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Special offers

Privateer Press

Privateer Press


  • 30mm Round Lip Bases (15)

    Contains 15 30mm lip round bases

  • Absylonia, Legion Epic Blighted Nyss Warlock Hordes

    Absylonia has been no stranger to transformation and now, thanks to the gifts of Everblight Hordes, her body has settled into a stable form. On huge wings she flies over the battlefield, conveying her killing rage to the spawn that follow her. Though her own body no longer shifts, her blood is still attuned to the morphic energies of Everblight, and the ravenous spawn she commands now gain the same mutability she herself once possessed.

    PIP 73080
  • Aeiyth Vyr Blade of Nyssor

    Aeiyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor is one of the most distinguished ryssovass ever to have watched over the mountain passes of the Shard Spires. He is the embodiment of the ryssovass tradition a steadfast defender of his people and a merciless killer bent on ending the lives of those blighted Nyss who have forsaken their duties. With the recovery of Nyssor, Aelyth has found new purpose in overseeing and guiding the ryssovass who have flocked to Ios in aid of the Retribution.
    PIP 35086
    £14.45 save 10%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Command Group

    The inscrutable Aeternus Continuum is a vast cult outlawed by both the Alliance and the Marcher Worlds. Primarily known and feared for their piracy, armed incursions, and violent abductions, few outsiders recognize the true scale or purposes of this shadowy organization. To those who face the Continuum in battle, they are savage and unpredictable combatants. They take from anyone weaker than them in order to fuel their war machine. And because of that, they are able to bring a significant military force to bear that belies their apparent numbers. And with Warcasters infamous for ruthless tactics and a wanton disregard for the lives of their own troops, tales of encounters with an Aeternus Continuum war-host have become the stuff of nightmares.
    The Aeternus Continuum Command Group Starter Set contains everything one player needs to begin battling across the Thousand Worlds of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. 
    Immortal Weaver (solo)
    Marauder (solo)
    Vassal Reavers (3-model squad)
    Scourge A (light warjack)
    Five white and five red Strike Dice, one D6
    Four unit stat cards, five warjack weapon cards, twenty-four Cypher cards
    Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika rulebook
    PIP 84001
    £69.95 save 10%


  • Aeternus Continuum - Heavy Warjack Nemesis A

    Flying over the battlefield like bloated, black-steel insects bristling with malefic firepower, the Aeternus Continuum’s Nemesis warjacks are a terrifying sight to behold. Though clumsy on land, these machines are capable of achieving incredible speeds in the air. The Nemesis warjacks are relatively lightly armored to decrease weight and enable flight. To compensate, they are equipped with potent Arc fields that protect them from ranged and arcane attacks.
    This is presently the only warjack in the game that always has Flight. A model with Flight can only be targeted by melee attacks made by another model with Flight.
    While charged, this warjack gains +1 ARM against Fury and ranged attacks for each Arc currently on it.
    The Nemesis can spike to use its Afterburner, enabling it to advance at its SPD x3 but at the cost of making any attacks that activation.
    PIP 84007
    £39.95 save 10%


  • Aeternus Continuum - Hero Solo Hierotheos Raxis

    The discorporeal dead of the Consilio Mortuorum are generally considered to be the ascended masters of the Aeternus Continuum. While venerated and revered for their knowledge and contributions to the sect, these ancient shades are often relegated to the sepulchral halls beneath the Continuum’s temple complexes, contacted only when the Advocati require their counsel. Raxis, however, serves on as a hierotheos, a sacred messenger of the Aeternus Continuum. An agent and ranking envoy of the cult, Raxis moves between the great temples, coordinating divine works and spreading dark truths across the Thousand Worlds.
    Hierotheos Raxis can channel Furies like a Weaver. Additionally, while he is in play, your Rack hand size is increased by one Cypher card. Raxis can spike to use his Thanotech Reclaimer special rule, which returns a Cypher card from your discard pile to your hand. Raxis possesses a Kinetic Field, which states that while he is charged, he and friendly models within 5˝ of him gain cover. Raxis’ floating sarcophagus is equipped with a Soul Grinder spray weapon.
    PIP 84009
    £19.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Light Warjack Scourge A

