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  • Infernal Cav Solo Fallen Knight Valin Hauke

    Infernal Cav Solo Fallen Knight Valin Hauke

    PIP 38001
  • Infernal Command Orin Midwinter Master Preceptor

    Orin Midwinter is a man who has gone through several transformations in his checkered past. Some people seem destined to lead, others to serve, and Midwinter has always felt driven to assist those in power. Perhaps it was inevitable that he would become one of the most influential secret infernalists in western Immoren, playing a key role in the great invasion. He has earned a special place of power and influence among the infernalist cultists, collaborating with the infernal masters. In doing so, he has earned the unending enmity of the rest of humanity.

    PIP 38015
  • Infernal Command Zaateroth Weaver of Shadows inc resin

    Zaateroth is a fell master of tremendous intellect and will, an entity whose very appearance can overwhelm lesser minds, forcing them to their knees. She possesses an aura of alien grace and majesty that is both cold and terrifying. It is no wonder that in ancient times, those who witnessed Zaateroth thought her a dark goddess, and in occult texts, she is described as a personification of death and decay. At her least touch, corporeal forms begin to lose coherence, falling to ruin as if left to age for a thousand years. Shadows move about her like specters, and in these shadows is the essence of the Outer Abyss.

    PIP 38016
  • Infernal Griever Swarm (10)

    Griever swarms drift swiftly through the air and travel in small packs, disgorging void fire at their chosen prey. Though considered infernals, as they are native to the same realm, they are closer to animals or beasts. Their behavior suggests a strangely uncanny understanding of their environment and their prey as they silently coordinate to attack. They are surprisingly durable, and their mode of movement is erratic, making them hard for mortals to anticipate. Inky darkness follows them, pulled from beyond Caen, and the sight of their approach presages certain doom.

    Griever Swarms act as the core ranged unit for Infernal armies. They have a wide selection of useful abilities to help them fulfill this role, such as Flight, giving them useful mobility over all types of terrain. Additionally, they have Eyeless Sight, which allows them to ignore much of the standard defensive tech available to most models, and Combined Ranged Attack, so they can group together to deliver especially powerful shots.
    PIP 38014
  • Infernal Heavy Horror Desolator

    The larger horrors sent forth by the infernals are massive hulks, their strange hides resistant to cutting and resilient against all but the mightiest blows. Desolators are terrifying to behold, their bodies festooned with myriad tumor-like bulbous sacs, each serving as a bladder for caustic liquids this horror unleashes through the maws of its attack limbs to obliterate its foes. Enemies closing with a Desolator are soon shredded by its upper limbs, which end in exceedingly sharp long-bladed claws
    PIP 38009
  • Infernal Heavy Horror Soul Stalker

    Infernal Heavy Horror Soul Stalker

    PIP 38004


  • Infernal Heavy Horror Tormentor

    The larger horrors sent forth by the infernals are massive hulks, their strange hides resistant to cutting and resilient against all but the mightiest blows. A Tormentor threshes through mortal warriors, severing limbs and inflicting other ghastly wounds. To this creature, a living body is just clay, something easily and brutally dismantled to separate the soul from the flesh that anchors it to Caen. Each of its massive toothy attack claws contains an open throat ready to swallow any flesh or metal it tears loose. Some believe these mouths to be themselves portals to the Outer Abyss.

    PIP 38008


  • Infernal Light Horror Lamenter

    Infernal Light Horror Lamenter

    PIP 38003
  • Infernal Master Agathon Voice in Darkness

    Infernal Master Agathon Voice in Darkness  inc resin

    PIP 38013
  • Infernal Master The Black Gate Omodamos

    All infernal masters are adept at battle, but more than any other, Omodamos embraces combat as the essence of his being. This master is a juggernaut of destruction, a force of unnature, and a being whose arrival presages slaughter and endings. He is called the Black Gate, for he eschews negotiations and contracts, preferring to tear souls directly from the slain and send them howling into the Outer Abyss. His arrival on Caen affords ample opportunities to inflict chain reactions of destruction and suffering, a pleasure denied him in the outer realms. Where Omodamos strides, reality weakens and buckles, flinching back as if afraid.

    PIP 38010


  • Infernal Solo The Wretch

    Infernal Solo The Wretch

    PIP 38007
  • Infernal Solo Umbral Guardian

    Umbrals are a type of infernal that occupies a distinct niche in the Outer Abyss, benefiting from being able to slip into Caen more easily than others. They possess a special connection to shadows that lets them exploit darkness to serve as gateways. Guardians are often contracted to bind into the shadows of important infernal assets, lurking unseen to await the time they are needed, at which point they spring into action in defense of their charge.

    PIP 38002


  • Infernals Light Horror Shrieker

    Infernals Light Horror Shrieker
    PIP 38012D