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Stug III Ausf. G

Stug III Ausf. G


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This set includes 6 superbly detailed 12mm/1:144 scale tanks and a decal sheet (German crosses and yellow numbers).
The StuG III was a successful assault gun design with a very low silhouette that was armed with a 7.5cm or 10.5cm gun.
Crew 4
Armament 7.5cm StuK L48 or 10.5cm  StuH 42 L28 plus one roof mounted 7.92mm machine gun
Ammunition 44 7.5cm rounds or 36 10.5cm rounds
Road – 40kph    Cross Country – 24kph
Range Road 164km.    Cross country 90km
Armour Hull - Front 50mm, Sides 30mm , Rear 30mm. plus 8mm skirts
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