    A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused warjack. Though it can be equipped with a variety of destructive weapons, the chassis’ defining features are its huge Wrecking Claw and iron-spring servos that can be charged to vastly increase the raw physical strength of the machine. The Scourge’s savage cortex options instill the warjack with an animalistic cunning and savagery that befit its hulking design.
    Different cortex and weapon selections add modular utility to this warjack. The warjack has two arm and one shoulder hard point for weapons. While charged, this warjack gains +1 STR and its melee weapons gain +1 POW for each Arc currently on it. When the Scourge hits an enemy with its Wrecking Claw, it can spike to give the model hit an activation token.
    PIP 84006
    £29.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Light Warjack Scourge B

    A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused warjack. Though it can be equipped with a variety of destructive weapons, the chassis’ defining features are its huge Wrecking Claw and iron-spring servos that can be charged to vastly increase the raw physical strength of the machine. The Scourge’s savage cortex options instill the warjack with an animalistic cunning and savagery that befit its hulking design.
    Different cortex and weapon selections add modular utility to this warjack. The warjack has two arm and one shoulder hard point for weapons. While charged, this warjack gains +1 STR and its melee weapons gain +1 POW for each Arc currently on it. When the Scourge hits an enemy with its Wrecking Claw, it can spike to give the model hit an activation token.
    PIP 84010
    £29.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Nemesis A Weapon Pack (8 + 6 cards)

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Nemesis A kit: 6 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.

    PIP 84015
    £11.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Scourge Weapon Pack A

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Scourge A kit: 5 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.
    PIP 84012
    £9.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Scourge Weapon Pack B

    Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon pack, featuring one copy of each weapon included in the full Scourge B kit: 5 weapons, 2 cortexes, and a card for each weapon.

    PIP 84013
    £9.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Grafter

    A rank above the Vassals, the multi-limbed Grafters are the meat mechaniks of the Aeternus Continuum. Not truly members of the sect’s clergy, the Grafters maintain the Continuum’s warjacks and fighting forces in the field. Their duties include repairs, patching wounds, and administering combat alchemicals to boost the effectiveness of the forces they serve alongside. In a pinch, their anatomical knowledge and sharp blades can be paired to destructive ends.
    The Grafter can Repair warjacks. While charged, the Grafter’s Adrenalizer grants nearby warrior models +1 ARM and immunity to continuous effects. The Grafter can spike to use its Resurrection Protocol special rule, enabling it to return up to two destroyed trooper models to their squad.
    PIP 84004
    £19.95 save 30%


  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Immortal Weaver

    Full initiates of the Aeternus Continuum, the Immortal Weavers act as an extension of their Warcaster’s catastrophic power. The Weaver moves across the battlefield like a tempest of arcane destruction, channeling Furies and unleashing waves of raw kinetic force via its psychokinetic hood, a weapon capable of amplifying the Weaver’s natural capabilities. Hard to pin down, its Arcantrik amplifier adds to the range of Furies channeled through the Weaver while it is charged. The Weaver can also expend Arc to activate its slip displacer, enabling it to move out of harm’s way once it has struck.
    The Immortal Weaver can channel destructive Fury Cyphers. Its Psychokinetic Hood ranged weapon is a spray attack. While charged with Arc, Furies channeled through it gain +5˝ range. This Weaver can spike to activate its Slip Displacer, enabling it to immediately move up to 3˝.
    PIP 84002
    £14.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Solo Marauder

    Endowed with extreme mechanikal reconfigurations, the Marauders are living weapons in the service of the Aeternus Continuum. Little remains of the Marauders’ living flesh and bone, having traded the frailty of the human form for a body of steel, servos, and blazing firepower. A rank above the Vassals, the Marauders are utilized as temple guardians and provide fire support to Continuum forces in battle. Nearly unstoppable, these heavily armored brutes never tire while charged with Arc.
    With ARM 4 and Health 3, Marauders are among the hardiest solos in the game. The Marauder can attack with both its melee and ranged weapons during the same activation. The Marauder’s Shredder minigun has the Strafe special rule, enabling it to hit multiple targets with each attack. When the Marauder hits a warjack with its Claw, it can spike to cause the warjack to suffer the system failure continuous effect. If the Marauder is charged at the start of your turn, you can remove an activation token from it, ensuring that you are never short on solos to activate.
    PIP 84003
    £19.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Squad Vassal Reavers

