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Galactic Empire


  • Galactic Empire Damage Deck

    Personalize your Star Wars: X-Wing experience and display your loyalty with the Galactic Empire Damage Deck! This deck contains a complete set of thirty-three illustrated damage cards featuring diagnostics of a TIE/in Interceptor so you know exactly where your ship is hit.

    £5.99 save 17%
  • Inquisitors' TIE Expansion Pack

    An experimental craft reserved for elite agents of the Empire such as the dreaded Inquisitors, the TIE Advanced v1 has numerous cutting-edge features that skilled pilots can leverage to deadly effect. The craft’s high-precision thrusters and flexible controls let its pilots tirelessly pursue their prey across the galaxy.
    This expansion pack includes everything you need to add one TIE Advanced v1 ship to your Imperial squadrons, including reprints of four ship cards and five upgrade cards for the benefit of new players, as well as two Quick Build cards to get you off the ground even faster.
    £23.99 save 10%
  • TIE/D Defender Expansion Pack

    A fighter so powerful and advanced that Phoenix Squadron feared its mass production could make the Imperial Navy unbeatable, the TIE/D defender features powerful shields, speed and maneuverability, and a suite of potent weapons including missiles and cannons. In the right ace’s hands, the TIE/D defender can bring down nearly any target.
    Within the TIE/D Defender Expansion Pack, you’ll find everything you need to bulk up your Imperial squadrons, including a TIE/D defender miniature, five ship cards, and four upgrade cards that invite you to outfit your ship with new systems, missiles, and cannons. Meanwhile, two Quick Build cards provide exciting combinations of pilots and upgrades, inviting you to see everything the ship can do.
    Within this expansion, you'll find the following:
    5 Ship Cards
    1 Colonel Vessery
    1 Countess Ryad
    1 Rexler Brath
    1 Delta Squadron Pilot
    1 Onyx Squadron Ace
    4 Upgrade Cards:
    1 Advanced Sensors
    1 Elusive
    1 Ion Missiles
    1 Tractor Beam
    £23.99 save 10%
  • TIE/ln Fighter Expansion Pack

    Few sounds can strike fear into the heart of a starfighter pilot like the howl of an incoming group of Imperial TIE/ln fighters. The iconic fighter of the Galactic Empire, the TIE’s namesake twin ion engines deliver impressive speed and pinpoint maneuverability. Although its lightweight frame lacks deflector shields or a hyperdrive, its affordability allows the Empire to deploy TIE fighters in great numbers to crush any Rebel resistance.
    The TIE/ln Fighter Expansion Pack includes one beautifully pre-painted miniature and all the ship and upgrade cards you need to incorporate this flying terror into your Imperial squadron. In addition, the TIE/ln Fighter Expansion Pack contains a few entirely new cards that have never before appeared in the game's first edition. These new cards and associated punchboard are also included in the Galactic Empire Conversion Kit for the benefit of veteran players!
    Within this expansion, you'll find:
    10 Ship Cards:
    1 Del Meeko
    1 Gideon Hask
    1 "Howlrunner"
    1 "Mauler" Mithel
    1 "Scourge" Skutu
    1 Seyn Marana
    1 "Wampa"
    1 Academy Pilot
    1 Black Squadron Ace
    1 Obsidian Squadron Pilot
    4 Upgrade Cards:
    1 Crack Shot
    1 Juke
    1 Marksmanship
    1 Stealth Device
    £23.99 save 10%
  • VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack

    A durable vessel capable of independent patrols, the VT-49 Decimator’s size and power blurred the line between shuttle and corvette—but the same qualities that endeared it to up-and-coming Imperial officers also made it useful to agents of the Emperor, under whom failure was not an option.
    With the VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack, you can bring a single VT-49 Decimator to your Galactic Empire squadrons. In addition to one pre-painted and finely detailed VT-49 miniature, you’ll also find three ship cards matching the VT-49 Decimator ship cards from the Galactic Empire Conversion Kit, as well as a selection of thirteen reprinted upgrade cards, giving you the freedom to add vital crew and deadly devices to your ship. Finally, two Quick Build cards let you get your Decimator in the fight right away with predefined combinations of ship and upgrade cards.
    £47.99 save 10%