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Hand of Judgement Protectorate Heavy Warjack Warmachine

Hand of Judgement Protectorate Heavy Warjack Warmachine


Sales Code
PIP 32107
In stock
1 item(s) available
Our price


Quantity (1 available)

Hand of Judgement Protectorate Heavy Warjack exists for a single purpose: to execute the will of Feora, Priestess and Protector of the Flame. Armed with an immolator cannon and a massive mace, this mighty warjack brings Menoth’s cleansing fire against those arrayed against the Protectorate. Zealous in smiting its enemies, it has demonstrated a dangerous temper only Feora can keep in check. Wherever she treads, Hand of Judgment follows, eager to slip its leash to destroy those who displease its master.

Product Information

  • Base Size: 50mm
  • PIP Code: 32107
  • Model Materials: Resin & White Metal
  • Model Count: 1
  • Detailed Images