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Special offers

Clearance & Sale Items

Clearance & Sale Items

  • 15cm Infantry Gun Platoon

    Contains 2 15cm infantry guns and plastic crew

    £13.50 save 25%
  • Aegis Defence Line

    Aegis Defence Lines are barricades comprising crenellated armoured panels that link together in a solid shield-wall. Thanks to their simple design they can be built and deployed at great speed, and are thus ideal for establishing defensive perimeters before more permanent structures can be erected.
    This multipart plastic kit builds two Aegis Defence Lines – modular defensive structures that can be assembled and reconfigured to suit your battlefield. Each Aegis Defence Line is made up of six barricade sections – one with a distinct 'broken' appearance – and a single firing platform, plus a variety of connecting pillars and end sections. The core platform can be built with a choice of two different barriers, and the kit's modular design allows you to rearrange each component as you see fit. You can even position multiple Aegis Defence Lines to create an unbroken wall suited to seeing off foes of any size.
    This kit comprises 64 plastic components. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
    £50.00 save 19%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Hero Solo Hierotheos Raxis

    The discorporeal dead of the Consilio Mortuorum are generally considered to be the ascended masters of the Aeternus Continuum. While venerated and revered for their knowledge and contributions to the sect, these ancient shades are often relegated to the sepulchral halls beneath the Continuum’s temple complexes, contacted only when the Advocati require their counsel. Raxis, however, serves on as a hierotheos, a sacred messenger of the Aeternus Continuum. An agent and ranking envoy of the cult, Raxis moves between the great temples, coordinating divine works and spreading dark truths across the Thousand Worlds.
    Hierotheos Raxis can channel Furies like a Weaver. Additionally, while he is in play, your Rack hand size is increased by one Cypher card. Raxis can spike to use his Thanotech Reclaimer special rule, which returns a Cypher card from your discard pile to your hand. Raxis possesses a Kinetic Field, which states that while he is charged, he and friendly models within 5˝ of him gain cover. Raxis’ floating sarcophagus is equipped with a Soul Grinder spray weapon.
    PIP 84009
    £19.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Light Warjack Scourge A

    A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused warjack. Though it can be equipped with a variety of destructive weapons, the chassis’ defining features are its huge Wrecking Claw and iron-spring servos that can be charged to vastly increase the raw physical strength of the machine. The Scourge’s savage cortex options instill the warjack with an animalistic cunning and savagery that befit its hulking design.
    Different cortex and weapon selections add modular utility to this warjack. The warjack has two arm and one shoulder hard point for weapons. While charged, this warjack gains +1 STR and its melee weapons gain +1 POW for each Arc currently on it. When the Scourge hits an enemy with its Wrecking Claw, it can spike to give the model hit an activation token.
    PIP 84006
    £29.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Light Warjack Scourge B

    A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused warjack. Though it can be equipped with a variety of destructive weapons, the chassis’ defining features are its huge Wrecking Claw and iron-spring servos that can be charged to vastly increase the raw physical strength of the machine. The Scourge’s savage cortex options instill the warjack with an animalistic cunning and savagery that befit its hulking design.
    Different cortex and weapon selections add modular utility to this warjack. The warjack has two arm and one shoulder hard point for weapons. While charged, this warjack gains +1 STR and its melee weapons gain +1 POW for each Arc currently on it. When the Scourge hits an enemy with its Wrecking Claw, it can spike to give the model hit an activation token.
    PIP 84010
    £29.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Nemesis A Weapon Pack (8 + 6 cards)

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Nemesis A kit: 6 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.

    PIP 84015
    £11.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Scourge Weapon Pack A

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Scourge A kit: 5 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.
    PIP 84012
    £9.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Scourge Weapon Pack B

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Scourge B kit: 5 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.

    PIP 84013
    £9.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Grafter

    A rank above the Vassals, the multi-limbed Grafters are the meat mechaniks of the Aeternus Continuum. Not truly members of the sect’s clergy, the Grafters maintain the Continuum’s warjacks and fighting forces in the field. Their duties include repairs, patching wounds, and administering combat alchemicals to boost the effectiveness of the forces they serve alongside. In a pinch, their anatomical knowledge and sharp blades can be paired to destructive ends.
    The Grafter can Repair warjacks. While charged, the Grafter’s Adrenalizer grants nearby warrior models +1 ARM and immunity to continuous effects. The Grafter can spike to use its Resurrection Protocol special rule, enabling it to return up to two destroyed trooper models to their squad.
    PIP 84004
    £19.95 save 30%


  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Immortal Weaver

    Full initiates of the Aeternus Continuum, the Immortal Weavers act as an extension of their Warcaster’s catastrophic power. The Weaver moves across the battlefield like a tempest of arcane destruction, channeling Furies and unleashing waves of raw kinetic force via its psychokinetic hood, a weapon capable of amplifying the Weaver’s natural capabilities. Hard to pin down, its Arcantrik amplifier adds to the range of Furies channeled through the Weaver while it is charged. The Weaver can also expend Arc to activate its slip displacer, enabling it to move out of harm’s way once it has struck.
    The Immortal Weaver can channel destructive Fury Cyphers. Its Psychokinetic Hood ranged weapon is a spray attack. While charged with Arc, Furies channeled through it gain +5˝ range. This Weaver can spike to activate its Slip Displacer, enabling it to immediately move up to 3˝.
    PIP 84002
    £14.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Marauder

