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Special offers



  • 81mm Mortar and 4 Crew

    GWW 10 81mm Mortar and four crew.

    28mm Scale
  • Afghan Tribesmen (1800-1900)

    Afghan Tribesmen (1800-1900)

    This box contains 36 multipart plastic Afghan or North West Frontier Tribesmen. There are 4 x warrior frames 2 x command as well as bases, flags and an information booklet by Mark Urban.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Afrikakorps. German Infantry 1941-43

    38 Hard Plastic multipose figures complete with additional 20 mm circular bases and 40 mm square bases for weapons teams plus organisational information. 3 types of head gear are provided (steeel helmets, tropical cork helmets and field caps) as well as varied arm positions and choice of weapons( MG 34's, anti-tank rifles, 50 mm motars, MP 40's, Kar 98's, etc). There are enough figures in the box for a platoon or Zug.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Agincourt Foot Knights 1415-1429

    This Perry Miniatures box contains 36 Knights/Men at Arms. There 18 'English' knights and 18 'French', however all could be used for the same side or any west european nation. They are armed with cut-down lances/spears, pole arms and swords.


  • Agincourt French Infantry 1415-29

    This Perry Miniatures box contains 36 Infantry and 6 knights/men at arms. The infantry are armed with spears, crossbows, double handed axes and hand weapons. The knights have cut-down lances/spears, pole arms and swords.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Agincourt Mounted Knights 1415-1429

    Agincourt Mounted Knights 1415-29

    This Perry Miniatures box contains 12 mounted European Knights of which up to 6 can be made as light horse (mounted archers or sergeants).
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Allied Cavalry (1812-1815 Prussian/Russian Dragoons)

    This set allows you to build not only Prussian and Russian Dragoon but also Russian Mounted Jäger regiments plus detachments of Prussian Mounted Volunteer Jäger. The Prussian regiments can be represented in either Kollet or in the campaign Litewka. There are a large variety of options for poses; charging/ attacking as well as shouldered swords for all.

    Box contains: 14 cavalrymen, full painting guide and bases.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • American Civil War Artillery ACW

    This plastic American Civil War Artillery set contains 3 guns, 3 limbers and 18 crew plus bases. There are 4 gun barrels for each gun; Napoleon 12pdr, 3 inch Ordnance Rifle, 10 pdr Parrott and 12 pdr Howitzer.

    All the crew are multipose with many separate arm variants to enable you to create the right drill positions for the guns. There are separate forage caps, kepis and slouch hats foe all the crew so you can choose which side to portray.

    Designed by Alan and Michael Perry


  • American Civil War Battle In A Box

    This Perry Miniatures box is an American Civil War Battle Box containing 2 Generals, 145 Infantry, 12 Cavalry, 18 Artillerymen, 4 guns, 1 Farmhouse, over 4 feet of fencing, unit bases for all figures, a revised 'Firepower' rule set by Alessio Cavatore, uniform guide and flags.


  • American Civil War Cavalry

    These 28mm American Civil War Cavalry plastic miniature figures are designed to be used as either Union or Confederate cavalry in table top games. Both sides wore similar uniforms, and the plastic model kit contains everything you need to assemble the figures as either.

    This plastic model box contains:
    • 12 plastic Cavalry figures.
    • 4 flags.
    • A set of rules for games of Toy Soldiers with these cavalry figures.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • American Civil War Infantry

    These 28mm plastic American Civil War Infantry miniature figures are designed to be used as either Union or Confederate cavalry. Both sides wore similar uniforms, and the kit contains everything you need to assemble the figures as either.

    This plastic model box contains:
    • 36 Infantry figures.
    • 4 Flags.
    • A set of rules for games with these Toy Soldier Infantry figures.


  • American Civil War Southern Infantry 1861-65

    28mm Plastic figures designed by Alan Perry The figures in this box represent a Southern infantry regiment form 1862 onwards although there are a fair amount of units that can be depicted from 1861 too. They are all represented in short jackets typical of the entire Southern Army from mid-1863. Both caps and broad-brimmed hats are included for all figures as some regiments adopted the hat and others the cap, although most had a mix. All figures have separate arms to allow you build the regiment at ‘right shoulder shift’ or at the charge. 44 figures in the box, 8 flags, unit bases and a painting guide. Cover painting by Peter Dennis

    £25.00 save 12%
  • American Civil War Union Infantry Skirmishing

    American Civil War Union Infantry Skirmishing are variously firing, loading and running. They are all in sack coats and have the choice of either forage caps or broad-brimmed hats. The figures are the same as the Union box ACW 115 but are a different mix to allow a skirmish force to be built. You could also create a ragged firing line with most of the the figures too.

