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Special offers

Gale Force 9

Gale Force 9


  • "Eberron" - DM Screen

    This screen is the perfect companion for those Dungeon Masters running adventures in Eberron. Containing Dragon Marks and their houses, the Deities of Eberron, Goods and Services, and a list of Common Names, this screen will help you bring the world of Eberron to life.

    £11.00 save 10%


  • "Eberron" - Lord of Blades (1 fig)

    This hulking monstrosity is a Warforged warlord, who has broken all ties with his former human masters. A mechanised beacon for all the Warforged, the Lord of Blades literally stands head and shoulders above its compatriots.

    £16.00 save 10%


  • "Eberron" - Map (28'x18', 18'x12', 18'x12')

    Discover the world of Eberron with this set of maps designed to immerse your party into the nations of Khorvaire. Featuring three over-scale maps, perfectly designed for your tabletop, these maps allow your adventurers to see all the realm of Eberron in all its glory.

    £32.00 save 10%


  • "Eberron" - Warforged Monk, Cleric & Fighter (3 figs)

    The Warforged were built to fight in the Last War. Built as weapons they must now find a purpose beyond war. A warforged can be a steadfast ally, a cold hearted killer or a visionary in search of meaning. This box includes a Warforged Wizard, Warforged Monk and Warforged Fighter

    £24.00 save 10%


  • Barbed Wire 15mm scale 8 metres length

    This Gale Force Nine product contains 8 metres / 24 feet of barbed wire, designed for use with 15mm figures.
  • Black Viper

    Part of the Waterdeep Series

    The Black Viper was a notorious burgular, pickpocket, mugger and assasin who died a century ago after a long and nefarious career. Lady Esvele Rosznar has adopted the Black Vipers persona
    Contains 2 resin parts.
    Sculpted by Matt Bickley
    GF9 71072


  • Captain N'ghathrod

    Part of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Series

    Captain N'ghathrod is an illithid pirate who once ate the brains of several shipmates to survive.
    Contains 2 resin parts.
    Sculpted by Rob Mcfarlane
    GF9 71088


  • Chultan Dinosaur Warrior

    Part of the Tomb of Annihilation Series

    The dinosaurs of Chult are dangerous and unpredictable, however, some brave souls have found a way to tame and domesticate these creatures through magic or a strange, unexplainable affinity. Dinosaurs are a part of Chultan culture and are used as everything from guardians to pack beasts to mounts.
    Sculpted by Russell Barton.
    Contains 7 resin pieces.
    GF9 71061
  • D&D Monster Cards: Epic Monsters

    Contains 77 durable, double-sized, laminated cards representing every legendary monster found in the D&D Monster Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
    £22.00 save 20%
  • D&D Monster Cards: NPCs & Creatures

    Contains 182 durable, laminated cards for creatures and NPCs within the Monster Manual® and Volo’s Guide to Monsters™. With game statistics on one side and evocative art on the other, they are the perfect tool to help dungeon masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.


  • D&D Monster Cards: Volo's Guide to Monsters

    D&D Monster Cards: Volo's Guide to Monsters contains 81 cards with a challenge rating of 1-16. Printed on durable, laminated card for a range of deadly monsters of challenge rating 1–16. With game statistics on one side and evocative art on the other, they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.





  • D&D Spellbook Cards: Monster Deck 0-5

    D&D Spellbook Cards: Monster Deck 0-5 contains 179 durable, laminated cards for a range of deadly monsters of challenge rating 0–5. With game statistics on one side and evocative art on the other, they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.



  • D&D Spellbook Cards: Monsters 6-16

    D&D Spellbook Cards: Monster Deck 6 - 16 contains 74 durable, laminated cards for a range of deadly monsters of challenge rating 6 - 16 . With game statistics on one side and evocative art on the other, they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.