    Endowed with extreme mechanikal reconfigurations, the Marauders are living weapons in the service of the Aeternus Continuum. Little remains of the Marauders’ living flesh and bone, having traded the frailty of the human form for a body of steel, servos, and blazing firepower. A rank above the Vassals, the Marauders are utilized as temple guardians and provide fire support to Continuum forces in battle. Nearly unstoppable, these heavily armored brutes never tire while charged with Arc.
    With ARM 4 and Health 3, Marauders are among the hardiest solos in the game. The Marauder can attack with both its melee and ranged weapons during the same activation. The Marauder’s Shredder minigun has the Strafe special rule, enabling it to hit multiple targets with each attack. When the Marauder hits a warjack with its Claw, it can spike to cause the warjack to suffer the system failure continuous effect. If the Marauder is charged at the start of your turn, you can remove an activation token from it, ensuring that you are never short on solos to activate.
    PIP 84003
    £19.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Squad Vassal Reavers

    The Vassals exist at the bottom of the Aeternus Continuum’s vast and labyrinthine hierarchy. Drawn to the sect by the promise of eternal life, the Vassals serve in the Continuum’s overcrowded factories and temples. Many hide in plain sight throughout the multitudes of cities spanning the Thousand Worlds. The Reavers are drawn from the ranks of the Continuum’s working-class zealots. Each is armed with a wicked fusion saw and nailer submachine gun.
    The Vassal Reavers are a three-model squad. The Vassal Reavers’ Fusion Saws are among the most potent melee weapons currently in the game. Their Mimetic Cloaks give them Stealth while charged. The Vassals’ Phase Sequencer mechanika enables them to spike to move through walls, buildings, and other models.
    PIP 84005
    £24.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Squad Vassal Witch Hunters (3)

    The heavily armed Vassal Witch Hunters provide fire support to Aeternus Continuum forces in battle. Though they are slow to move under the weight of their hex cannons, the Witch Hunters phase sequencers enable them to maneuver into the best position possible to unleash their deadly energy weapons. The hex cannons not only blast apart anything they are trained on, but they also rob their targets of those their Arcane protections. 
    Three-model squad. Any Cypher cards on a unit hit by a Hex Cannon immediately expire. Their Mimetic Cloaks give them Stealth while charged. The Vassals’ Phase Sequencer mechanika enables them to spike to move through walls, buildings, and other models.
    PIP 84008
    £24.95 save 30%
  • Age Of Sigmar Core Rulebook

    The Age of Sigmar began with the thunderous arrival of the Stormcast Eternals, borne upon the heavenly storm of the God-King Sigmar Heldenhammer. They are great heroes, snatched up at the moment of death and magically reforged – these golden warriors are thrown into battle against all who would corrupt, decay, and destroy the Mortal Realms.
    While Sigmar and his pantheon of Order strive for prosperity in these dark times, the Great Necromancer Nagash marshals the forces of Death in a bid to claim every last soul for his own. Meanwhile, Kragnos leads the wild forces of Destruction in a savage rampage across the civilised world, all while the Chaos Gods prepare to conquer the last uncorrupted bastions in a world of conflict and upheaval. This is a new epoch, a time of mighty battles and unending war. This is the Age of Sigmar!
    The Age of Sigmar is an epic setting populated by myriad armies, powerful heroes, and magnificent monsters. It plays host to vast, realm-spanning wars between the forces of Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction. In the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, you’ll not only learn the rich history of this war-torn age, but you’ll also find all the rules you need to evoke these epic stories on the tabletop.
    The Book
    This 360-page hardback book is the ultimate companion for both novice and veteran players of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, containing everything you need to know to collect, build, paint, and play with Citadel miniatures in the Mortal Realms.
    Realms of War
    The Core Book starts with Realms of War, an overview of the Warhammer hobby with concise how-to guides on collecting, building, and painting your miniatures, as well as the various ways you can use them to play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
    War Unending
    Discover the history of the Mortal Realms in the first lore section of the book, containing a detailed, illustrated story-so-far, from the arrival of mankind's God-King to the savage Era of the Beast. This covers three major ages:
    - The Age of Myth, Sigmar’s journey through the cosmos, his meeting with the Great Drake Dracothion and his exploration of the eight Mortal Realms. It tells of his awakening of other gods, the building of civilisations, and the fractious alliances that were forged.
