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Grand Alliance Chaos

Grand Alliance Chaos The Gods of Chaos are primeval forces dedicated to conquering not just the Mortal Realms, but reality itself. From the Realm of Chaos, the gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh send forth their daemonic legions, as their herald in the realms, Archaon the Everchosen, leads vast armies of corrupted mortals. Meanwhile, the rat-like skaven infest the realms, pursuing their own nefarious goals.


  • Be'lakor The Dark Master

    Be'lakor, the Dark Master, is the first of the Daemon Princes and a consummate champion of Chaos. Wreathed in ethereal shadows and lifted high above the battlefield on monstrous wings, Be'lakor regards the efforts of his foes with a bitter scorn as they struggle in vain against his diabolical plans. As the Mortal Realms descend into chaos following the cataclysmic Soul Wars, the First Prince knows his time has finally arrived. Neither men nor gods can stop his grand ambition.

    As befits the greatest of the Daemon Princes, Be'lakor is every bit the creature of nightmare he appears to be. Supernaturally skilled in both the martial and magical arts, his imposing figure is the perfect centrepiece for an army of Chaos and a potent wrecking ball with which to cast your enemies aside. Most impressive of all, this incredible model is 170mm tall from the bottom of his base to the tip of his wings.
    This multipart plastic kit is comprised of 85 components, with which you can assemble one Be'lakor, the Dark Master, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 100mm Round base. This kit contains multiple options to build Be'lakor themed for either a Warhammer Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness army, a Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons army, or a neutral theme to suit both games.
    Please note the instruction manual mislabels some of the pieces, the correct Be’lakor construction booklet is available in the downloads tab.
    £100.00 save 10%
  • Beast of Nurgle

    Beast of Nurgle is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble one model. He doesn’t carry weapons, rather smothering the enemy with his claws, tentacles and slobbering tongue. there are 3 options for his impressive belly, which attach to the single body assembly – 1 with a toothed maw, 1 with a few deep cuts and 1 with a large gaping wound showing a variety of internal organs. There are 2 sets of hands supplied, each featuring 1 hand reaching out with the other steadying the Beast – 1 set is webbed, and the other is clawed, with 2 similar sets of feet. 3 different faces are available, each more manic than the last – 1 featuring a single eye, 1 featuring an icon of Nurgle where the eye should be and 1 with a pair of eyes practically bursting out of the Beast’s skull. There are 2 crests of tentacles, and 2 tongues.

    This Warhammer Age of Sigmar kit comes as 48 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 60mm Round base. Beasts of Nurgle can be added to Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.

    £34.00 save 10%


  • Blue Horrors Tzeentch

    Blue Horrors Tzeentch is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble 10 pairs of Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch. Tiny creatures of pure malice, they caper about on their bases just as you would expect those made of fire to do. Also included are the parts you need to make 10 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch. Eyes full of fury and large mouths full of teeth, some pose with their talons outstretched to hack at their foe, others wield magical flames that dance about their fingertips. Covered in decorations, jewellery and feathers, they also include flames for their bases.

    This Warhammer Age of Sigmar kit comprises 40 components, and is supplied with 20 Citadel 25mm Round bases.

    £28.00 save 10%
  • Chaos Daemon The Blue Scribes

    The Blue Scribes are two Daemon brothers - P'tarix and Xirat'p - who between them, but not separately, have the skills to collect and decipher every spell in existence. They have been charged to return only when their quest is complete.

    Being of Citadel Finecast resin, the detail on this intricate model is astonishing. Look for the Warhammer Rulebook! This is a finely detailed resin cast kit, and contains 12 components, a 50mm square base, a large flying base and two long flying stems, with which to make The Blue Scribes.

    This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Games Workshop Super Glue and Games Workshop Paints.

    You can use this kit for collections of both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 miniatures.



  • Chaos Spawn (2 Plastic Models)

    The outward appearance of a Warhammer Chaos Spawn is utterly unpredictable. No two are exactly alike, and their make-up owes as much to the random whims of the gods as it does physical suitability. A Warhammer Spawn may have several sets of limbs, bizarre attributes like crab claws, a chitinous carapace, tattered and useless wings, clumps of eyestalks that wave like grass in a wind, a sinewy prehensile neck, or a gaping maw of needle-thin teeth.