    The Vassals exist at the bottom of the Aeternus Continuum’s vast and labyrinthine hierarchy. Drawn to the sect by the promise of eternal life, the Vassals serve in the Continuum’s overcrowded factories and temples. Many hide in plain sight throughout the multitudes of cities spanning the Thousand Worlds. The Reavers are drawn from the ranks of the Continuum’s working-class zealots. Each is armed with a wicked fusion saw and nailer submachine gun.
    The Vassal Reavers are a three-model squad. The Vassal Reavers’ Fusion Saws are among the most potent melee weapons currently in the game. Their Mimetic Cloaks give them Stealth while charged. The Vassals’ Phase Sequencer mechanika enables them to spike to move through walls, buildings, and other models.
    PIP 84005
    £24.95 save 30%
  • Aeternus Continuum - Squad Vassal Witch Hunters (3)

    The heavily armed Vassal Witch Hunters provide fire support to Aeternus Continuum forces in battle. Though they are slow to move under the weight of their hex cannons, the Witch Hunters phase sequencers enable them to maneuver into the best position possible to unleash their deadly energy weapons. The hex cannons not only blast apart anything they are trained on, but they also rob their targets of those their Arcane protections. 
    Three-model squad. Any Cypher cards on a unit hit by a Hex Cannon immediately expire. Their Mimetic Cloaks give them Stealth while charged. The Vassals’ Phase Sequencer mechanika enables them to spike to move through walls, buildings, and other models.
    PIP 84008
    £24.95 save 30%
  • Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius Cryx Solo

    Having honed his skills through years of piracy upon the Meredius, Aiakos moves with his Warmachine Cryx battlegroup like a specter of death both at sea and on land, striking down foes with wicked effectiveness. Nowhere is his cruelty more apparent than in his weapon of choice, a chained harpoon he uses to impale his victims before reeling them in to deliver the death blow.

    Product Information

    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 34108
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 1
    Packaging: Blister
    PIP 34108
  • Alexia Ciannor and the Risen Warmachine Mercenary

    Alexia Ciannor  is obsessed with finding a way to bring her murdered mother back from the dead and has turned to the life of a mercenary to increase her knowledge of death magic. By wielding the vile and legendary sword the Witchfire, she raises and controls the dead with startling ease, but the relic’s dark whispers bring Alexia to the brink of madness. 22 model box set.

    Product Information

    • Classification: Character Unit
    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 41097
    • Model Materials: White Metal
    • Model Count: 22
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 41097
  • Amethyst Rose

    Amethyst Rose
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93211
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Ammok the Truthbearer

    Speaking in the tongue of a mad seer, the Truthbearer prophesies destruction for the enemies of Everblight. His burden oozes a miasma of blighted energies that corrupts all that it touches. Graven with runes whose true purpose was lost with the fall of the Black Kingdom of Morrdh, this is the Malihedron. Ammok’s madness shields him from its power, and he chants deranged prayers as he marches into battle holding it aloft. Base Size: 40mm PIP Code: 73113 Model Materials: Metal, Resin Model Count: 1 Packaging: Blister Release Date: May 25, 2018 Release Date Status: Actual

    PIP 73113


  • Anamag the Doom Feaster

    The bloated, putrescent warlock called the Doom Feaster is a scourge upon western Immoren. Once an elder of the Stonemark clan of ogrun in the Bitewind Peaks, Anamag changed with the coming of Thagrosh. When she was touched with blight, it filled her with insatiable hunger, making grotesque that which once drew her to Dhunia. Her sons and daughters became warmongers who slaughtered and died in Everblight’s name. When Everblight saw fit to forge Anamag into a warlock, she became the Doom Feaster, and each body she devours magnifies her arcane prowess. Base Size: 40mm PIP Code: 73111 Model Materials: Metal, Resin Model Count: 1 Packaging: Blister Release Date: May 18, 2018 Release Date Status: Actual

    PIP 73111
    £21.95 save 10%
  • Andrei Malakov Khador Warcaster

    Andrei Malakov Khador Warcaster Kommander Andrei Malakov has developed into a ruthless but eminently capable Khadoran officer. Driven by bold self-confidence and implementing unconventional tactics, he has no qualms about ordering artillery strikes close to his own lines or pushing feints to their limits despite casualties. As a protege of Supreme Kommandant Irusk, the young warcaster strives not only to emulate his mentor but also to surpass him, developing his own more aggressive doctrine.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 33119
    • Model Materials: Metal
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 33119
  • Anson Durst Rock of the Faith Protectorate of Menoth Warmachine

    Anson Durst is the rock on which the enemies of the Protectorate break, a bulwark to the faithful who weathers tides of violence to keep blameless Menites safe. He earned his epithet fighting alongside the theocracy’s defenders to repel wave after wave of invading soldiers. Countless times he used his powers and a steel wall of warjacks to prevent harm to his men. Fueled by faith and his devotion to the code of the Order of the Wall, Anson Durst is all but undefeatable when committed to the defence of his people.