    - The Age of Chaos, brought about by the machinations of the Chaos Gods and their command of the Realm of Chaos, spitting daemon legions forth and destroying the peace that once reigned.
    - The Age of Sigmar, in which the God-King's champions fight back against his enemies in all their forms. From the vengeful Realmgate Wars that cast Chaos back from many Order strongholds, to the cataclysmic Necroquake brought about by Nagash, God of the Dead, to the dawn of the Era of Beasts as the ancient Earthquake God unleashes hordes of rampaging greenskins into the heartlands of civilisation.
    Delve into background information on each of the eight Mortal Realms – Azyr, Shyish, Ashqy, Chamon, Ghur, Ghyran, Hysh, and Ulgu – which details their links, descriptions of the native civilisations that have risen and fallen, key events that have taken place and notable geographical features; along with details of the Realm of Chaos, a nightmarish dimension home to the Chaos Gods and legions of terrifying hellspawn.
    Clashing Empires
    Learn about the armies and alliances that fight across the Mortal Realms, each featuring a showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, split into four sections according to their Grand Alliances. Beginning with the forces of Order, you'll glean insight into each of the factions that comprise the last bastion of civilisation in the eight realms (even if they don't always get along), before moving on to parley with their nemeses in the forces of Chaos. Meanwhile, Nagash's alliance of Death plots to claim every last soul in the land, while Grand Alliance Destruction indulges their baser instincts on a roaring rampage of carnage alongside their newfound deity, Kragnos.
    The Rules
    The first rules section of this book contains the core concepts you need to start fighting battles in the Age of Sigmar, taking you through deployment, the battle rounds, combat, magic, and more. The rules are laid out in a clear and concise format with additional commentary from the designers, making this the easiest rulebook to reference in Warhammer history.
    Once you've got the basics squared away, find out all about the three core ways to play the game and the battleplans you can undertake in each.
    Open Play
    Let your imagination run wild as open play caters for re-enacting every kind of narrative storyline or tactical challenge you can think of, without restrictions.
    – Includes the Open War Battleplan Generator, which provides pre-set Maps, Victory Conditions, Twists, and Ruses.
    – Combining different options allows over 1,200 different types of Open War scenarios to be played.
    Matched Play
    Designed to put both players on an equal footing, matched play offers players an even chance of victory based around points-based army construction rules and a competitive set of battleplans.
    – Includes additional special rules, including Stealing the Initiative, as well as rules for additional objectives scored on either a turn-by-turn or end-of-battle basis.
    – Features much broader and more detailed requirements and restrictions than other game types, including restrictions on endless spells, reinforced units, and understrength units.
    Narrative Play
    Send your army on a Path to Glory and watch them develop across games with an overhauled section on narrative gameplay rules. Earn renown, gain new abilities, and even expand your army's territory while free of limitations on how, when, and where you can play.
    – Includes rules and guidance on a 5-step process to starting a Path to Glory campaign, including: Choosing Factions and Realms, Starting Sizes and Territories, Orders of Battle, Core Enhancements, and picking Quests to embark upon.
    – Provides guidance on how to fight battles against opponents both participating and not participating in a Path to Glory Campaign.
    Conquest Unbound
    The final section helps represent the vast array of battlefields and endless war that the overlords of the Mortal Realms fight across, including bespoke rules for the various, more niche type of battlefields you may come to fight, on, across, over, or indeed, under.
    It includes three variant types of games for players to enjoy, including:
    - Siege Warfare – all too often across the Mortal Realms, warlords and conquerors look to displace inhabitants of a territory or city that they have decided should fall under their control, and often the culmination of such a campaign is a brutal, no-holds-barred siege.
    - Triumph and Treachery – sometimes duty calls for an all-out brawl between all of your enemies at once, and, when that happens, these rules can be used to represent battles that take place between three or more factions at the same time – all are frantically fighting to win the day against all other opponents, but will you be the one to come out on top?
    - Tunnel Fighting – deadly, close-quarters combat is commonplace across the Mortal Realms as armies cluster into labyrinthine cave networks, perfidious skaven skitter through the city sewers, and mind-bending tunnels open up in the unpredictable domains of Chaos.
    The Core Book closes out with a handy, alphabetised rules index and a photocopiable Path to Glory roster, Order of Battle, and Army roster.
    £44.00 save 25%
  • Age of Sigmar Gaming Book

