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Space Wolves

Space Wolves

The Space Wolves are a savage Space Marine Chapter of merciless hunters. They hail from the icy death world of Fenris and strive to emulate the strength, cunning and howling ferocity of their Primarch – Leman Russ, the Wolf King. In their pursuit of the enemies of Mankind across the Sea of Stars, the Space Wolves employ the advanced technology and deadly weapons of the Adeptus Astartes under a skin of seemingly feral barbarity. The armoured flanks of their battle tanks are inscribed with runic totems. In the glare of plasma coils glint the fangs of primitive fetishes and over power armour the colour of threatening storms are hung the pelts of alpha predators. Alongside them lope the giant wolves of their home world, and the Space Wolves take up their loud howls when the warriors' keen senses detect their quarry at last run to ground. With audacious boasts, the taking of impetuous risks and the joyful roars of warriors born, the Space Wolves are a Chapter of heroes who wage war without fear or doubt, each seeking to forge a saga worthy of immortalisation.


  • Canis Wolfborn

    Canis Wolfborn is one of the most feral and destructive warriors on all of Fenris. Raised by a pack of Fenrisian wolves in the snow-swept wilderness of Fenris, he is wolf-brother to mighty Fangir, the largest and most powerful of all the Thunderwolves. In battle they are an inseparable whirlwind of claws and fangs that combine brute strength with resourceful cunning.
    This pack contains Canis Wolfborn mounted on Fangir - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in nine components with a 60mm round base.



  • Codex Supplement: Space Wolves

    The Space Wolves are a savage Space Marine Chapter of merciless hunters. They hail from the icy death world of Fenris and strive to emulate the strength, cunning and howling ferocity of their Primarch – Leman Russ, the Wolf King. In their pursuit of the enemies of Mankind across the Sea of Stars, the Space Wolves employ the advanced technology and deadly weapons of the Adeptus Astartes under a skin of seemingly feral barbarity. The armoured flanks of their battle tanks are inscribed with runic totems. In the glare of plasma coils glint the fangs of primitive fetishes and over power armour the colour of threatening storms are hung the pelts of alpha predators. Alongside them lope the giant wolves of their home world, and the Space Wolves take up their loud howls when the warriors' keen senses detect their quarry at last run to ground. With audacious boasts, the taking of impetuous risks and the joyful roars of warriors born, the Space Wolves are a Chapter of heroes who wage war without fear or doubt, each seeking to forge a saga worthy of immortalisation.
    Inside this 88-page hardback codex, you'll find everything you need to unleash the Space Wolves in battle, plus thrilling lore and art to inspire your own collection, including:
    - The history of the Space Wolves, with a look at how they relentlessly take the fight to the enemies of the Allfather across the Sea of Stars
    - A Space Wolves bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured
    - A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures
    - Rules for Space Marines units that are uniquely available to the Space Wolves
    - Rules for Sagas – a unique form of Warlord Traits – and how the mighty heroes of the Chapter can inspire their battle-brothers by performing the Deeds associated with them
    - Stratagems, the bespoke Tempestas psychic discipline, Relics of the Fang, and optional secondary objectives that define the ways that the Space Wolves wage war
    - Bespoke Crusade rules providing new Agendas, Requisitions, Battle Traits, Honorifics, and Crusade Relics that are unique to the Space Wolves
    - And more!
    You will need a copy of Codex: Space Marines and the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book to use the rules included in this codex.
    £19.00 save 10%