    This box set contains two plastic Warhammer Chaos Spawn with a multitude of mutations.

    £34.00 save 7%
  • Feculent Gnarlmaw Daemons of Nurgle

    Feculent Gnarlmaw



  • Grand Alliance: Chaos Sourcebook

    At over 300 pages, Grand Alliance: Chaos is an absolute must-own artifact for anyone and everyone collecting Warhammer Age of Sigmar Chaos armies; whether concentrating on a single faction, mixing and matching from the range or splitting the pantheon into smaller chunks, this book is everything you need! The ultimate guide to the myriad forces of Chaos it features extensive information on each of the 21 the factions that make up Chaos, Warscrolls for each and every warrior and beast from each faction (a total of 158!), guiding information and diagrams helping you to choose, collect and organise your forces into armies ready for the gaming table - and a number of Warscroll Battalions, collections of Chaos might with their own special rules and abilities.

    £20.00 save 10%


  • Horticulous Slimux Daemons of Nurgle

    Horticulous Slimux is multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble one model. Loaded with detail, this is a model with many points of interest – Horticulous himself is a manic-looking chap, spindly yet muscular, with an enormous eye in the centre of his head. He’s clutching his enormous lopping shears, which are used both to tend to his garden and execute enemies, and carries a host of plants, potions, fertilisers and mushrooms, all for later planting. Mulch, his massive snail-like steed, drags his Gruntleplough behind him, attached to his shell with 3 chains. A Nurgling is lashed to a rod, dangling in front of Mulch’s face, encouraging him to lurch ever forward in hope of a tasty snack – the Nurgling appears to find this hilarious!

    This model comes as 32 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 105x70mm Round base. Horticulous Slimux can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.



  • Lord of Blight Nurgle Rotbringers

    Lord of Blight Nurgle Rotbringers is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble one model.

    The Lord of Blights comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

    £20.00 save 10%


  • Lord of Change Tzeentch

    Lord of Change Tzeentch is multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Lord of Change. A huge, imposing model, he makes an ideal centrepiece for any Tzeentchian army, covered as he is in the symbolism of Tzeentch that marks him out as a true master of magic. His enormous wings can be modelled in 2 different positions, and he features a choice of 3 different, sinister heads. He wields a staff of Tzeentch, which can be topped with either a symbol of Tzeentch or a flame blade; or can alternatively wield a baleful sword and Tzeentchian wand. He is accompanied by 2 Brimstone Horrors, which can be added to his base.

    This Warhammer Age of Sigmar kit is supplied as 72 components, and includes a Citadel 100mm Round base.

    This kit can alternatively be used to assemble Kairos Fateweaver.

    £100.00 save 10%
  • Mindstealer Sphiranx

    Mindstealer Sphiranxes are powerful and sinister telepaths. Once denizens of Hysh and allies of its archmage rulers, avarice and bitterness led them to strike a foul bargain that saw them banished to the ranks of the Dark Powers. These cruel-hearted beasts enjoy nothing more than toying with their prey and plundering their innermost secrets before summarily ripping them to shreds with sharpened claws.
    This multipart plastic kit builds one Mindstealer Sphiranx – a hypnotic horror that can be fielded in Slaves to Darkness armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, or used as an Ally for Chaos warbands in games of Warcry. This looming leonine creature towers over its weak-minded prey, a mystical third eye blazing on its brow. It comes with a choice of two heads and two styles of horn, allowing you to field multiple Mindstealer Sphiranxes in the same force while ensuring no two look alike.
    This kit comprises 22 plastic components, and comes supplied with 1x Citadel 90x52.5mm Oval Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
    Rules for using the Mindstealer Sphiranx in games of Warcry can be found in the Warcry: Compendium book and downloaded from the Warhammer Community website.


