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Age Of Sigmar Scenery

Age Of Sigmar Scenery Make your own corner of the Mortal Realms.


  • Age of Sigmar Malign Sorcery

    At the outset of the Soul Wars, Nagash’s cataclysmic Necroquake flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summoned forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, though these endless spells were often treacherous, as likely to turn upon their caster as they were to devastate the enemy.
    Endless spells are arcane abominations that can be summoned to the battlefield by your Wizards. From unleashing gnashing, disembodied jaws to devour your foes to raising prismatic barricades to protect your flanks, the addition of endless spells introduces a deadly new dimension to your games and offers a number of nuanced strategic options.
    This set includes the following 13 endless spells, comprising 17 push fit miniatures, each supplied with their own base:
    - 1x Purple Sun of Shyish
    - 1x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws
    - 1x Suffocating Gravetide
    - 1x Quicksilver Swords
    - 1x Aethervoid Pendulum
    - 1x Chronomantic Cogs
    - 1x Burning Head
    - 1x Malevolent Maelstrom
    - 1x Prismatic Palisade
    - 1x Emerald Lifeswarm
    - 1x Umbral Spellportal (2 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)
    - 1x Soulsnare Shackles (3 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)
    - 1x Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh (2 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)


  • Age of Sigmar: Realmscape Thondian Strongpoint

    As the Era of The Beast rages on, the savage Realm of Ghur awakens. A wellspring of primordial energy has burst its banks, and the bone-strewn plains and blood-soaked swamps of Thondia are consumed by war. Rival powers battle over arid wastes littered with the ruins of forgotten kingdoms, wary expeditions navigate murky, shifting marshes that echo with monstrous roars, and armies fight for dominance around the skeletons of massive beasts and half-built outposts. Yet all this pales before the rise of a fierce new force in the cosmos: the mystical incarnates, the essence of the realms made manifest.
    Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint is a battlefield in a box for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, comprising a range of scenery pieces and gaming boards inspired by the Ghurish alpha-continent of Thondia. It also includes the Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur – a powerful, unpredictable monster born from the energies of Ghur itself that can be added to armies of any faction. This varied assortment of half-built outposts, ominous skeletons, and exotic wonders is fully compatible with existing scenery, making the Thondian Strongpoint an excellent way to start or expand your terrain collection – it will also save you money compared to buying the contents individually.
    Rules for using the Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar can be found in Season of War: Thondia, along with additional rules for bringing the mysterious terrain of Thondia to life on the tabletop.
    This set contains 168 plastic components, with which you can build:
    – 1x Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur
    – 1x Cleansing Aqualith
    – 1x Megadroth Remains
    – 1x Domicile Shell
    – 1x Domicile Shell with Winch
    – 1x Guardian Idol
    The set also includes two double-sided folding gaming boards measuring 30" x 22.4", allowing you to build a battlefield suitable for games of up to 1000 points in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These durable boards depict the wild reaches of Thondia – each features an uninviting, boggy marsh with half-sunken flagstones on one side and an arid desert littered with massive bones and half-buried ruins on the other, and can be combined with other gaming boards to create battlefields of any size.
    These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
    £155.00 save 5%


  • Awakened Wyldwood

    When the Wyldwoods of the Sylvaneth stir, enemies of the natural order must be on their guard. The awakened spirits that dwell within these ancient groves are roused to terrible fury by intrusions into their domain. They seek every chance to prey upon those foolish enough to stray beneath their shadowed boughs.
    A deadly piece of faction terrain, Wyldwoods allow the Sylvaneth to transform even the most barren battlefield into a mystical glade. Allowing your units passage through the Realmroots, shielding you from enemy missile fire and even striking down foes, it’s a deadly tactical lynchpin that offers your Sylvaneth force even more flexible. Available at no matched play points, it’s a natural choice for any general commanding a force of these vengeful protectors of nature.
    What’s more, the Awakened Wyldwood is perfect for adding interest and thematic depth to your battlefields. Each tree is designed with a special modular base that allows you to use them on their own as scatter terrain, or together as a tactical gaming piece. Care has been taken to ensure that even the densest of Wyldwoods are easy to use in game and won't obstruct play, measurements or errant dice rolls.
    This kit is supplied in 42 plastic components and builds one Awakened Wyldwood, consisting of three customisable trees.
    £40.00 save 10%
  • Azyrite Ruined Chapel

    Create gloomy, sinister battlefields for Warhammer Age of Sigmar with the Azyrite Ruined Chapel - a set of modular terrain that makes adding ruins to your gaming board simple. Adding extra levels to battle over and cover to hide behind, they're perfect for adding tactical depth to your games. Rich, thematic detail makes these terrain pieces a pleasure to paint, build and even use as base decoration for larger models. These sets are also compatible with the Azyrite Ruins kit, giving you limitless possibilities when building your scenery .
    This plastic kit builds:
    - 1x bell-tower
    - 1x large, walled section, split over two levels, with windows and a door
    - 1x walled corner piece
    - 1x ruined wall
    - 1x ruined pillar
    - 1x small, fallen ruined and broken pillar
    Rules for using this terrain in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar can be found in the box.
    £35.00 save 10%


  • Azyrite Townscape

    Easily add scenery to your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with this set of ruins, entirely compatible with the Azyrite Ruins scenery sets. It makes 3 sections of ruins, 2 of which feature raised floor sections, a corner piece, a broken pillar, and includes a padlocked chest. The longer sections of ruined wall can be joined together to make a single, longer section, the whole piece bedecked with detailed Sigmarite iconography, and the entire set is push-fit – no glue is required to assemble, meaning you can have this set on your gaming table almost immediately!