  • Combat Patrol: Space Wolves

    The Space Wolves are a savage Space Marine Chapter of merciless hunters. They hail from the icy death world of Fenris and strive to emulate the strength, cunning and howling ferocity of their Primarch: Leman Russ, the Wolf King. In their pursuit of the enemies of Mankind across the Sea of Stars, the Space Wolves employ the advanced technology and deadly weapons of the Adeptus Astartes under a skin of seemingly feral barbarity. The armoured flanks of their battle tanks are inscribed with runic totems. In the glare of plasma coils glint the fangs of primitive fetishes, and over power armour the colour of threatening storms are hung the pelts of alpha predators. Alongside them lope the giant wolves of their home world, and the Space Wolves take up their loud howls when the warriors' keen senses detect their quarry at last run to ground. With audacious boasts, the taking of impetuous risks and the joyful roars of warriors born, the Space Wolves are a Chapter of heroes who wage war without fear or doubt, each seeking to forge a saga worthy of immortalisation.
    If you seek to earn yourself a glorious saga in battle, then Combat Patrol: Space Wolves will provide you with the heroic warriors you need! The contents of this set have been specifically chosen to provide you with an ideal Space Wolves force for Combat Patrol sized games – approximately 25 Power Level's worth of miniatures.
    The set includes the following multipart plastic units:
    - 1 Primaris Lieutenant (supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base)
    - 1 Invictor Tactical Warsuit (supplied with a Citadel 90mm Round Base)
    - 10 Primaris Intercessors (10 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base)
    - 5 Primaris Reivers (5 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base. Can instead be assembled as Hounds of Morkai.)
    - 2 Space Wolves Primaris Upgrade Frames
    £100.00 save 10%
  • Cyberwolf

    Such is the bond between the Space Wolves and their beasts that if a Fenrisian Wolf is critically injured in battle the Chapter’s Iron Priests will mechanically augment the creature so that it may live to fight another day.
    This pack contains one Space Wolves Cyberwolf - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in four components, and is supplied with a 40mm round base.
  • Datacards: Space Wolves

    Unleash the savage fury and noble spirit of the Space Wolves with these handy reference cards! Each set is great for quickly referring to your rules, making sure you'll pick the right Stratagem or psychic powers for your battles with ease. Also included are a set of cards designed to easily track your Sagas and Deeds – rules unique to the Space Wolves that reward heroism on the battlefield!
    This pack contains the following datacards:
    - 7x core Stratagems
    - 16x Space Wolves Stratagems
    - 1x Smite psychic power
    - 6x psychic power cards (for the Tempestas discipline)
    - 6x Deed and Saga cards
    You will need a copy of Codex: Space Marines, Codex Supplement: Space Wolves and the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book to make full use of these cards.
    £11.00 save 50%
  • Grey Hunters

    Viewed by some as wild, even barbaric, the Space Wolves are nonetheless a proud brethren, as noble as they are fierce. Those who dare to oppose them quickly feel the fangs of the wolf around their throats, for the Sons of Russ are dedicated to the hunt.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains 218 components with which to build ten Space Wolves miniatures. There are five different leg variations, six torso variants, five backpack variants and 28 variant heads, meaning there are an incredible number of options for personalising your pack - assemble them as Grey Hunters, Blood Claws or Wolf Guard!
    This kit includes ten Citadel 32mm Round bases. 
    £37.00 save 10%


  • Hounds of Morkai

    Daubed beneath their sinesterly hued Phobos armour with runes of warding and abjuration, Hounds of Morkai are hunters of psykers. Sniffing them out with psycept detectors, these obsessed warriors emit strangely pitched howls. Runic circuitry augments their hunting call, disrupting their prey's powers and sowing fear before the kill.
    Equipped with grapnel launchers and special issue bolt pistols with which to hunt their quarry, Hounds of Morkai are a deadly and highly manoeuvrable unit of Reivers that lend the Space Wolves a significant edge against psykers. If you're facing an enemy force with numerous and/or powerful psykers at their disposal (such as the Space Wolves’ hated enemies, the Thousand Sons), never leave Fenris without at least one pack of Hounds of Morkai!
    The set includes the following multipart plastic kits:
    - 1x Primaris Reivers (5 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base)
    - 1x Space Wolves Primaris Upgrade Frame
    This set is supplied in 135 plastic components and comes with a Space Wolves Primaris Transfer Sheet.
    £34.00 save 7%
  • Logan Grimnar on Stormrider Space Wolves

    Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf, is the commander of the Warhammer 40,000 Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines. Like his brother Space Wolves, he is a fearsome warrior with immense martial pride and will never back down from a fight or a challenge. In battle he will often be found at the forefront of his army, tearing apart his foes with The Axe Morkai - an ancient artefact of immense power. As one of the most successful of all humanity's commanders, there are few champions as inspirational and well-regarded as Logan Grimnar.