    Warmachine Product Information

    • Base Size: 40mm
    • PIP Code: 32103
    • Model Materials: Resin & White Metal
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 32103
  • Argus Moonhound Circle Orboros Light Warbeast Hordes

    With a horrifying howl that chills the blood of its prey and unusually keen senses that allow it to detect enemy movement under almost any circumstances, the Argus Moonhound is a ferocious hunter and a favourite of the warlocks of the Circle Orboros. As it closes in on its prey, the Moonhound uses its howl to flush the victim out into the open, where it tears the hapless creature to pieces with savage teeth. Product Information Base Size: 40mm PIP Code: 72074 Model Materials: Plastic Packaging: Box

    PIP 72074
    £15.95 save 10%
  • Asheth Grey

    Asheth Grey
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93130
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Avatar Protectorate of Menoth Warmachine

    Avatar Protectorate of Menoth Warmachine

    Product Information

    • Code: PIP 32120
    • Model Materials: Resin
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 32120
  • Bad Bruise

    Bad Bruise
    Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93142
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Bastion Grey

    Bastion Grey - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93068
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Battle Boar Minion Hordes

    Battle Boar Minion Hordes, with the proper application of alchemical and electrical impulses, have had their farrow muscles encouraged by Dr. Arkadius to gain bulk and bones to lengthen and harden. Turning this craft to the boars of the Thornfall Alliance, he has created powerful new living weapons. His trained battle boars learn to activate pumps connected to tanks of stored adrenaline to enhance their strength as they batter opponents to pieces.

    Battle Boar Product Information

    • Base Size: 40mm
    • Code: PIP  75071
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 75071
    £21.95 save 10%
  • Battle Engine Meat Thresher Minions Hordes

    The Meat Thresher is a rolling death machine conceived of twisted farrow ingenuity and built of plunder. A scorching-hot steel cylinder holding panicked razor boars provides locomotion and is also the meat thresher’s primary weaponry, flattening foes under its crushing weight. Those that escape being ground to pulp are mowed down by heavy-caliber rounds from the hailer mounted atop this surprisingly effective contraption.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 120mm
    • PIP Code: 75055
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 1
    PIP 75055


  • Battledress Green

    Battledress Green - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93060
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Battlefield Brown

    Battlefield Brown - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93027
    £3.75 save 20%


  • Battlegroup Skorne Hordes

    Skorne Battlegroup contains everything one player needs to start playing Hordes.

    From the distant East come the Skorne, a race of merciless warriors who use the power of pain and death to enslave or destroy all who dare stand against them. Harness the rage of exotic beasts and the powers of torment to bend all to your will with this fully loaded battlegroup box.

    This Hordes Battlegroup contains:

    • 4 Highly Detailed, Single coloured Plastic Miniatures with Stat Cards
    • Basic Training Tutorial Guide
    • Battle Map
    • Introductory Guide
    • HORDES: Primal Rules Digest
    • 18” Ruler
    • 4 Six-sided Dice
    • 10 Fury Tokens
    • 3 Spell Tokens
    • Obstacle Card
    PIP 74095
    £39.95 save 10%
  • Beast Hide

    Beast Hide - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93056
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Behemoth Khador Heavy Warjack

    Behemoth Khador Heavy Warjack is hailed as the ultimate Khadoran warjack, the Behemoth exemplifies the best qualities of Khadoran design: extremely heavy armor, a devastating array of weaponry, and immense strength. This peerless warjack is as much a symbol to the Khadoran people of their power as it is a force of destruction to any who would stand against it.

    Product Information

    • Classification: Character Heavy Warjack
    • Base Size: 50mm
    • PIP Code: 33036
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 33121
    £69.95 save 10%
  • Bethayne, Pride of Everblight – Legion Warlock

    Bethayne, Pride of Everblight – Legion Warlock
    Bethayne is a new warlock for the Legion of Everblight unlike anything that HORDES has seen before. She is a fusion of warlock and warbeast in a single model, utilizing spells and a feat just like other warlocks but with the model properties of a warbeast.
    PIP 73116
  • Black Ogrun Iron Mongers Cryx

