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Heirs to Heresy: Faith & Fear

Heirs to Heresy: Faith & Fear


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A supplement for Heirs to Heresy, introducing new knightly orders, mighty relics, mysteries, and foes both mortal and supernatural.
The shadow that hangs over Europe, already dark, is growing ever darker. Branded a heretic and turned fugitive, you are on the run. Your enemies are many, your friends few… and trust scarce. The knightly orders with whom you once fought side-by-side – the Hospitallers, Teutonics, and others – are potential allies but, having witnessed your cruel fate, do they still keep faith with the Templars or have they fallen to doubt and fear?
Heirs to Heresy: Faith & Fear is a supplement for the roleplaying game of the fall of the Knights Templar that unfolds like the labyrinthine Templar conspiracies themselves. Previously unknown foes stalk city streets and forest paths alike, while unexpected allies come to the fore in the form of new playable knightly orders. Ancient relics and new mysteries abound, allowing players to dive more deeply into this dark, mythic Europe, while rules for strongholds and spy networks present them with opportunities to exploit or challenges to overcome.