    Get all the main rules you use for Warhammer Age of Sigmar in one handy location with the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book – a nifty collated rulebook combining the Core Rules, content from the General’s Handbook 2019, Malign Sorcery and beyond for your convenience. 
    Perfect for matched play fans looking for a nifty way to reference commonly used rules at tournaments or just for gamers at home looking to get playing fast with minimal bookkeeping, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar gaming book contains:
    - The Core Rules – the basic rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, giving you the foundation upon which all your battles are based
    - Additional matched play and Pitched Battle rules – perfect if you're attending events or tournaments
    - 31 matched play battleplans, offering you a vast degree of choice in how you choose to conquer the Mortal Realms
    - Rules for battling in each of the Mortal Realms, complete with game-changing Realmscape Features and powerful spells of the Mortal Realms
    - A huge selection of Artefacts of the Realms, giving every army a vast selection of magical items and weapons for using in your games
    £20.00 save 50%
  • Age of Sigmar: Extremis

    The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts.
    It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the newly rejuvenated land. But with Kragnos, End of Empires, released from his prison and leading a vengeful rampage across Ghur, the Stormcast Eternals must fight their toughest battles yet to safeguard the pioneering Dawnbringer Crusades.
    Get into Warhammer Age of Sigmar with Extremis – a starter set designed to give you a comprehensive start with the world’s best fantasy wargame. With models, rules, guides to help you begin, and much more, this massive set takes the hassle out of kicking off your hobby – build your models, learn to play and have hours of fun with a friend or family member.
    This boxed set includes:
    1x 80-page Extremis Edition Book (softback): Discover the lore of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as well as the background of the factions and units in the book. The book also contains several introductory tutorial battleplans that utilise the miniatures in the set, designed to teach you the basics of the game in manageable chunks.
    1x Core Rules Book (softback): Taking all the rules content from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book (available separately), this book is ideal for when you're ready to expand your army and battle other players.
    32x Plastic Push-fit Citadel Miniatures: At the heart of the Extremis set are two armies of brand new miniatures, each cleverly designed so they can be pushed together without the need for glue. Each force includes three powerful units armed with devastating weaponry and wargear, and they can easily be bolstered with additional reinforcements to act as the elite core of a larger army. These models include:
    10x Stormcast Eternals
    The chosen champions of Sigmar, plucked from their mortal bodies at the moment of their death and reforged as shining heroes clad in thick golden armour. Each Stormcast Eternal is a nigh-immortal warrior capable of fighting hordes of the fiercest monsters and emerging victorious.
    - 1x Lord-Imperatant with 1x Gryph-hound: Lord-Imperatants are amongst the greatest of Sigmar’s strategists. Each is a formidable warrior in their own right, their most notable strength lies in their ability to lead their forces as one unstoppable war engine. These models come supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base and a Citadel 32mm Round Base.
    - 3x Praetors: Praetor retinues are amongst the finest bodyguards in all the realms, linked to their ward at an arcane level. These models come supplied with 3x Citadel 40mm Round Bases.
    - 5x Vindictors: Dauntless warriors of the Redeemer conclaves, the Vindictors are the shieldwall upon which the forces of ruin shatter. These models come supplied with 5x Citadel 40mm Round Bases.
    22x Kruleboyz
    Emboldened by the arrival of Kragnos and eager to spread beyond the borders of their ancestral swamps, the Kruleboyz are a vicious, cunning breed of orruk who enjoy nothing more than laying their enemies low with the sneakiest, most underhanded tactics they can devise.
    - 1x Swampcalla Shaman with 1x Pot-grot: Even for Kruleboyz, Swampcalla Shamans are foul creatures. These spell-flingers have an innate connection to the mires they inhabit, which they channel into noisome spells of debilitation while brewing up vile elixirs to aid their green-skinned kin. These models come supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base and a Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Base.
    - 10x Gutrippaz: Gutrippaz form the slimy heart of the Kruleboyz. These mobs of spear-wielding greenskins are known for their vicious kunnin’ and the spiteful amusement they find in laying low the enemy with their wicked, poisoned weapons. These models come supplied with 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases.
    - 10x Hobgrot Slittaz: These malicious little brutes delight in eviscerating the foe with their slitta-knives and employing explosive devices pilfered from their duardin paymasters. These models come supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases.
    6x Warscroll Cards and 2x Allegiance Ability Cards: Quickly look up the stats and abilities of your Citadel miniatures with these reference cards, ensuring you’ll never need to go digging through a book in the middle of an exciting game.
    5x Citadel Terrain: The landscapes of the Mortal Realms are littered with the ruins of past civilisations whose origins can be traced back to the Age of Myth, before the coming of Chaos. These glue-fit plastic terrain pieces are designed to bring your tabletop to life, and include the following:
    - 1x Nexus syphon
    - 1x Guardian idol
    - 2x Domicile shells
    - 1x Pile of pillars
    - A 30" by 22.4" double-sided gaming board: Transform any kitchen table into a war-torn landscape of Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. One side depicts the swampland home of the Kruleboyz in Thondia, while the other represents a dusty wilderness of the Ghurish plains.
    - 2x range rulers and 10x dice: These essential accessories cover you for movement, shooting, close combat, and more.
    - 2x Rules Reference Sheets: Containing handy rules information for easy reference while learning the basics of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
    These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
    £115.00 save 20%
  • Age Of Sigmar: Harbingers

    The Dawnbringer Crusades – grand wars to reclaim land under the shadow of Chaos – have struck out across the realms, driven by the resolve of humble folk and the command of the God-King. As the Era of the Beast rages, the lords of Hammerhal prepare a crusade of staggering vision. Yet beyond their walls, champions and instigators rally their legions, while in the corridors of power, corruption festers.
    A rain of despair spreads across the Mortal Realms, and even as Sigmar’s worshippers begin their grand muster to quell this sinister phenomenon, the heralds of other powers take up their blades… The drums of war beat on, but will the Twin-Tailed Crusade falter before it begins?
    Harbingers is the first chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic new series of books driving forward the narrative for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll find loads of riveting background material detailing the coming Twin-Tailed Crusade that aims to reconquer both Aqshy and Ghyran, the Realms of Fire and Life, as well as the Harbingers of Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction who herald its victory or doom. The book also includes a Path to Glory battlepack for waging narrative war across lands ridden with upheaval, plus four new Regiments of Renown.
    Inside this 80-page hardback book you’ll find:
    - An exciting narrative that spans both Aqshy and Ghyran, commencing the story of the Twin-Tailed Crusade – and the Plague of Doubt that may destroy it before it begins
    - Background information concerning four powerful Harbingers: the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay and Rabble-Rowza
    - A stunning showcase of miniatures depicting the Harbingers and their followers waging war throughout the narrative
    - Harbinger Path to Glory Battlepack – six battleplans, rules for establishing communication outposts to request aid from allies, and quests and upgrades for your Harbingers
    - Four Regiments of Renown, each based around one of the Harbingers, including background material, a full set of warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles
    This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
    This book includes an envelope containing 4x warscroll cards, one for each Harbinger – the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay, and Rabble-Rowza.
    £26.00 save 50%
  • Age Of Sigmar: The Mad King Rises

    As the two halves of the Twin-Tailed Crusade march on, they pass further into the waiting jaws of death. The vampiric servants of Nagash lurk amongst the shadows, plotting the downfall of all that lives.

    In the mountains of Ghyran, the lunatic Mortarch Ushoran and his courtiers revel – and, in their chivalric delusions, they would see the Dawners join their feast. Meanwhile, the scorn of a vampiric queen puts the Aqshian expedition in dire peril, pushing them to their very limits to survive.
    The Mad King Rises is the fourth chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic series of books driving forward the narrative of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You'll find loads of riveting background material detailing the further expeditions of and lethal challenges facing the Twin-Tailed Crusade and its mortal champions as the servants of Nagash plot against them.
    Inside this 96-page hardback book you'll find:
    – An exciting narrative that details the perilous journey of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, along with Battleplans, and updated Triumph and Treachery rules that allow you to play battles involving three to four players.
    – Warscrolls for Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia, and Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion.
    – A new Path to Glory chapter for the Twin-Tailed Crusade campaign.
    – Rules for a new Army of Renown – the Scions of Nulahmia – as well as for 6 new Regiments of Renown.
    This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. This includes all warscrolls that can be used with the armies of renown found in this book.
    £31.50 save 50%
  • Alien Purple Army Painter Spray