    £35.00 save 10%


  • Bad Moon Loonshrine

    The Bad Moon Loonshrine is a lynchpin in Gloomspite Gitz armies, disgorging teeming hordes of infantry and emboldening your forces. Hewn from glowing chunks of the Bad Moon itself, these megalithic structures quickly become encrusted with fungi and charged with strange energies. In your games, this invaluable terrain piece makes your units immune to battleshock and even has the chance to return slain grots to the field – and it doesn’t even cost any matched play points! This kit is supplied in 32 plastic components.



  • Blades of Khorne Skull Altar

    Wherever Khorne's followers do battle they raise up Skull Altars – dread monuments from which to offer tribute to the Blood God and receive his blessings in return. Rising from the ground, the Skull Altar is formed out of the violent tributes heaped in offering for Khorne’s Throne.
    Available at no matched play points cost to any Khorne army, the Skull Altar is a terrain piece that makes your Slaughterpriests even more powerful. When near it, they’ll be able to re-roll their crucial prayer and judgement rolls, allowing you to unleash your favourite Judgements of Khorne or get off key bonuses without a hitch. Meanwhile, nearby Wizards will find it harder to cast spells – Khorne has no time for those who would rely on sorcery to win their battles!
    This set builds one Skull Altar. Once complete, you'll have enough room on top to mount a Khorne Hero of your choice. Covered in baroque and grisly detail, it’s a great centrepiece to your Khorne collection and incredibly useful in game.
    This set is supplied in 21 plastic components.


  • Citadel Colour Tufts: Mordian Corpsegrass

    The rigours of battle, hot climates, and other harsh environments take a toll on native plant life, with many formerly verdant fields reduced to dry straw by passing armies. Even so, many plants hold onto life, and can often be found around an army marching through particularly parched lands.
    Bring colour and detail to your armies’ bases with Mordian Corpsegrass Tufts by Citadel Colour, making it easy to tie your army together with natural-looking bases in minutes. The tufts attach to bases by a strong adhesive backing and can stick to many paints and basing materials. Each one can be easily cut or torn into various shapes as needed, and are perfect for armies deployed to rough, arid environments.
    This pack contains 125 grassy tufts split as follows:
    - 48 small round
    - 35 large round
    - 24 rectangular, rounded ends
    - 18 crescents
    Miniatures displayed in images are for scale purposes only and are not included with this product.
    £10.50 save 14%
  • Citadel Colour Tufts: Verdia Veldt

    Although many battlefields quickly turn into muddy quagmires when combat begins, armies often march across verdant fields when on the warpath. With many realms and worlds sporting at least some greenery, it’s common for soldiers to begin their campaigns surrounded by abundant plant life.
    Bring colour and detail to your armies’ bases with Verdia Veldt Tufts from Citadel Colour, making it easy to tie your army together with natural-looking bases in minutes. The tufts attach to bases by a strong adhesive backing and can stick to many paints and basing materials. Each one can be easily cut or torn into various shapes as needed, and are perfect for armies deployed to lush grassy environments.
    This pack contains 125 grassy tufts split as follows:
    - 48 small round
    - 35 large round
    - 24 rectangular, rounded ends
    - 18 crescents
    Miniatures displayed in images are for scale purposes only and are not included with this product.
    £10.50 save 14%
  • Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins

    The ravages of time and the footfalls of hundreds of rampaging armies have laid waste to many of the God-King’s Stormvaults, though the vengeful spirits of the guardians leashed to them still linger. Need some extra scatter terrain for your board? This Dominion of Sigmar set turns any gaming table into a storied battlefield, with a collection of 13 ruins designed to fight over. Abandoned temples, fallen kingdoms – you'll find this set is ideal for creating them all. On their own, they're ideal for providing some additional cover, while combined with the rest of the Dominion of Sigmar range, they're perfect for fleshing out your larger structures and tying them into your gaming boards. A free warscroll, meanwhile, gives this terrain piece it’s own thematic rules. This set is supplied in 34 plastic components.

