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First Order


  • First Order Conversion Kit

    As you might expect from the successor to the Galactic Empire, the First Order fields a variety of starfighters based on classic Imperial designs. Far from simply rehashing these older ships, though, First Order fighters feature a number of refinements that give them the edge in their fight against the loathsome Resistance. The First Order Conversion Kit makes your First Edition versions of these ships immediately available for use in your X-Wing Second Edition squadrons.
    Within the First Order Conversion Kit, you’ll find everything you need to strike fear into the heart of the Resistance and take your squad into the future of X-Wing, including a wide variety of new ship cards and tokens, including some of the most celebrated pilots in the First Order, such as Major Stridan, “Backdraft,” and Kylo Ren himself. These pilots are accompanied by more than one-hundred upgrade cards and new maneuver dials for your TIE/fo Fighter, Special Forces TIE, TIE Silencer, and Upsilon-class Shuttle ships, giving you plenty of tools to bring back the glory of the Empire. 
    £35.99 save 10%
  • First Order Damage Deck

    Personalize your Star Wars: X-Wing experience and display your loyalty with the First Order Damage Deck! This deck contains a complete set of thirty-three illustrated damage cards featuring diagnostics of a TIE/sf Fighter so you know exactly where your ship is hit.

    £5.99 save 17%
  • Star Wars X-Wing: Fury of the First Order

    The First Order’s starfighter engineers continue to develop new technologies for use by their ace pilots, and the Fury of the First Order Squadron Pack allows players to bring these advanced starfighters to their games of Star Wars™: X-Wing!. The TIE/se Bomber bristles with a heavy payload of ordnance, while the TIE/wi Whisper Modified Interceptor is a deadly craft worthy of the Supreme Leader himself. Armed with its stealth capabilities, advanced maneuverability, and heavy weapon turret, Kylo Ren leads his fanatical 709th Legion as they mercilessly hunt pockets of resistance across the galaxy.
    This squadron pack includes content for Kylo Ren and his devoted diehards, featuring new abilities and upgrades based on their appearance in Star Wars™: The Rise of Skywalker and Star Wars™: Resistance. This pack includes everything you need to add 1 TIE/wi Whisper Modified Interceptor ship and 2 TIE/se Bomber ships to your games of Star Wars: X-Wing! 14 pilot cards create a pool of versatile pilots for these ships which can be customized in a myriad of ways with the 32 included upgrade cards. Players eager to play with these ships can as soon as possible can utilize the four included Quick Build cards which will get these powerful ships on the table in record time with effective suggestions on upgrades and configurations.
    £49.99 save 25%
  • TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack

    Developed using technologies pioneered for the Empire’s TIE Advanced program, the TIE/fo fighter is a shielded, mass-produced TIE fighter that the First Order can use to spread terror across the galaxy.
    The TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack includes one fully assembled and beautifully painted miniature and all the ship cards, upgrade cards, and tokens you need to add one of these frightening fighters to your First Order squadrons. The strikingly detailed, pre-painted TIE/fo fighter miniature in this expansion is accompanied by twelve ship cards—including nine unique pilots—and five upgrades, giving you all the raw power you need to begin rebuilding the Empire. 
    £23.99 save 25%
  • TIE/sf Fighter Expansion Pack

    Only the First Order's most elite pilots were authorized to fly the specialized TIE craft from the Special Forces TIE Expansion Pack. Outfitted with enhanced shields, weapons, and sensor systems, the ship had a dual heavy laser turret mounted to the bottom of its fuselage. In X-Wing™ this turret empowers the ship to launch a more potent attack from its primary firing arc or to fire from both its primary and auxiliary firing arcs in the same round. In addition to its pre-painted miniature, the expansion also contains four ship cards and five upgrades.

    £23.99 save 10%
  • TIE/vn Silencer

    The TIE/vn silencer is the most elite starfighter developed for the First Order by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. Built in the depths of the Unknown Regions with the technologies that once made the TIE defender an unprecedented threat, this dreaded craft can threaten any Resistance ship—provided the pilot can handle its power and speed.
    The TIE/vn Silencer Expansion Pack gives you everything you need to add one of these menacing ships to your First Order squadrons. Featuring a beautifully re-sculpted TIE/vn silencer miniature, this pack also contains six ship cards identical to the TIE/vn silencer ship cards found in the First Order Conversion Kit along with reprints of five upgrade cards uniquely tailored to take advantage of the silencer's capabilities. 
    Within this expansion, you'll find:
    6 Ship Cards:
    1 "Avenger"
    1 "Blackout"
    1 Kylo Ren
    1 "Recoil"
    1 First Order Test Pilot
    1 Sienar-Jaemus Engineer
    5 Upgrade Cards:
    1 Adv. Proton Torpedoes
    1 Hate
    1 Marksmanship
    1 Predictive Shot
    1 Primed Thrusters
    1 Condition Card:
    1 I'll Show You the Dark Side
    £23.99 save 10%
  • Xi-class Light Shuttle Expansion Pack

    The First Order's agents are scattered across the galaxy, from enclaves in the Unknown Regions to pockets of sympathizers within the New Republic. The Xi-class light shuttle is swift and lightly armed, suited to conveying First Order VIPs quickly but surreptitiously from base to base. It can also serve as a command craft, directing forces in raids before the attackers slip away into the depths of space once again. 
    Within this expansion, you’ll find a beautifully detailed Xi-class Light Shuttle miniature along with everything you need to launch it on your own secret mission, including a medium plastic base and two medium ship tokens. Four ship cards let you dispatch some of the First Order’s most elite agents to do your bidding while 14 upgrade cards let you assign additional crew members to the ship and outfit it with new technology.
    £35.99 save 10%