    This multi-part plastic kit contains Logan Grimnar on Stormrider.



  • Psychic Awakening: Saga of the Beast

    Book 6 of the Psychic Awakening Series
    When the Great Rift tore open across the galaxy, the Orks saw it as a conduit to even greater conflicts and battles. Ghazghkull’s Great Waaagh! rapidly grew in size and strength with each fresh conquest as the greenskins instinctively mustered for war. The Grand Warlord’s hordes were further swollen as the visions of Ork Weirdboyz compelled their warbands to join the Great Waaagh from light years away.
    Meanwhile, the Rune Priests of the Space Wolves received visions of their own, foretelling the unification of the greenskin race. Determined to intercede before such an eventuality could befall the Imperium, Logan Grimnar took decisive action, sending his Great Companies across the Sea of Stars in a bid to defeat the Orks before they became unstoppable and finally rid the galaxy of the threat Ghazghkull posed.
    In the sixth instalment of the Psychic Awakening, you'll read how the Space Wolves engaged the Orks wherever they could be found – and what happened when Ragnar Blackmane tracked Ghazghkull to his base of operations on Krongar. Meanwhile, a vast set of rules expansions enhance your armies of Space Wolves and Orks with name generators, updated datasheets and much more besides.
    Inside this 80-page book, you'll find:
    - Riveting background that reveals the sheer magnitude of the gathering Ork threat
    - Missions that allow you to recreate some of the most pivotal battles that took place when Wolf met Beast
    - Expanded army rules for the Space Wolves – including the deadly new Primaris version of Ragnar Blackmane
    - Expanded army rules for the Orks – including the new datasheet for Ghazghkull Thraka (who is not just back, but more powerful than ever!) and his plucky grot banner bearer, Makari
    £25.00 save 10%


  • Ragnar Blackmane

    Supremely confident and eager always to be first into the fray, Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane leads his Great Company in devastating planetary invasions. No longer as headstrong as in his youth, Ragnar's berserk rages are still furious hurricanes of violence, and his terrifying howls freeze the blood of his foes.
    As a Wolf Lord, Ragnar is the Jarl of his Great Company, the Blackmanes, and makes for an excellent Warlord to lead your Space Wolves into battle. He is at his very best when carving a bloody swath through the heart of the enemy army – just point him at the enemy and watch him go!
    This model is supplied in 18 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 40mm Round Base.
    £28.00 save 10%


  • Space Wolf Arjac Rockfist

    Arjac Rockfist is Logan Grimnar's personal champion, having impressed the Great Wolf with his prodigious strength, heroic deeds and fortitude. Armed with his trusty weapons Foehammer and the Anvil Shield, he has earned his place in Grimnar's Wolf Guard a dozen times over.
    This pack contains Arjac Rockfist in terminator armour - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in three components, and is supplied with a 40mm round base.


  • Space Wolf Fenrisian Wolves

    The wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably linked with those of the human tribes that share their ice-bound world. It is considered a great feat for a battle-brother of the Space Wolves to hunt down a pack of these wolves when armed with nothing but his wits. If he should kill the alpha male of the pack, the rest of the wolves will instinctively treat him as their new pack leader. When the battle-brother returns successful to the Fang, he does so in the company of wolves.
    Fenrisian Wolves are not only swift, but hit hard-hitting, making them perfect for picking off vulnerable, isolated targets, or acting as a screen for your advance.
    The set includes 5 multipart plastic Fenrisian Wolves, with interchangeable heads for added variety. Each model is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base.
    £26.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf

    The Wolf Lords rule from the heart of the Space Wolves Chapter, each leading a Great Company comprising over a hundred of the most lethal men Fenris can breed. Every command a Wolf Lord gives is obeyed without question; though he has walked the path of the warrior, he commands with the authority of a king. When mounted atop a mighty Thunderwolf, the Wolf Lord inspires his men into ever-greater displays of heroism.
    This boxed set contains one Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf armed with a frost axe and storm shield - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in 15 components, and is supplied with a 60mm round base.