  • Ogroid Thaumaturge

    Very little is truly known about the Ogroid Thaumaturges – other than their fearsome prowess in combat. In their rage, their skin writhes with arcane energy, eldritch sigils blazing across their muscular frames. Multicoloured flames of Tzeentch erupt about them as they tear enemies apart with their bare hands, giving them the strength to pierce even sigmarite armour with their formidable horns. Most disturbingly, these creatures are no mere brutes but possessed of impressive sorcerous ability, hurling blasts of flaming energy at the foe.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains the 16 components necessary to assemble a hulking, imposing Ogroid Thaumaturge. Standing at almost twice the height of a Kairic Acolyte, and covered in sculpted sigils, he’s a model who can be easily painted to represent the incredible arcane energy within. He’s armed with a thaumaturge staff, topped with a horned skull emitting magical flame.
    This kit is supplied with a Citadel 50mm Round base.
  • Pink Horrors

    Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy the luminescent Pink Horrors whirl and flail their arms, generating raw magic that fills the air. En masse, the Pink Horrors give rise to so much arcane force that they can hurl blasts of unnatural fire at the enemy. In combat the Pink Horrors use their powerful hands to choke and, should they be slain, they split in twain to form two Blue Horrors.
    This set contains ten multi-part, multi-limbed plastic Pink Horrors. This set includes all of the components needed to assemble a hornblower, an icon bearer (with immense, flaming Tzeentchian icon)
    £28.00 save 10%
  • Plague Drones of Nurgle

    High-ranking Plaguebearers are known amongst the Daemon legions as Plague Drones, a title that conveys commendable humility. These overseers of Nurgle’s realm ride into realspace mounted upon Rot Flies – colossal daemonic insects whose appearance is so repugnant it scars the mind.
    In a collection of stomach-churning creations, it takes something especially hideous such as the Plague Drones of Nurgle to catch the eye. On each model, a Plaguebearer sits atop an enormous Rot Fly, which features two pairs of large, ragged wings, as well as lumps and boils across its body. There are also exposed innards here and there, and in one of the creature’s bulbous abdomen are the horrific, contorted faces of some poor, partially digested foe. Each of the three Rot Flies is unique, varying in features such as Plague Proboscis, mandibles and stinger. The Plaguebearers also feature an array of disturbing gifts of Nurgle, from their boils, open sores to their exposed entrails. They come with various horns and gesture with bony fingers, and they hold skulls or crude blades.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains 86 components with which to make three Plague Drones of Nurgle.


  • Poxbringer

    Poxbringers project an air of malign authority. They stand taller and broader than the Plaguebearers that surround them, their lumpen heads crowned with magnificent sets of rotting antlers. These daemons are the most common lieutenants of the Great Unclean Ones, who ensure their orders are carried out to the letter. Wielding their baleswords with prodigious strength, Poxbringers hack down the enemy’s champions and sorcerers while unleashing their own unclean spells to corrupt and despoil.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle. It is wiry and muscular, with a massively deformed leg and entrails so exposed that they touch the floor. In addition to this it possesses lesions, horns extending from its head, a ribbed tongue and creases of skin. Posed gesturing forward with a spindly arm, there is a Nurgling perched in one of the horns that erupts from the top of his spine, and a bell bearing the symbol of Nurgle hanging from another.
    This model comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. The Poxbringer can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.


  • Pusgoyle Blightlords Nurgle Rotbringer

    Pusgoyle Blightlords Nurgle Rotbringer is a multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 2 models. Each is mounted on an enormous Rot Fly, a revolting insect with 4 brittle wings that drips and drizzles foul fluids onto the battlefield as they drone through the skies. These flies are bloated and spindly at the same time, with numerous beady eyes and horrible fangs. Both models have large poles attached to their backs – you have the option of modelling them with either a cloth banner, a metal icon of Nurgle or an impaled, rotting cadaver with an expression of sheer agony. They wield massive blighted weapons, with choices of scythes or a trident, and come with choices of covered or bare heads, equally grisly in detail. 3 Nurglings accompany them – 1 with a censer, 1 riding a tiny drone and 1 chewing gleefully on his own intestines…

    The Pusgoyle Blightlords come as 76 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 60mm Round bases. This kit can be optionally used to assemble a Lord of Afflictions.