    £40.00 save 10%


  • Fane of Slaanesh

    A Fane of Slaanesh is a focus of worship wrought in precious metal. Around it are laid offerings to the Dark Prince, but in truth it is one of his most exalted greater daemons that peers through. Those whose offerings meet with the creature’s approval are rewarded highly – but those who offend are justly punished.
    Available at no matched play points to all Slaanesh armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the Fane of Slaanesh is a key tactical lynchpin in your army. By sacrificing their life force or their artefact of power, your Heroes can empower themselves, making your Keepers of Secrets, Heralds or any other champions you choose even deadlier. What’s more, summoning Daemons near the Fane of Slaanesh will reward you with depravity points, allowing you to bring even more onto the battlefield. 
    This kit is supplied in 10 plastic components.
  • Feculent Gnarlmaw Daemons of Nurgle

    Feculent Gnarlmaw



  • Flesh Eater Courts: Charnel Throne

    Formed from the bones of those killed by an abhorrant’s insane magic, a Charnel Throne exudes madness and necrotic energies. They are the seats of power for Archregents and Ghoul Kings, blazing beacons to mordants, and structures of abject horror for the enemies of the Flesh-eater Courts.
    The Charnel Throne is a terrain feature available to all Flesh-eater Courts armies. Costing no matched play points, it’ll inspire your own units, increasing their bravery, while reducing that of nearby foes. Abhorrant Archregents, meanwhile, can use the power of the throne to summon even more units to the battlefield.
    This set contains one Charnel Throne terrain piece, supplied in 14 plastic components.


  • Fyreslayers Magmic Battleforge

    Formed instantaneously from molten metal, the Magmic Battleforge is a reflection of godly power, a manifestation of Grimnir’s fury fused with the white-hot fires of Vulcatrix. This mystic furnace can be summoned to a battlefield, where its elemental heat can ignite ur-gold runes and stoke the powers of the Zharrgrim.
    The Magmic Battleforge is a piece of terrain available to every Fyreslayers army that increases the power of your Fyreslayers Priests. Costing no matched play points, this towering edifice is a fantastic addition to your collection allowing you to add some Fyreslayers flavour to any battlefield, as well as offering a number of invaluable in-game effects. Your Priests will be able to harness the forge’s powers to assist in their prayers – or use it to better defend nearby Fyreslayers units.
    This kit builds one Magmic Battleforge, and is supplied in 33 plastic components.
  • Krondspine Incarnate Of Ghur

    The Incarnates that haunt the Krondspine Range are terrifying entities - creations of pure Ghurish energy, protected by monstrous bones and guided by a bestial intellect. In their presence, reason crumbles; the minds of mortals are filled with savagery, and wild energies are unleashed with furious abandon. Even once tamed and bound by powerful heroes, these mighty Incarnates constantly strain to unleash their unstoppable might on the world.
    This multipart kit builds one Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur, a fearsome monster of pure amber magic that can be added to any faction in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These maelstroms of primal power emanate from a massive chunk of amberbone - the potent realmstone of Ghur - and possess bestial skeletons to protect their crystalline hearts, drawing up a savage boneyard of horns, fangs, and talons suffused with swirling magical energies.
    This kit comprises 29 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 130mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
    £40.00 save 10%


  • Ogor Mawtribes: Great Mawpot

    Crafted from the melted-down weapons of defeated enemies and blessed with the strange, hungry essence of the Gulping God, the Great Mawpot is a Mawtribe's most sacred possession. All manner of gruesome ingredients are thrown into this metal cauldron and boiled up into a thick magical broth that reinvigorates any ogors who taste it.
    This piece of terrain brings a number of benefits to an Ogor army. Any enemy models slain nearby can be thrown into the pot and cooked into a restorative broth that heals Mawtribe units. It's also a vessel of the Gulping God, helping your nearby Wizards when they cast or attempt to unbind spells.
    This 23-piece plastic kit makes one Great Mawpot.


  • Ossiarch Bonereapers: Bone-tithe Nexus

    The Ossiarch tithemasters often demand their grisly bounty be left at designated nexuses of power. The soul energy and raw bone of these sites can be drawn upon to heal nearby Ossiarch constructs. If the vassals and mortals nearby refuse the tithe or break contract, the statue at the nexus’ heart lets loose its deadly gaze.
    This terrain piece casts its deadly gaze over the battlefield and punishes any who defy the will of Nagash. Choose which sentence to unleash on your foes – the Punishments of Agony, Death, Ignorance or Lethargy. That will be the last time they refuse to pay up.
    This 60-piece plastic kit makes one Bone-tithe Nexus, which stands nearly 8" tall – that's nearly the height of Nagash himself!


  • Realmshaper Engine

    There are no lengths the Seraphon will not go to in order to see the Great Plan fulfilled. At a Starmaster’s decree, Realmshaper Engines are deployed to remake reality in line with the Old Ones’ will, rendering the lands a primordial haven for the lizardfolk and a sweltering, inhospitable nightmare for their foes.
    The very battlefield itself is yours to remake with the Realmshaper Engine – a massive scenery piece that’s ideal for Seraphon armies or those looking to build sprawling temple-complexes in the Mortal Realms. Whether hosting a garrison of Seraphon troops, smiting enemies with the land itself or just making for an interesting bit of tactical terrain to battle over, it’s a cracking addition to your scenery collection.
    This set builds one Realmshaper Engine. Thanks to innovative design, you can build a squeaky-clean version of this massive edifice, or one covered in thick vines and foliage – perfect for distinguishing between Coalesced and Starborne Realmshaper Engines. Combine several sets to make an impressive temple-city of your own!
    This set is supplied in 42 plastic components.