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Wargames Illustrated Magazine Issue 445 January 2025

Wargames Illustrated Magazine Issue 445 January 2025


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This month’s OP looks at the latest SAGA book and a selection of Wargames Atlantic plastics.  
Dom Sore’s monthly column highlights a wide range of new and upcoming wargaming ephemera.
Short, quick-read posts from Wi readers about their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.
Theme: Turnip28 Toffs and Toadies 
Callum France shows how to paint neat and precise mess on some converted Turnip28 figures.
The Mad Trapper of Rat River 
Daniel Mersey heads to the freezing cold of Northwest Canada to play a manhunt through the dangerous wilderness conditions.
Theme: A nostaligic love letter in miniature 
Paul Cubbin takes his wargaming nostalgia to the next level, and paints some Airfix Napoleonic Highlanders to a standard that will pass muster with the most judgmental modern wargamer.
“Was there a man dismayed?” 
David Bickley tells us about his second foray into collecting the waring factions for the Crimean War.
Theme: Desert Bases 
Paul Mackay follows up on his winter basing guide from Wi444 with suggestions for sandier options.
The Other Partizan - PART TWO 
The second part of our look at The Other Partizan wargames show includes games covering WWI, the AWI, Middle-earth, Napoleonics, and more.
Midgard: Heroic Battles deep dive 
We delve into James Morris’ new game and highlight some of the gaming treats and visual splendour its rulebook offers.
Theme: MDF scenic enhancement 
Matt Parkes takes Sarissa’s intentionally simple terrain pieces, made to accompany Mark Copplestone’s Little Soldiers range, and ups their realism.
Glenn Clarke looks to the origins of gunpowder, its early uses, and how to make your early period games go with a “Bang!”.
Theme: Building Middle-earth: The House of Beorn 
Mark Clayton finishes his Middle-earth trilogy by building the impressive home of Beorn, from The Hobbit.
Matchlocks in Notts 
Never Mind the Matchlocks designer Andy Callan takes on Wi Editor Dan Faulconbridge in this battle report.
Theme: Build for yourself a city 
Pete Brown searches out some Bronze Age terrain that brings broad opportunity with its ambiguity.
Theme: Making Renaissance galleys 
Simon Cato turns his hobby desk into a shipyard and produces close to 50 Renaissance galleys and lanternas.
Six months of life 
Bill Gray examines Mendigorría, the largest battle of the Carlist Wars, fought on 16 July 1835.
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