  • Dune: The Board Game

    Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe.
    Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction books of all time. Welcome to the acclaimed 40-year-old board game which allows you to recreate the incredible world of Frank Herbert’s DUNE.
    In DUNE you will become the leader of one of six great factions. Each wishes to control the most valuable resource in the universe - melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet DUNE. As Duke Leto Atreides says “All fades before melange. A handful of spice will buy a home on Tupile. It cannot be manufactured, it must be mined on Arrakis. It is unique and it has true geriatric properties.” And without melange space travel would be impossible. Only by ingesting the addictive drug can the Guild Steersman continue to experience visions of the future, enabling them to plot a safe path through hyperspace.
    Who will control DUNE? Become one of the characters and their forces from the book and . . . You decide!
    —description from the publisher
    £40.00 save 5%


  • Dune: The Board Game

    Take part in one of the most famous science-fiction stories of all time. Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy builds on 40 years of development, refinement, and evolution from the original classic game. It has the same beloved DNA, flavor, tension, and themes, but with new game-board design, more spice, new streamlined rules, and a new market deck from which you can purchase game advantages. Also, the brand new two-player mode really opens up new gaming opportunities, all making the game more accessible for even the most casual gamer.
    In Dune, you will take control of one of the four great factions—House Atreides, House Harkonnen, the Fremen, and the Imperium—all vying to control the most valuable resource in the universe: melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet Dune. Ship your forces to Dune, harvest spice, seize control of strongholds, and destroy your enemies. Who will control Dune? You decide!
    The game is played multiple phases, some of which don't have player specific actions, like in the Spice phase, a Spice Blow card is drawn and spice is added to the board in two territories, or else a Sandworm attacks that last two territories where spice was placed. But on the card phase, each player draws up to a hand of 4 Battle cards, and then may purchase Market cards up to a hand of 3 for 2 spice each. On the Shipping and Movement Phase, players take turns adding forces to the board and then moving forces on the board. Each player's faction has
    The game plays 3 to 5 Rounds. Starting on Round 3, the game can end if a player occupies 3 strongholds at the end of the Round. If no one occupies 3 strongholds at the end of Round 5, then the player with the most spice wins (and each stronghold they occupy counts as 5 spice).
    £50.00 save 10%


  • Dungeons & Dragons: Spellbook Cards - Cleric

    Engross yourself in a world Dungeons & Dragons, take up the role of your fabled adventurer, delve into the dark recesses of ancient lands, defeat the villainous sorcerer who wishes to control the world and become legend! D&D spell decks contain all the magic cantrips and spells for all your heroes from each magic using class. Cleric Magic is granted to clerics by the grace of the cleric's patron deity and is considered divine magic or holy. Can be cast while wearing armour this is less aggressive than arcane magic but still powerful, involving healing, stopping time, draining energy or summoning monsters. Each card describes the spell name and important information for quick reference, provides descriptive text on how the spells work, additional sections for scaling spells with details on how they improve and the card backs prominently display each spell level for easy sorting. This saves having to go back and forth through your hand book, helping with the selection of new spells to learn, and after a long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. They are made of a laminated, rigid material so can be written on with dry erase markers to help organise your play and each deck is colour-coded for easy identification and includes the full text for each spell. This is a fantastic essential for any D&D player who wishes to take up the role of a cleric and needs a quick, easy tool to organise their spell book. This deck contains 149 cards and replaces the previous Cleric Spell Deck & Cleric Domains deck.



  • Dungeons & Dragons: Spellbook Cards - Cleric (CLONE)

    Engross yourself in a world Dungeons & Dragons, take up the role of your fabled adventurer, delve into the dark recesses of ancient lands, defeat the villainous sorcerer who wishes to control the world and become legend! D&D spell decks contain all the magic cantrips and spells for all your heroes from each magic using class. Cleric Magic is granted to clerics by the grace of the cleric's patron deity and is considered divine magic or holy. Can be cast while wearing armour this is less aggressive than arcane magic but still powerful, involving healing, stopping time, draining energy or summoning monsters. Each card describes the spell name and important information for quick reference, provides descriptive text on how the spells work, additional sections for scaling spells with details on how they improve and the card backs prominently display each spell level for easy sorting. This saves having to go back and forth through your hand book, helping with the selection of new spells to learn, and after a long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. They are made of a laminated, rigid material so can be written on with dry erase markers to help organise your play and each deck is colour-coded for easy identification and includes the full text for each spell. This is a fantastic essential for any D&D player who wishes to take up the role of a cleric and needs a quick, easy tool to organise their spell book. This deck contains 149 cards and replaces the previous Cleric Spell Deck & Cleric Domains deck.