    Alien Purple A rich purple suited for a multitude of purposes. Perfect for Tyranids, Dark Elves, Dark Eldar, any Chaos and also to spice up ordinary races - like humans - Imperial Guard or Empire. Purple is not a standard colour and therefore it will make your army highly unique and striking to behold. Recommended DARK Tone QS.
    £13.00 save 25%
  • Amethyst Rose

    Amethyst Rose
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93211
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Angel Green Army Painter Spray

    Angel Green This spray has a beautiful deep and dark green which is absolutely perfect for Dark Angel Space Marines, Wood elves or even scenery. The Colour Primer is so dark that we recommend using only a DARK tone Quickshade on top to create noteworthy shading effects. Check our many Galleries and tutorials to see the Angel Green in use.
    £13.00 save 25%
  • Armada Acrylic Bases Set

    This set contains a range of deluxe acrylic Armada ship bases featuring sea textured art. Bases cover all the ship size categories, from Tiny through to XL.


    • 2 x Tiny (30mm x 30mm)
    • 3 x Small (50mm x 30mm)
    • 3 x Medium (70mm x 30mm)
    • 2 x Large (100mm x 30mm)
    • 1 x Extra Large (125mm x 30mm)
    £24.99 save 20%
  • Armada Acrylic Template Set

    Deluxe versions of the game templates. Measuring stick, wind rose, turning arc and firing arc.

    This set contains a range of deluxe acrylic Armada ship bases featuring sea textured art. Bases cover all the ship size categories, from Tiny through to XL.

    £19.99 save 25%
  • Armada Extra Dice Set

    Armada uses a unique combination of multicoloured D10s and D6s for various tests throughout the game. Get all the dice you’ll need, including exclusive Armada D6 with a special icon!
    3 x blue D10
    3 x red D10
    3 x black D10
    1 x green D10
    2 x D6 with Armada icon
    £8.00 save 20%
  • Armada Rulebook & Counters

    Armada is a tabletop game for two or more players. Choose your side and then command a fleet of Mantic miniatures to represent powerful navies such as the stoic and pious Basileans, or plot carnage and destruction with the rampaging orcs. With a range of beautiful ship models to choose from and many stories to tell, Armada is truly an amazing spectacle to play and witness. The 96-page rulebook contains the core rules, 10 action-packed scenarios and advanced rules for potentially devastating weather effects.
    96 page Rulebook, 4x punchboard
    £30.00 save 33%
  • Armada Two Player Starter Set

    The Armada Two Player Starter Set is the perfect place to start your journey onto the seas of Pannithor. Inside you’ll find everything you need for two-players to start their own fleet of courageous Basileans or marauding orcs, along with a rulebook, tokens, ship cards and a paper gaming mat. The fight for the oceans is about to begin!

    Resin Basilean Fleet
    2 x Elohi
    1 x Gur Panther
    1 x Gunbrig
    Resin Orc Fleet
    2 x Hammerfist
    1 x Bomb boat
    1 x Blood Runner
    Also includes:
    96-page rulebook with 10 scenarios, background lore and advanced rules
    8 bases
    8 ship cards
    5 fleet reference cards
    14 Basilean and orc MDF upgrade tokens
    Game dice
    Approx 3ft x 4ft paper gaming mat
    £85.00 save 20%
  • Armies of France and The Allies Rulebook

    World War II was truly a world war, and many nations joined the fight against Germany and the Axis. This latest supplement for Bolt Action covers the armies of France, Poland, Greece, Norway, Holland and Belgium that stood against the German Blitzkrieg, as well as the resistance forces that sprung up in the aftermath of occupation.

    A copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement. 108 page softback book

    £25.00 save 40%
  • Armies of Germany 2nd Edition Bolt Action Supplement

    'Armies of Germany 2nd Edition' is a supplement for the award winning tabletop wargame Bolt Action, and deals with the German Army of World War II. Within you will find background and details of the German Army’s organisation and equipment from the beginning of the war (the invasion of Poland in 1939) to the very end (the fall of Berlin in 1945).

    Central to this book is its Army List. This includes all the information you will need to play games using the German Army. This large list details all the main troop types, vehicles and equipment fielded by the Germany Army during World War II. Alongside this main list are a number of Theatre Selectors, which give the force details for different periods and theatres of the war. These are not definitive, but are designed to give a theatre-specific flavour and character to a force. Over six years of fighting the German Army changed a lot, and many units and vehicles that were common in 1939 were obsolete by 1945 - and there were countless oddities and exceptions on every front. These sub-lists allow players to select forces suitable for the theatre in which they are playing.

    What's New? We've taken the opportunity to include additional units and options, we've revised a few points costs here-and-there, and made some more changes to bring the book more in-line with the rest of the range... here's a teaser of what you'll find inside...

    Army Special Rules

    German forces now have FOUR Army Special Rules - some of which you'll be familiar with, some you won't...

    • Blitzkrieg - German officers were expected to act on initiative and take decisions on the field based on their judgement rather than wait for orders or confirmation from HQ. This made them very effective tactical commanders and made the Wehrmacht a formidably reactive force. This offers a bonus for German officers when they use the '‘You men, snap to action’' Special Rule, giving them more influence.
    • Initiative Training - Even at squad level, in the German army every man is trained with some of the skills of his superiors, and encouraged to show initiative and decisiveness rather than just sit and wait to receive orders. This Rule provides a little relief if squad leaders are KIA - as other squad members may adopt their roles
    • Hitler's Buzzsaw - German-made machine guns, but in particular the lethal MG42, are vastly superior to their enemies’ and rightly feared by Allied infantrymen. Carried over from the First Edition book, this rule combines with the MG boost brought-in with the Second Edition rules - making German MGs even more lethal...!
    • Tiger Fear - Such was the lethal reputation of Tiger tanks, that often Allied troops were spooked by the appearance of any German heavy armour, mistakenly thinking that any Panzer IV was a Tiger waiting in ambush! Any vehicle with the 'Tiger Fear' rule conveys a negative modifier to any enemy unit within line of sight's Morale...
    • New Units - We've also compiled the German Additional Units and Special Rules which we published elsewhere (in other books, and/or online) into the book - including the likes of Night Fighting Units, and more!

