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Kracken Sepulcher Colossal Cryx Warmachine

Kracken Sepulcher Colossal Cryx Warmachine


Sales Code
PIP 34117
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List Price
Our price
£79.85 (Save 15%)


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Kraken Sepulcher Colossal Cryx Warmachine Cryxian colossals rank among the most nightmarish necromechanikal fabrications ever loosed upon the Iron Kingdoms. Deployed only sparingly and in secret for centuries, these terrifying constructs are seen among Cryx armies with increasing frequency. The Kraken lashes out with long tentacles, feeding its necromantic furnace with the corpses of its victims to power its deadly hellblaster cannon. The Sepulcher snatches enemy soldiers and necromechanikally enhances them, producing an endless supply of thralls to be unleashed on the enemies of the Dragonfather.

Kraken Sepulcher Colossal Product Information

  • Base Size: 120mm
  • Code: PIP 34117
  • Model Materials: Plastic
  • Model Count: 1
  • Packaging: Box
  • Detailed Images