  • Dungeons & Dragons: Spellbook Cards - Magical Items

    From adamantine armor to wings of flying, every magic item in the Dungeon Master's Guide is on a card of its own in this easy-to-use deck of cards. Keep your game moving along when the adventurers find that crucial magical treasure, by providing your players with a card that is quick and easy to reference in and out of the game. - Contains 294 durable, laminated cards for a hoard of magical weapons, armor, and other wondrous items from the D&D Dungeon Masters Guide. - Official game statistics provided on one side, and evocative art of the item on the other. - The perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters equip their villains or dole out rewards to their players' heroes.



  • Dungeons & Dragons: Spellbook Cards - Paladin

    This deck of spell cards are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn, and after a long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time. Spell name and important info is easy to find for quick reference. Descriptive/Mechanical text is written in full wherever possible. When it isn’t, a Player’s Handbook page reference is given. Scaling spells have an additional section with details on how they improve. Card backs prominently display spell level for easy sorting. The Spell cards are highly durable and are made to last. Each card has a coating that protects them and makes them safe to use with dry erase markers. This deck contains 69 cards: the 45 from the original D&D Spellbook Cards: Paladin and the 24 from D&D Spellbook Cards: Paladin Oaths.



  • Durnan of the Yawning Portal

    Part of the Waterdeep Dragon Heist Series

    Durnan of the Yawning Portal is the owner and proprietor of tyhe Yawning Portal. Although he looks like a middle aged man whose best days are behind him, Durnham has a sharp mind and can still swing a sword when he must.
    Contains 4 resin parts.
    Sculpted by Roy Gabriel
    GF9 71071


  • Earth Myrmidon

    Part of the Elemental Evil Series

    Elemental myrmidons are elementals conjured and bound by magic into ritually created suits of plate armor. In this form, they possess no recollection of their former existence as free elementals. They exist only to follow the commands of their creators. 
    Contains 5 resin parts.
    Sculpted by Charles Woods
    GF9 71040


  • Erelal Freth

    Part of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Series

    Erelal Freth, drow priestess of Lolth, is the commander of the House Freth fortress deep in the Undermountain. She oversees all House Freth ventures, with her brother Drivvin as her advisor.
    Contains 1 resin part.
    Sculpted by Matt Clarke
    GF9 71078
  • Ezzat the Lich

    Part of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Series

    Deep within the Runestone Cavers resides Ezzat the Lich, a potential powerful ally against the dark forces of Halaster Blackcloak
    Contains 2 resin parts.
    Sculpted by Matt Clarke
    GF9 71076


  • Force Grey

    Part of the Collectors Series

    The Force Grey group have pitted themselves against the giants in Season One and the Tomb of Annilhilation in Season Two, bringing live D&D to Twitch and the world.
    Contains 5 unpainted resin miniatures
    GF9 71064
  • Gale Force Nine Arid Static Grass

    The Arid Static Grass blend is perfect for dead, dried out, war-torn places where battles are so often fought, as well as deserts, scrub lands and abandoned urban ground. You can also use Arid Static Grass alongside autumn foliage for early winter bases, snow for winter scenics, or green foliage for early spring bases.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Arid Static Grass tub

  • Gale Force Nine Ash Waste Flock

    The Ash Waste flock can represent the fine grit that coats the universe's battlefields, giving a bleak, desolate look for your urban bases. It can also be used as tundra permafrost combined with small clumps of green foliage.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Ash Waste Flock tub