  • Rendmaster, Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne

    The Blood Throne is a baleful echo of the mighty dais upon which Khorne himself resides. It is a terrifying Daemon engine, armoured in brass and driven into battle by iron wheels that mangle all who stand in its path.
    The Blood Throne of Khorne is an industrious creation, a hybrid of flesh and daemon engine, and comes bedecked in icons of Khorne. The body is based around a large, curved, frame, which from one angle looks like a huge open mouth rolling forwards upon barbed, cylindrical wheels; yet from others is very much a machine. There are metal tubes, wires and pistons as well as horns, skulls, spikes and open maw motifs. At the front is a platform based on the Khorne symbol, and standing on it are two horned Bloodletters holding chain. But at the top of the Bloodthrone variant is a mighty skull and horn-wreathed throne. Standing atop that is an armoured and muscular Herald.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains 84 components with which to make either a Blood Throne of Khorne or a Skull Cannon of Khorne.
    Includes a Citadel 120x92mm Citadel Oval base.


  • Sloppity Bilepiper Herald of Nurgle

    Sloppity Bilepiper Herald of Nurgle is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble one model. The Bilepiper himself features jolly bells tied to his ankles and wrists, an icon-adorned hood and a split in his pot belly through which his guts dangle hilariously. A Nurgling is included, which can be placed at the Bilepipers feet, dancing joyously along to the wheezing and groaning noises issued from the sphincters of his gutpipes. The Sloppity Bilepiper comes as 9 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. This model can be added to Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 armies.

    £24.00 save 10%
  • Soul Grinder

    From the dark bowels of the Forge of Souls come all manner of hideous and unholy weapons. By means of the perverse technologies of the artisans of Chaos, daemonic energies are fused with arcane metals to create potent weapons and talismans, to be used by the Daemons in their eternal warfare. Greatest of all such constructs are the dreaded Soul Grinders - a fusion of the most powerful daemonic entities with machines of war. In battle, Soul Grinders form the armoured spearhead of the daemonic hosts, using their massive firepower to hammer the enemy lines, covering the rank-and-file troops of the Dark Gods as they close in with the enemy.
    The Soul Grinder is an immense creation. The top half of the model, from waist to head, consists of grim-looking, exposed tendons and musculature. But from the waist down, and at certain extremities on its head and arm, it is fused with barbaric metal. Its many legs are chunky plates of metal or thick blades, and they are covered in intricate details from pistons and skulls to the Chaos star; yet they still display the occasional flash of flesh to denote that this is not fully a machine. As well as one huge metal claw, the model can be armed with either a massive blade or a chitinous claw.
    This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 63 components and a 100mm x 150mm base, with which to build one Soul Grinder.
    This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
    You can use this kit for collections of both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 miniatures.


  • Spoilpox Scrivener: Herald of Nurgle

    Spoilpox Scrivener: Herald of Nurgle is a multi-part plastic kit containing the components necessary to assemble a Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle. He holds a scroll and has an enormous distended maw which snakes from the Scrivener’s face all the way around his back, ending in a massive, disgusting mouth, hectoring all around him. He has a rather wiry frame, but rather than emaciated looks strong, with long limbs ending in claws. He carries extra rolled-up scrolls – these are actually held within his flesh, pushed through cuts in his stomach and secured with knotted guts. A rather cheeky Nurgling is included, chomping happily at the bottom of the Spoilpox Scrivener’s scroll.

    This model comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base. The Spoilpox Scrivener can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.



  • The Changeling

    None recognise the presence of the Daemon known as the Changeling before it is too late. A master of illusory disguise, the Changeling secretes itself amongst its quarry, sowing confusion and misdirection. Upon throwing aside its fleshly masquerade, the Changeling uses trickery and its trickster’s staff to openly blast its foes.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble a Changeling. Armed with the Trickster’s staff in one arm, with its sinister snake on the end, his other 3 (yes, 3) arms are all concentrated on his left side, and are preparing to blast warpfire at an unfortunate foe. Clad in a cloak carrying 3 mysterious scrolls, with a huge hood obscuring his face and hiding his identity, he stands aloft magical flames which elevate him from his base.
    He comes in 15 parts, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.