    Black Ogrun Iron Mongers Cryx

    PIP 34144
  • Black Ogrun Smog Belchers

    Smog belchers are black ogrun who wield heavy culverin-style cannons. Smog belcher weapons are crafted by skilled ironmongers, black ogrun metalsmiths who fuse their craft with rituals of bloodletting and dark magic. From the deck of a Cryxian vessel, smog belchers lay down a barrage of fire, filling the air with a lingering cloud of corrupting ash that rots flesh and blisters the lungs of anyone who breathes it.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 40mm
    • PIP Code: 34150
    • Model Materials: Metal, Resin
    • Model Count: 5
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 34150


  • Blackbane's Ghost Raiders Unit Cryx Warmachine

    The Warmachine Cryx Ghost Raiders walk the ashen decks of the Atramentous as sinister blazing spectres among the masses of the rotting dead and over the centuries have reaped a terrible harvest of souls to increase their phantom ranks. When obliterated in battle, the ghost's curse draws their invisible essences shrieking back to the Atramentous to reignite in its endless flames. By the Warmachine Dragonfather's unending fire did their mortality end, and to that fire they will forever return. 

    Warmachine Product Information:

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 34118
    • Model Materials: White Metal
    • Model Count: 15
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 34118
  • Blazing Ink

    Blazing Ink - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93159
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Blight Wasps Legion of Everblight Hordes

    Moving as a single mass of beating wings, scything claws, and pulsing stingers, swarms of blight wasps sow panic and death across the battlefield as they inject enemies with the poison of dragon blight itself. A single dose of blight wasp toxin is enough to kill a man, but the creatures mindlessly sting over and over again as the hapless victim writhes in agony before finally succumbing to death.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 73078
    • Model Materials: White Metal
    • Model Count: 4
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 73078


  • Blighted Nyss Archers / Swordsmen Legion Hordes (Plastic)

    Corrupted and reshaped by Everblight’s will, the blighted Nyss have become eager accomplices in the dragon’s murderous schemes. At the onset of battle, blighted Nyss archers rain down an unending deluge of arrows on enemy fortifications. Blighted swordsmen, at one with their prized blades, then close in to finish off what’s left of the demoralised foe.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 73086
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 10
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 73086
    £48.95 save 10%
  • Blighted Trollkin Marauders

    Caring little for their own safety, blighted trollkin marauders swing braziers on long chains that blaze with fire fed by rendered body fat and whale oil. Marauders delight in setting fire to homes in the coastal communities they raid, waiting for the fleeing victims within to rush headlong into their waiting arms. They particularly enjoy the first bite of living flesh that has been blackened and blistered by their torches, and they find the smell of burning meat exquisite.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 40mm
    • PIP Code: 34151
    • Model Materials: Metal, Resin
    • Model Count: 10
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 34151
  • Bloodstone

    Bloodstone - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93029
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Bloodtracker Brown

    Bloodtracker Brown - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93030
    £3.75 save 20%


  • Blue Ink

    Blue Ink - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience

    Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life.

    Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market.

    Great Colors:
    The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive.

    Workable Drying Time:
    With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders.

    Wear Resistant:
    The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures.

    Liquid Pigment:
    Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.

    Superior Coverage:
    Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.
    PIP 93016D
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Bog Moss

    Bog Moss - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93141
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Bog Trog Ambushers Hordes Minions (10 models)

    The fiercely territorial and primitive amphibians known as bog trogs thrive in swampy regions considered undesirable by humans and other more civilized species. Bog trogs are peerless masters of ambush, swimming silently and unseen just below the surface of a stream, river, or shallow pond before springing to attack their Hordes and Warmachine enemies.

    Product Information

    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 75057
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 10
    Packaging: Box

    PIP 75057
  • Bogrin Brown

    Bogrin Brown - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93139
    £3.75 save 20%
  • Boiler Black

    Boiler Black - Formulated for the ultimate hobby experience Developed and used by the leading professionals in the hobby miniatures industry, Formula P3 paints, brushes, and hobby tools bring your miniatures to life. Privateer Press spent years designing the Formula P3 paint line. Here are a few reasons why it is the best miniature paint on the market. Great Colors: The key colors for WARMACHINE and HORDES come in base and highlight shades to make their application intuitive. Workable Drying Time: With an extended drying time, you can blend and mix paints without fear of wasting your paint or employing retardants or flow extenders. Wear Resistant: The formula dries to a hard and satin finish resistant to chipping. You won't fear handling your finished miniatures. Liquid Pigment: Unlike other paints, Formula P3 uses liquid pigments. It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying. Superior Coverage: Formula P3 often covers in a single coat - even over a black undercoat.

    PIP 93172
    £3.75 save 20%