝ after making a ranged attack. The Hunter’s Mimetic Cloaks give it Stealth while charged. The Hunter’s high RAT can increase the damage inflicted by its attacks. Additionally, when the Hunter hits a target with its Sniper Rifle, it can spike to reduce its target’s ARM by 1 when resolving the attack.