    There are 38 figures in the set with individual 20mm round bases and flags.



  • American Civil War Zouaves

    These 28mm plastic American Civil War Cavalry figures are represented in full Zouave kit, the most colourful uniforms seen on the battlefield of the American Civil War.  The figures are all advancing rapidly, with arms that allow you to depict them all at right shoulder shift, or at a more intimidating charge.

    This plastic model box contains:
    • 42 Zouaves including command.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • American War of Independence British Infantry 1775 - 1783

    This box contains centre company men (or hat men) of a typical British regiment for the war. The regiments flank companies were normally detached to for combined light and grenadier battalions. They are represented in cut-down coats for campaign and come with three hat variants; the typical cocked hat, the un-cocked hat or board brimmed hat and the ‘Saratoga cap’, cut down from the cocked hat. They can be assembled either at the charge or at the trail ( probably the most common drill position when operating in wooded countryside). The also wear the typical gaiter-trousers or American trousers which became very popular in the war. The officers are in simple undress coats favoured on campaign. Box contains: 36 figures plus 2 casualties, units bases, full painting guide and flags

    £25.00 save 12%
  • American War of Independence Continental Infantry 1776-1783

    The Perry Miniatures box contains 38 Continental Infantry with the option of four to six command figures and up to four Riflrmen. All the rank and file can be assembbled in either formal or informal marching poses. Four figures on the 'Rifleman' sprue can be made up as either riflemen skirmishing or Continentals marching (formal and informal) in hunting shirts. These can be mixed in with the rest of the infantry, who are wearing coats, to create a less regular look to the unit. The command sprue offers the option of up to three officer types and up to two standard bearer options. A drummer and two sergeant arms are also included with all the figures in the box, you also have the choice of three different types of head gear; the cocked hat, the short-brimmed round hat and a peaked cap. Although the box is dated from 1776, when the comtinental system came in, there are many regiments from 1775 that can be assembled and are included in the painting guide. A full painting guide (with over 120 uniforms), flags and unit bases are also include.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry 1798-1815

    AN 80 Napoleonic Austrian ‘German’ Cavalry (Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Chevauxlegers) 1798-1815
    These figures can be built as Cuirassiers, Dragoons or Chevauxlegers (Light Dragoons prior to 1801) from 1798-1815 with the appropriate head/helmet variants. They are all in campaign dress i.e. all wearing overalls. The box contains 14 cavalrymen including Officer, Trumpeter and optional standard bearer.
    This set allows you to build the large ‘German’ cavalry arm of the Austrian Army throughout the Napoleonic Wars.
    Figures designed by Alan Perry
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Austrian Napoleonic Hussars 1805-1815

    AN 100 Napoleonic Austrian Hussars 1805-15
    The Austrian Hussars were the most colourful troops in the Austrian army, all coming from the Hungarian part of the Austrian empire. They were universal troops, used for all duties; scouting, skirmishing as well as in the main line of battle. All the figures in this set can be assembled in full or campaign dress, and either at full charge, sword shouldered or attacking.
    Set contains 14 cavalrymen, painting guide and bases.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • British 3 inch mortar and four crew

    Perry Metal British 8th Army 3 inch mortar and four crew

  • British Desert Rats 1940-43

    Desert Rats 1940-43. 38 hard plastic multipose British or Commonwealth infantry for the desert war. There are enough to make a platoon of 3 sections plus an HQ section. Also included are 32x 20mm circular and 4x 40mm square bases (for the support teams).