  • Space Wolf Thunderwolf Cavalry

    From the Mountains of the Maelstrom come the legendary Thunderwolves, hulking beasts with jaws so strong they can chew through steel. There are several known instances of senior Space Wolves tracking down and ‘breaking in’ Thunderwolves, and this practice, thought to be an initiation ritual into the upper echelons of the Wolf Guard, has given rise to the near-mythical Thunderwolf Cavalry - a small but dauntless elite within the ranks of the Wolf Guard who remain absent from any official Imperial records.
    This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 121 components with which to build three Thunderwolf Cavalry models. This set comes with a selection of weaponry, including a frost blade, a power fist, a thunder hammer and three storm shields, as well as optional extras such as grenades, holstered bolt guns, bolt pistols and a choice of six different heads.
    £40.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Iron Priest

    This multi-part Warhammer 40,000 plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Iron Priest, implacable armoured battlesmith of the Space Wolves. He comes armed with a helfrost pistol and tempest hammer - ordinarily used for forging and smelting, but also pretty handy to wield in a fight - and includes a servo arm. This model is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

    £24.00 save 10%


  • Space Wolves Njal The Stormcaller

    Njal Stormcaller can bend the savage elements to his will. He is clad in terminator armour and armed with the Staff of the Stormcaller and accompanied by his psyber-familiar, Nightwing. The skies are his to command, and he takes fierce delight in summoning ice-toothed blizzards and howling gales with which to scatter and destroy those who stand in his path.
    This pack contains Njal Stormcaller in terminator armour - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in three components and is supplied with a 40mm round base.


  • Space Wolves Primaris Upgrades

    This pack of plastic components can be used to upgrade a variety of Primaris Space Marines with iconography and details specific to the Space Wolves Chapter. 21 components in total are included: 
    - 5 Intercessor Shoulder pads;
    - 1 Intercessor Sergeant shoulder pad;
    - 3 Aggressor shoulder pads – each of these shoulder pads bears the insignia of Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company;
    - 3 heads, unmistakably Space Wolf in origin – 1 helmeted, 1 with mohawk and beard, 1 with fully spiked hair;
    - 1 right arm, holding a chainsword;
    - 1 left arm, drawing a knife from its sheath;
    - 7 decorative components: 2 wolf tails, 2 pouches, 1 necklace, 2 diamond shaped amulets.
    £11.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Stormwolf or Stormfang

    This multi-part plastic kit makes either one Space Wolves Stormwolf or a Stormfang . It has an access point at the front of its hull which will transport for up to sixteen Space Wolves.

    If constructed as a Stormwolf it has a hull mounted twin-linked lascannon and a turret mounted twin-linked hellfrost cannon. The two side sponsons can be equipped with a choice of twin-linked heavy bolters, skyhammer missiles or twin-linked multi-meltas.

    In Stormfang mode it will transport six Space Wolves but also includes a helfrost destructor that runs the length of its fuselage.  Two side sponsons can be equipped with a choice of twin-linked heavy bolters, skyhammer missiles or twin-linked multi-meltas. On the hull you can either mount two stormstrike missiles or replace them with twin-linked lascannon.

    The set includes shields, pelts and hanging chains which can be used to customise the Stormwolf or Stormfang. 



    £57.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Transfer Sheet

    Forged from a race of ferocious warriors raised on the death world of Fenris, the Space Wolves are furious, savage adversaries -the perfect fusion of raw might and technological supremacy, fighting with blade, claw and boltgun against the horrific armies that threaten to consume mankind. 
    This A4 transfer sheet is filled with dozens of Icons, runes, Chapter symbol and pack markings, allowing you to make your Space Wolves miniatures look spectacular and easily identifiable in the heat of battle!