    Couple all of this with tactical notes, invaluable historical background text, gorgeous artwork and reference imagery from the masterful Peter Dennis and Osprey Publishing, and Armies of Germany 2nd Edition is the must-have Bolt Action book for all German generals out in the field!

    £25.00 save 40%
  • Armies of Imperial Japan Rulebook

    Following the assault on Pearl Harbor, the Imperial Japanese military saw action across Asia, from the capture and defence of the islands of the Pacific to the occupation of territory in China and Burma. With this latest supplement for Bolt Action, players have all the information they need to build a force of the Emperor’s fanatically loyal troops and campaign through some of the most brutal battles of the war. Contents Introduction Army Lists Theatres Written by Agis Neugebauer, a copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement.

    £25.00 save 40%
  • Armies of Italy and the Axis

    This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of Germany's allies. While many nations flocked to the side of the Allies, others joined forces with Germany as part of the Axis. This volume is the definitive guide to the armies of Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Finland. Fight the Winter War against the Soviets, hold back the British in North Africa, or help shore up the German offensives on the Eastern Front with this latest supplement for Bolt Action. A copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement.

    £25.00 save 40%
  • Armies of the Soviet Union

    This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of the Soviet Union. From the bitter urban warfare of Stalingrad, through the Winter War against Finland and the final drive to Berlin, the detailed army lists provided in this supplement allow players to construct Soviet armies for any theatre and any year of the war. Contents Introduction Army Lists Theatres Written by Andy Chambers, a copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement.

    £25.00 save 40%
  • Army Painter 400 ML Black Spray Can

    Finish your models and protect them from the battering they can get on the gaming table.
    Matt Varnish Army-sized 400ML spray can What better to protect your newly painted models than a high quality varnish? This spray gives a truly matt finish - not the 'satin' effect some spray varnishes offer.
    Can be used with Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Lord Of The Rings or Flames Of War ranges.
    Due to airport regulations spray cans cannot be sold to customers outside the United Kingdom.
    £12.00 save 19%


  • Army Painter Quickshade - Soft Tone

    The famous and ground-breaking Quickshade is a pigmented varnish which will shade your miniatures perfectly and still let the colours come through. Painting armies of miniatures to fantastic results has never been easier.

    This product has been specifically designed and engineered to work with 10-28mm. miniatures

    Quick Shade Soft Tone is specially designed for lighter colours and looks extremely effective on white, pink or yellow as a consequence. Alternatively Soft Tone will give you an effective light shading effect, good for large surfaces and clean miniatures.

    This tin contains



    Army Painter Quick Shade Soft Tone 250ml tin

    £23.50 save 20%
  • Ashes and Dust

    The keywords attached to this box are Amalgam This box contains: 1 Dust Storm, 1 Ashen Core and 1 Ashes and Dust The models in this box belong to Outcasts This box contains several multi-part plastic miniatures suitable for use in Malifaux 3e, as well as up-to-date stat cards for all the models contained within. Some assembly may be required. Bases included.

    £23.99 save 25%
  • Asheth Grey

    Asheth Grey
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93130
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Astra Militarum Warhammer 40,000 Codex

    Astra Militarum Warhammer 40,000 Codex contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Astra Militarum collectors. Within this 144-page hardback, you’ll find:


    • Hammer of the Emperor: the origins of the Astra Militarum – dating back to the Great Crusade – with details of their structure and organisation, the methods of recruiting (some more humanitarian than others…), their training and deployment
    • A Galaxy of War: an annotated map of the current state of the galaxy, with key war zones where the Astra Militarum battle; - Detailed background and colour schemes of the Astra Militarum regiments of Cadia, Catachan, Armageddon, Vostroya, Vahalla and Tallarn
    • Regiments of Distinction: background on 12 regiments – Armageddon Ork Hunters, Athonian Tunnel Rats, Miasman Redcowls, Mordian Iron Guard, Tanith First and Only, Savlar Chem-Dogs, Ventrillian Nobles, Indigan Praefects, Mordant Acid-Dogs, Faeburn Vanquishers, Truskan Snowhounds and Vresh Grenadiers; - Heroes Beyond Number: a history of the major battles fought by the Astra Militarum
    • Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Astra Militarum army
    • A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, depicting the colour schemes of several regiments painted by the renowned ‘Eavy Metal team – including expertly-converted models showing you how to represent the more esoteric regiments on the gaming table.