    £25.00 save 12%
  • British Infantry (Zulu War) 1877-1881

    British Infantry (Zulu War) 1877-1881 box contains multipart hard plastic 28mm figures which can be used for the Ninth Cape Frontier War, Zulu War and the First Anglo-Boer War. They are also supplied with Home Service helmets so can be used for any potential invasion from France, Germany or even Mars! There are 38 miniatures in the box including 4 casualties, two Heliographs,4 pairs of standards, unit bases and uniform information.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • British Infantry Afghanistan & Sudan 1877-1885

    British Infantry Afghanistan & Sudan 1877-1885 box contains 36 plastic multipose British Infantry designed for the Second Afghan War, Sudan and the Third Anglo- Burmese War. It also includes unit bases and an information sheet with 8 flags.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • British Napoleonic Foot Artillery firing 9 pdr

    This Perry Napoleonic Blister pack contains a British Napoleonic Foot Artillery unit firing 9 pdr as pictured

  • British Napoleonic Line Infantry 1808-1815

    The figures in this box represent a regiment of British Line Infantry in a firing line and a company of rifleman skirmishing.  Included  are a Line Regimental Command, centre and flank companies and parts to allow you to build a unit from either the Peninsular War or the Waterloo Campaign
    This plastic model box contains:
    • 36 Line Infantry figures
    • 4 Riflemen
    • Unit bases
    • 4 Flags


  • British Vickers machine gun and four crew

    Perry Metal 8th Army British Vickers machine gun and four crew
  • Confederate Artillery

    This Perry Blister pack contains Confederate Artillery firing piece
  • Confederate Generals

    3 Mounted Confederate Generals Perry Miniatures suitable for any 28mm game set in the American Civil War

  • Early Austrian Mounted High Command

    Early Austrian Mounted High Command contains 3 metal cavalry figures

  • Elite Companies French Infantry 1807-14

    FN260 Elite Companies French Infantry 1807-14
    This box contains 40 figures skirmishing and includes individual round bases ideal for skirmish gaming.

  • Franco Prussian War French Infantry Advancing

    FRE 1 Franco-Prussian War French Infantry advancing.
    This box contains parts to assemble 25 figures advancing at high porte or all can be marching with shouldered rifles. There are also 10 figures that can be used as skirmishers, firing and loading, plus a command group. There are 38 figures in total and the box includes an information sheet, bases and flags.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Franco Prussian War French Infantry Firing

    FRE 2 Franco-Prussian War French Infantry firing line.
    This box contains parts to assemble a firing line of 25 standing and kneeling figures plus 10 in advancing poses. There are also 3 command figures to make up a box of 38 miniatures plus casualties. Also included are unit bases and an information sheet with flags.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • French Napoleonic Dragoons 1812-1815

    The box contains 13 mounted dragoons, 8 dismounted (this allows for horse holders) , 6 casualties (French and British Infantry), unit bases and painting guide. Torsos for the correct ratio of troopers for the elite company are included, both in helmets and the old bearskins retained by some regiments. The dragoon's traditional role of dismounting to fire use long musketoons was still, on occasion performed, but since 1800 they had evolved into regular cavalry. The box includes mounted and dismounted figures to allow their full range of duties to be represented.

  • French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry 1812-1815

    The figures in this box represent a regiment of either of the two famous corps of French Heavy Cavalry, the Cuirassiers or the Carabiniers.  these two elite corps (big men on big horses) were used by Napoleon as the shock troops of the French army throughout the war.  there are enough parts to build them all as charging or with their swords shouldered.
    This plastic model box contains:
    • 14 cavalry figures
    • 6 casualty figures
    • 4 Flags
    • Painting guide
    £25.00 save 12%
  • French Napoleonic Hussars 1792-1815

    Known for their colourful and expensive uniforms, hussars were used in a typical light cavalry fashion i.e scouting, skirmishing and raiding as well as massed charges on the battlefield.  the figures in the box cover the regiments in the French army from the revolutionary war to the end of the Empire. 
    This plastic model box contains:
    • 14 mounted figures.
    • Unit bases
    • Flags.
    • A painting guide.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • French Napoleonic Infantry Battalion

    FN 250 French Napoleonic Infantry Battalion 1807-14
    The box contains 44 figures; 36 man battalion marching or attacking plus 8 Elite company men skirmishing.