  • Gale Force Nine Autumn Clump Foliage

    Autumn Clump Foliage is a mix of red, orange and yellow clump foliage. Clump foliage is the same material used in flock, but in much larger pieces. These larger clumps can be used to realistically represent bushes and small trees. Clump Foliage can also be torn into smaller pieces, to represent very small plants.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Autumn Clump Foliage tub

  • Gale Force Nine Autumn Flock

    Autumn Flock Blend is a mix of red, orange and yellow flock with a bit of green, representing fallen autumn leaves. Autumn Flock Blend's variety of colours can also be sprinkled lightly over green grass or clump foliage, representing wildflowers.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Autumn Flock tub

  • Gale Force Nine Bocage Flock Blend

    This is a mixed flock blend for representing the colours of Bocage, the famed feature of Normandy.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Bocage Flock Blend

  • Gale Force Nine Concrete Rubble Mix

    The Concrete Rubble Mix creates realistic concrete block that is perfect for rocky, rubble-strewn bases.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Concrete Rubble Mix tub

  • Gale Force Nine Dark Conifer Flock

    Dark Conifer Flock is a mix of dark and medium green flocks with a touch of red and yellow, realistically representing the forest ground cover armies often march through. A little coarser than our other flocks, when used alongside other flock blends and static grass it creates another layer of depth on the base. Dark Conifer Flock can also represent climbing mosses and fungus on the sides of cliffs or buildings.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Dark Conifer Flock tub

  • Gale Force Nine Dark Green Static Grass

    The deep rich colours of Dark Green Static Grass serve as a perfect accent for armies based in ancient forests or dense jungles and can be used with light green static grass for a darker, lusher, more realistic effect.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Dark Green Static Grass tub

  • Gale Force Nine Dead Static Grass

    Dead Static Grass is a mixture of colours that realistically represents dead, dying, or dried-out grass as well as urban weeds, swamp grasses or winter ground cover.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Dead Static Grass tub

  • Gale Force Nine Dirt Foundation Flock

    Foundation Dirt is fine blend of brown and grey flock that can be used as the first layer of scenic material on a model's base. It can that be topped with static grass, foliage, or other scenic materials and doesn't need to be painted, making basing (or re-basing) your army quick and easy.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Dirt Foundation Flock tub

  • Gale Force Nine Empty Hobby Tub Pack

    Empty Hobby Tubs are the clear stackable containers used in Gale Force Nine's Hobby Scenics range, ready to be filled with your own custom basing mixes.

    This contains 2 Gale Force Nine Empty Hobby Tubs

  • Gale Force Nine Extra Strong Super Glue

    Cyanoacrylates (CAs), also known as super glues, have become the adhesive of choice for most hobby and household applications. GF9 Hobby Glue is a reactive monomer that chemically links (polymerizes) when pressed into a thin film. This bottle contains 28 grams of glue which is nearly 6 times as much as many other popular glues for the same price!!

    This super glue is the real deal. If you had problems getting metal models to stick together with ordinary super glue then you will not be disappointed with this glue. It really works!!!!



  • Gale Force Nine Fine Basing Grit

    Fine Basing Grit can be used to represent fine dirt, sand, rubble or debris. All Gale Force Nine's basing grit is made from a porous organic material rather than sand or other minerals. This organic material absorbs glue and paint, insuring that everything stays where you want it. When using sand (or kitty litter or any other mineral), paint and glue tend to flake off over time.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Fine Basing Grit tub

  • Gale Force Nine GF9 Green Stuff

    Gale Force Nine’s new hobby tool range provides the miniature modeler, collector and gamer with all of the indispensable tools and supplies needed for every project.

    From basic assembly and cleaning of your new miniatures to master level conversions, our range has the tool that’s right for you! Never before has a hobby tool range combined such versatility, quality and affordable prices.



  • Gale Force Nine GF9 Grey Stuff

    Gale Force Nine’s new hobby tool range provides the miniature modeler, collector and gamer with all of the indispensable tools and supplies needed for every project.

    From basic assembly and cleaning of your new miniatures to master level conversions, our range has the tool that’s right for you! Never before has a hobby tool range combined such versatility, quality and affordable prices.