    Rules Everything you need to get an Astra Militarum army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

    • 56 datasheets containing rules for every Astra Militarum unit and vehicle
    • Army abilities reflecting the Astra Militarum’s methods of war, including Astra Militarum Orders and Regimental Orders
    • Armoury of the Imperium: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Astra Militarum
    • Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games
    • Bulwark of Humanity: rules for Battle-forged armies: - Regimental Doctrines for Cadian, Catachan, Valhallan, Vostroyan, Armageddon, Tallarn, Mordian, Militarum Tempestus Regiments
    • 6 unique Warlord Traits, - 25 Stratagems, with 8 specific to the Regiments named above; - the Heirlooms of Conquest: a selection of rare wargear
    • The Psykana psychic discipline, available to any Astra Militarum model with the Psyker keyword, - 6 Warlord Traits for use by any Warlord, with a further specific to the above-named Regiments
    • 6 unique Tactical Objectives.
    £27.50 save 36%
  • Bad Bruise

    Bad Bruise
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93142
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Basilean Booster Fleet

    Characterised by massive ships of the line, supported by an array of smaller, more specialised vessels, Basilean fleets are unlike any other human warfleets in both appearance and battle tactics. Like all human warfleets, however, the Basilean Navy depends upon sail for its speed and manoeuvrability.

    1x resin Elohi
    1x Gur Panther
    2x resin Sloop Squadron (4 ships)
    4x Basilean ship cards
    4x MDF bases
    £40.00 save 25%
  • Basilean Starter Fleet

    Basilea is the greatest nation of men in Pannithor, and possesses arguably the best human navy. Their ships are certainly a sight to behold, painted brilliant white, with sculpted golden prows proclaiming their devotion to the Shining Ones.

    1x Resin Abbess
    1x Resin Elohi
    1x Resin Gunbrig
    3x Basilean ship cards
    3x fleet reference cards
    7x Basilean upgrade tokens
    3x MDF bases
    £40.00 save 25%
  • Basing Glue

    This special non-toxic glue is used for glueing rocks, sand, grass or similar to a miniature base. Also perfect for glueing polyfoam for scenery. - USE FOR ALL BATTLEFIELD TYPES OF BASING - NON-TOXIC - ALSO PERFECT FOR SCENERY

    £5.00 save 20%
  • Bastion Grey

    Bastion Grey - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93068
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Battle for the Pacific - Victory at Sea starter game

    Victory at Sea is the game of naval combat during the Second World War. Throughout 1939–45, the nations of the world duelled across the oceans across the globe, only to discover the fundamental nature of naval warfare changing in the face of rapidly developing technologies. Now you can play out these confrontations on the tabletop with entire fleets drawn from the Royal Navy, US Navy, Imperial Japanese Navy, German Kriegsmarine or any of the other nations featured in Victory at Sea.
    From skirmishes involving single destroyers hunting down merchantmen to the clashing of massive battleships, from invasions of islands across the Pacific to mastering waves of dive bombers, Victory at Sea enables you to fight exciting battles that take place on the oceans of World War II.
    The Battle for the Pacific starter set focuses primarily on actions in the seas of the Far East – the Imperial Japanese Navy and the mighty US Navy clashing for control of the islands, resources and seas of the Pacific Theatre. The Victory at Sea rules manual presented in this starter game contain all you need to know to begin playing with the fleets included.
    A4 Battle of the Pacific Rules manual
    Die-cut game tokens sheet
    15 Warlord Resin model ships:
    USS Indianapolis 1944
    USS Northampton 1942
    USS Chicago 1942
    Mogami 1939
    Kumano 1944
    Furutaka 1939
    Fubuki-class Destroyer x3
    Fletcher-class Destroyer x 6
    Ship Cards and damage sliders x 15
    Ten-sided dice x 4
    Six-sided dice x 12
    A0 Sea Mat x2
    Ships are in Warlord Resin
    £62.00 save 20%
  • Battledress Green

    Battledress Green - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93060
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Battlefield Brown

    Battlefield Brown - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93027
    £3.75 save 20%


  • Battlefield Debris

    Nothing makes a wargame better than fighting over great looking scenery. From a military checkpoint to the contents of a destroyed home, and from sandbag emplacements to ruined walls, this plastic set brings your wargames to life! Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

    £56.00 save 25%
  • Battleground Europe D Day To Germany - Bolt Action Theatre Book

    This first supplement deals with the final phase of World War II in Western Europe. It covers the build-up to the Invasion of Normandy, the fight through bocage country, the snowy forests of the Ardennes, and follows the combatants through to the crumbling of the Third Reich and German surrender.

    This theatre book is a supplement to the tabletop wargame Bolt Action and it’s goal is to describe the context for games set within this phase of the war. What was it like to storm the beaches of Normandy? How formidable was the bocage country? What was it like to fight in the snowy forests of the Ardennes?

    You will find several scenarios within the book some depicting actual historical battles while others offer a view on typical operations with the aim to give a sense of what the fighting was like. Additional units have also been included in the book, giving you something new to stretch your opponents with!

    Take the fight to the enemy with this new theatre book for Bolt Action. From the D-Day landings to the final battle for Berlin, this volume gives players everything they need to focus their gaming on these final campaigns in the European Theatre of Operations. Scenarios and special rules offer something for all Bolt Action players, regardless of the armies they collect. 

    A copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement.

    £20.00 save 40%
  • Battletome Daughters of Khaine

    Many are the tales told of the Daughters of Khaine, those fearsome and bloodthirsty zealots who hail from the shadowed lands of Ulgu. Masters of blade and umbral magic, they seek out battle with manic fervour, for slaughtering foes and bathing in their blood grants them terrible power. Guided by the will of Morathi, their mysterious and cunning ruler, Khaine’s faithful go forth in search of conquest and sacrifice.
    With Morathi ascended, the Daughters of Khaine are ready to take on the worst the Mortal Realms have to offer. With their mix of highly-mobile, aggressive units, empowering sorcery, and deadly Heroes, this is an army that wants to get in their opponents face. This battletome will help generals make the most of their unusual abilities and tactics. Customise your army to your preferred play style with six different Temples of Khaine, each with their own abilities, traits, and Artefacts of Power. This essential guide also contains a wealth of updated background material detailing the aftermath of events in Broken Realms: Morathi, painting guides, and stunning art.
    This 104-page hardback book contains:
    - Allegiance abilities for the Daughters of Khaine, including a variety of battle traits
    - 6 Temples of Khaine, including abilities, command traits, and Artefacts of Power.
    - Lore of Shadows spell table
    - Prayers of the Khainite Cult prayer table
    - 1 Ceremony of Blood battleplan
    - Rules for creating a Daughters of Khaine warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Followers Rewards Tables
    - 7 warscroll battalions
    - 23 warscrolls, including 2 endless spells and 1 Invocation of Khaine warscroll
    - Pitched battle profiles for all units and endless spells featured in this battletome
    £27.50 save 50%
  • Battletome: Beasts Of Chaos