  • French Napoleonic Line Infantry 1812-1815

    The figures in this box represent a regiment of French Line Infantry in a firing line and a company of rifleman skirmishing.  Included  are a Line Regimental Command, centre and flank companies and parts to allow you to build a unit from either the Peninsular War or the Waterloo Campaign
    This plastic model box contains:
    • 36 Line Infantry figures
    • 4 Riflemen
    • Unit bases
    • 4 Flags
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Lancastrian Mounted High Command

    Lancastrian Mounted High Command contains 6 metal figures

  • Mahdist Ansar - Sudanese Tribesmen 1881-1885

    The Perry miniatures box contains 40 figures that can be assembled as Beja (Fuzzy Wuzzies) and Kordofan Tribesmen

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Medieval Cottage 1300-1700

    This new plastic kit enables you to build a medieval, thatched, cruck frame Medieval cottage with working doors and also includes 75cm of wattle fencing plus an animal shelter/wood shed. Great for games set in as wide a period as 1300-1700.

    Box contains- 1 plastic medieval cottage.
  • Mercenaries European Infantry 1450-1500

    This box set contains 40 multi-part figures which can be assembled as pikemen (up to 18), crossbowmen (up to 12) and handgunners (up to 12 models) as well as command. It includes 12 european polearm heads which are designed to customise the arms carrying pikes, also seperate pavises, targes/ bucklers and sword arms. Designed to be used for the bulk or part of many european armies such as Burgundy, Switzerland, France, the Holy Roman Empire, the Low Countries, Italy, late 15th century Spain and mercenaries fighting for both sides during The Wars of the Roses.

    Box contains- 40 figures, 26 banners and uniform guide and unit bases.

  • MG34 with Tripod with 4 Crew

    GWW 11 MG34 with Tripod with 4 Crew.

    28mm scale
  • Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500

    This box contains 12 mounted Men at Arms that can be used for most European armies. There is seperate horse armour for mounts if needed and 7 different horse heads (25 in total). The Men at Arms have 14 right arm options and 12 head options (per 4 riders). There are also lance,sword,mace, warhammer,axe and standard pole/spear options.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic British Colonels (mounted)

    This Perry Blister pack contains 3 mounted Napoleonic Colonels, 2 can be used as Hanoverian or KGL, one is a Highland Colonel
  • Napoleonic British Hussars 1808-1815

    As well as British Hussars these Perry miniatures can also be used as Kings German Legion and Hanoverian Hussars. There five variants of head gear for each hussar figure which allows you to use them from the beginning of the Peninsular War to and including the Waterloo campaign. All figures (except the trumpeter) have two arm variants, shouldered sword and at the charge. They are represented in campaign dress, with the pelisses separate which can be left off if depicting them in hot climates.

    This box of Perry miniatures contains 14 mounted figures, unit bases and a Painting guide.

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic British Light Dragoons 1808-15

    BH90 Napoleonic British Light Dragoons 1808-15 Both Peninsula and Waterloo uniforms are covered in the box.

    This Perry Miniatures box contains 14 mounted figures with unit bases and uniform guide

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw Infantry Battalion 1807-14

    DOW 1 Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw Infantry Battalion 1807-14
    Box contains- 44 figures: full painting guide: bases.
    This box contains a battalion, Fusiliers, Grenadiers, Voltigeurs and command. The figures can be portrayed in marching or attacking poses. 36 figures make up the battalion, 6 Grenadiers, 6 Voltigeurs and the rest are Fusiliers and command. There are also 8 additional flank company figures, skirmishing, included.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw Infantry, Elite Companies 1807-14

    DOW 2 Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw Infantry, Elite Companies 1807-14
    Box contains- 40 figures: full painting guide: individual round bases.
    This box is designed for skirmish level units. All can be built as Elite companies, Voltigeurs and Grenadiers plus a command group. Both Voltigeurs and Grenadiers could skirmish ahead of the main line although Voltigeurs were primarily used for the role. Grenadiers would be used back them up when needed.
    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic French Line Chasseurs a Cheval

    French Line Chasseurs a Cheval

    There are 14 mounted figures, bases and full colour guide
    The figures come in the 1808-12 and the 1812-15 uniform. Both campaign and full dress for both uniforms are included. 

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic Prussian Line Infantry 1813-1815

    Napoleonic Prussian Line Infantry 1813-1815. This box contains 46 plastic figures

    £25.00 save 12%
  • Napoleonic Russian Foot Artillery 6pdr

    This Perry blister pack contains Napoleonic Russian Foot Artillery 6pdr 4 metal crew plus one 6 pounder gun.