  • Gale Force Nine GF9 Sculpting Tool Set

    Gale Force Nine’s new hobby tool range provides the miniature modeler, collector and gamer with all of the indispensable tools and supplies needed for every project.

    From basic assembly and cleaning of your new miniatures to master level conversions, our range has the tool that’s right for you! Never before has a hobby tool range combined such versatility, quality and affordable prices.

    3 pc. Intro Sculpting Set

    This set is great for the beginning sculptor. Wither its filling gaps while assembling your model or sculpting a new addition to your miniature, you'll find the right tool for the job in this affordable set. This set contains three stainless steel tools.



  • Gale Force Nine Green Static Grass

    Green Static Grass is a mixture of green, yellow, and red static grass that creates a realistic bright green covering, complementing bright, colourful armies nicely.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Green Static Grass tub

  • Gale Force Nine Heavy Duty Plastic Cutters

    Gale Force Nine’s new hobby tool range provides the miniature modeler, collector and gamer with all of the indispensable tools and supplies needed for every project.

    From basic assembly and cleaning of your new miniatures to master level conversions, our range has the tool that’s right for you! Never before has a hobby tool range combined such versatility, quality and affordable prices.

    Premium 6" Flush Cutter

    This durable flush cutter is perfect for clipping plastic model parts off the sprue or cutting unwanted plastic bits off your miniature.



  • Gale Force Nine Marsh Blend

    Marsh Blend is a mix of flocks and static grasses that represent the mossy, murky, plants that live in damp, fetid places and works well for armies that make their home in bogs, swamps and other dark places.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Marsh Foliage tub

  • Gale Force Nine Meadow Blend Flock

    Meadow Blend is a mix of coarse green flocks, a bit of static grass, with a touch of red and yellow and provides a nice alternative ground cover for spring and summer themed bases. Meadow Blend can also be used to represent small plants that often crop up in deserts, rocky cliffs and other inhospitable places.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Meadow Blend Flock tub

  • Gale Force Nine Medium Basing Grit

    Medium Basing Grit can be used to represent coarse dirt, sand, rubble or debris. All Gale Force Nine's basing grit is made from a porous organic material rather than sand or other minerals. This organic material absorbs glue and paint, insuring that everything stays where you want it. When using sand (or kitty litter or any other mineral), paint and glue tend to flake off over time.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Medium Basing Grit tub

  • Gale Force Nine Modelling Knife

    The Hobby Knife is designed for cutting and cleaning components. The ergonomic rubber handle gives great control and has been designed to be used in key modelling positions.

    The knife comes with 12 spare blades to give your tool a long life and ensure you keep it sharp.



  • Gale Force Nine Plastic Accessory Variety Pack

    The Plastic Accessory Pack is chock full of possibilities. It contains a wide assortment of tubes, beams and rods; 16 pieces total. Everything in the pack is made from styrene and can be glued with either super or plastic glue.


  • Gale Force Nine Plastic Cutters

    Gale Force Nine’s new hobby tool range provides the miniature modeler, collector and gamer with all of the indispensable tools and supplies needed for every project.

    From basic assembly and cleaning of your new miniatures to master level conversions, our range has the tool that’s right for you! Never before has a hobby tool range combined such versatility, quality and affordable prices.

    Premium 5" Flush Cutter

    This durable flush cutter is perfect for clipping plastic model parts off the sprue or cutting unwanted plastic bits off your miniature.



  • Gale Force Nine Rocky Basing Grit

    Rocky Basing Grit can be used to represent rubble or debris and mixed into Fine and Medium grits to add texture to your bases. All Gale Force Nine basing grit is made from a porous organic material rather than sand or other minerals. This organic material absorbs glue and paint, insuring that everything stays where you want it. When using sand (or kitty litter or any other mineral), paint and glue tend to flake off over time.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Rocky Basing Grit tub

  • Gale Force Nine Snow Flock

    Snow Flock is use to represent a winter theme on your bases and recreates snow perfectly.

    This contains 1 Gale Force Nine Snow Flock tub