    The Beasts of Chaos are the purest embodiment of primeval violence. These braying killers surge out from their wilderness lairs in vast herds, intent on carnage and desecration. Ever since the dawn of the Mortal Realms, they have stalked their most remote regions, butchering anyone foolish enough to trespass on their territory. Monstrous hybrids of man and animal, they consider themselves the true children of Chaos, fuelled by ferocious instincts and a deep-seated hatred of civilisation. When roused to war, they stampede across the lands, grinding cities and fortresses alike to rubble beneath their hooves.
    This book offers all the knowledge and rules you need to command your own beastherd in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Discover the twisted history of the Beasts of Chaos from the Age of Myth through to the Era of the Beast, where their savagery is once again spreading through the Mortal Realms, leaving only a wilderness of brutal survival in their wake.
    This 104-page hardback book contains:
    – Extensive background material on the Beasts of Chaos, including their primordial roots, predatory herds, and profane rituals
    – Loads of savage artwork depicting the gor-kin's mutant forms and hatred of civilisation
    – 34 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the Beasts of Chaos, from humble Ungor Raiders to the mighty Beastlord
    – Rules for the four mightiest Greatfrays, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and battle traits like Beastherd Ambush and Rituals of Ruin
    – Path to Glory campaign rules that send you out to claim offerings for your Herdstone, plus two new battleplans and three warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
    – Matched play content, including four grand strategies and six battle tactics unique to the Beasts of Chaos
    – An inspirational gallery of Beasts of Chaos miniatures, with painting guides to get your collection ready for the tabletop
    This battletome contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
    £32.50 save 50%
  • Battletome: Blades Of Khorne

    Howling like maddened beasts, the Blades of Khorne hurl themselves upon their prey. These savage killers seek to honour the Blood God by drowning the Mortal Realms in a tide of gore. Armies of scarred and wild-eyed mortals fight alongside daemons born of primal fury, surging forth as one vast and unstoppable red tide. Those in the path of this calamity are swiftly hacked and hewn apart, their severed heads held aloft as offerings to the Lord of Skulls.
    This book contains everything you need to know when leading the devoted followers of Khorne in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Experience aeons of slaughter, witness the burning touch of the Blood God's wrath on the realms, and encounter the mightiest slaughterhosts to take up arms in Khorne's name.
    This 120-page hardback book contains:
    – Detailed background material on the Blades of Khorne, including the various slaughterhosts, each of which worships the Blood God in their own uniquely violent way
    – Blood-soaked artwork illustrating the rage and martial might of Khorne's followers
    – 41 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for Blades of Khorne armies, from towering Bloodthirsters to cruel Realmgore Ritualists
    – Rules themed around the six mightiest slaughterhosts, plus battle traits, command traits, artefacts of power, and Blood Blessings – terrifying prayers for your priests
    – Path to Glory campaign rules that allow your warlord to undergo the Trial of Skulls, plus a new battleplan and eight warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
    – Matched play content, including four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion unique to the Blades of Khorne
    – A visceral gallery of Khornate miniatures engaged in glorious slaughter, with instructional guides to get you painting
    This battletome contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
    £32.50 save 50%
  • Battletome: Cities Of Sigmar

    The Cities of Sigmar are embattled metropolises founded by free mortals across every one of the realms. These disparate alliances of humans, duardin, aelves, and even ogors battle not only to survive, but to muster grand expeditions and establish new strongholds in Sigmar’s name. They fight with blade and bolt, wonders of military technology, and blistering storms of magic. Above all, the Cities of Sigmar win their wars through sheer indomitable spirit. Whether defending their hard-won fortress-cities or marching into the wilderness as a Dawnbringer Crusade, they spend their lives to relight the dying embers of civilisation.
    This vital tome is loaded to the rafters with lore, epic artwork showing the scale of these magnificent cities, and all the rules you’ll need to use the Cities of Sigmar in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll learn all about the massive Dawnbringer Crusades, the cultures of some of the most important settlements, and the histories of the people who live there.
    This 160-page hardback book contains:
    – In-depth background on the Cities of Sigmar, including their varied histories and the advent of the Dawnbringer Crusades
    – Incredible artwork that showcases the gritty reality of life in these beleaguered cities, as well as the sheer scale of the crusading forces
    – 50 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the Cities of Sigmar, from humble Freeguild Steelhelms to the heroic Tahlia Vedra
    – Rules for 11 different Free Cities, including command traits, artefacts, spells for two lores of magic, and duardin prayer scriptures
    – Path to Glory campaign rules focused on launching your own Dawnbringer Crusade, plus additional rules for narrative play
    – Matched play rules, including four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion unique to the Cities of Sigmar
    – A stunning photography showcase, including painting guides to capture the heraldry of the various cities
    This pack also includes a token board, containing 41 tokens to use during your games.
    This battletome contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
    £32.50 save 50%