  • Space Wolves Ulrik The Slayer

    Wise beyond measure, having fought and survived countless battles in hundreds of worlds, Ulrik the Slayer is legendary. Older than any Space Wolves, barring those trapped within the twilight existence of the Dreadnought, he has become an iconic figure to many of the Chapter’s warriors. He has overseen tremendous crusades that have crushed rebellions, exterminated xenos invasions and launched a thousand armadas, not from a lofty position of command; Ulrik the Slayer fights amongst his brethren, wielding a crozius arcanum that takes the strength of three men to merely lift, let alone swing.
    This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build Ulrik the Slayer, a single-pose Space Wolves miniature! Wielding his massive crozius arcanum and clutching the Wolf Helm of Russ, he cuts an impressive figure indeed, inspiring the Spaces Wolves around him to ever-greater deeds. His backpack features wolf skull vents and his windswept cloak is covered in engraved designs. Eight components in total, includes a Citadel 32mm Round base. 
    £24.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Upgrades

    Space Wolves Upgrades is totally compatible with all existing multi-part Space Marine kits, this upgrade pack contains a sprue of amazing parts for Space Wolves fans. Eighteen parts are included, featuring the following:
    • Ten Space Wolf Shoulder Pads (Rangnar’s Great Company)
    • One Space Wolf Sergeant Bare Head
    • One Space Wolf Sergeant/Captain Helmet
    • One Space Wolf Back Plate with Wolf Pelt
    • One Space Wolf Backpack
    • One Space Wolf Double Bladed Chainsword
    • One Space Wolf Frost Axe
    • Two Space Wolf Back Icons
    £11.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

    This multi-part plastic kit makes one Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought armed with a Fenrisian great axe and blizzard shield. It comes with a selection of additional weaponry, including a helfrost cannon and a multi-melta.

    This kit can also be assembled as:

    • Bjorn the Fell-Handed armed with a customised lighting claw known as Trueclaw and an assault cannon. It also comes with a selection of weaponry, including a Helfrost cannon.
    • Murderfang armed with murderclaws.
    £40.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators

    Every Space Wolves warrior dreams of a place in the Wolf Guard. To be a member of this select brotherhood is to wield the very deadliest weapons of war while serving as the personal guard of their Wolf Lord.
    Clad in hulking suits of sacred Terminator armour, Wolf Guard Terminators are a brotherhood of nigh-invulnerable champions, each eager to dispense his own particular brand of death.
    This box set contains five multi-part plastic Wolf Guard Terminators. This 100-piece set includes: five different leg variations, five torso variants and 13 different shoulder guard variants, and 13 heads. Also included are: four sets of wolf claws, an assault cannon, four thunder hammers and storm shields, a heavy flamer, five storm bolters, three power fists, two chainfists, a frost axe, and a power sword. Models are supplied with 40mm round bases.
    £40.00 save 10%
  • Space Wolves Wulfen

    Having surrendered to the terrible curse that the Canis Helix afflicts, the Wulfen are a grotesque distortion of the power of the Space Wolves. Loping forward at a preternatural pace, due to the strange curse that alters their anatomies in bizarre and striking ways, they are perfectly adapted to the hunt, chasing down and attacking the foe with a constant, barely controlled berserker rage. They carry potent artefacts; attacking with claws, axes and hammers as stormfrag launchers, controlled by wilful machine spirits, hurl explosive charges into the fray - and those who hear their howling war cry can feel their own heart within begin to stir…
    This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble five Wulfen. These savage beasts can be built with a thunderhammer and storm shield, great frost axe or a pair of frost claws - their backpacks can optionally feature either a grisly trophy rack full of bones or a stormfrag auto launcher. One Wulfen can be assembled as a Pack Leader in a unique pose, with special frost claws, and the box includes numerous decorative pieces to give your Wulfen a unique look.
    This boxed set contains a total of 165 components, and includes five Citadel 40mm Round bases. 
    £40.00 save 10%