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Retribution of Scyrah Phoenix Manticore Hydra

Retribution of Scyrah Phoenix Manticore Hydra


Sales Code
PIP 35007
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House Shyeel has brought the power of its formidable Myrmidons to the Retribution, fighting machines enhanced by sophisticated arcanika systems. The Hydra stores energy in its arcane batteries to unleash a torrent of crushing blows or a singularly powerful blast. The Manticore is equally as formidable in melee or at range, thanks to kinetically augmented attacks and its Cyclone Cannon. The Phoenix enters battle in a blaze of blue-white flames as liquid fire ignites along its massive thermal blade.

This Warmachine box set contains:
  • 1 Retribution of Scyrah - Shyeel Heavy Warjack with all of the following options in plastic:
    • 1 Retribution of Scyrah Phoenix option
    • 1 Retribution of Scyrah Manticore option
    • 1 Retribution of Scyrah Hydra option