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Battlezone Mechanicum: Terrain Cards

Battlezone Mechanicum: Terrain Cards


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£13.50 (Save 10%)


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Amidst belching furnaces and crackling discharge from barely-understood technology, the battlefield becomes a hazardous place to all who find themselves fighting upon it. Even the Adeptus Mechanicus, who often live among such terrain, advance carefully through forests of rusted gantries, exposed wires, and arcane generators.
Enhance your games of Warhammer 40,000 with this collection of bespoke rules for eight different terrain pieces themed around the Adeptus Mechanicus. Handy diagrams illustrate exactly how the terrain interacts with those around it, which you'll find of vital importance when a generator suddenly sparks to life or blast doors fly open.
Inside this 22-card pack, you will find:
- 8 Terrain datasheet cards
- 8 Tactical terrain datasheet cards
- 2 Battlezone Mechanicum rules cards
- 1 Agendas card for use in Crusade campaigns
- 1 Theatre of War card for use in narrative and open play games
- 1 Photo card
- 1 Art card
The datasheets provided cover the Ferratonic Furnace, Haemotrope Reactor, Plasma Conduits, Mechanicum Walkways, Alchomite Stack, Galvanic Magnavent, Thermic Plasma Regulator, and Munitorum Armoured Containers terrain pieces.