The Church of Morrow’s Order of Illumination investigates occult threats and, when force of arms is required, dispatches specialist strike teams to eliminate them and limit harm to the general populace. Among these zealous soldiers are the vigilants, small teams of tireless hunters trained to stalk and dispatch unnatural predators, including otherworldly horrors summoned by infernalists. The prayers woven into their weapons and whispered on their lips empower their strikes with the light of Morrow. Order of Illumination Vigilants are veteran monster hunters who are tasked with excising unnatural foes with their Blessed and Magical weapons: a powerful Heavy Crossbow and Great Sword. They work best in small groups, leveraging their Advance Deploy and Stealth to ensure they are in the right place at the right time. They are difficult to dislodge once they pounce on you with their Gang ability to increase their hitting and damage potential.