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This Citadel Base paint, made by Games Workshop, is designed to base coat miniatures very easily in order to give a matt finish with a single layer. It is a non-toxic, water-based acrylic paint designed for use on all types of miniature, including the Games Workshop range of miniatures manufactured for the Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Lord of the Rings games sytems.
With the same precision nozzle as the Plastic Glue, you can apply tiny drops exactly where you need them. This Superglue is extreme value for money and the quality and thickness of the glue makes it the natural choice for any Wargamer. No doubt the best value Superglue on the market today.
This small brush (Small Layer) - perfect for layering - is hand made, with pure sable bristles in a fine point meaning exceptional control - sometimes the tiniest details make a huge difference, and this brush has been designed to help you nail the feeling of a great miniature painted well.
For intricate details and edge highlights, look no further than the S Layer brush. Made with precision to get you into even the tightest crevasses, this brush is absolutely essential for novice and experienced hobbyists alike.
As a Citadel STC brush, the bristles have been made out of the finest 100% synthetic fibres Games Workshop have ever produced, helping to maintain the ideal brush shape and prevent curling at the tip. This brush has been carefully designed to paint the finest miniature details. It's an excellent companion to regular Citadel brushes, and designed to work perfectly with the Citadel Colour paint range.