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The Jagdpanzer 38(t) 'Hetzer' (German for 'baiter') was intended to provide the German infantry divisions with a tank hunter that had better survivability than the Marder or Nashorn but was not as expensive as the Jagdpanther or Jagdtiger. It was better armoured than the earlier tank hunter designs, carried a reasonably powerful gun, was mechanically reliable and was small and easily concealed. It was also cheap to build, utilising the Skoda factory and much of the production facilities previously used to make the Panzer 38(t) and much of the Marder III series. The 7.5cm PaK39 gun of the Hetzer was the same gun fitted to StuGs and similar to those fitted to Panzer IV tanks. It could destroy nearly all Allied tanks in service at long ranges and its enclosed armour protection made it a safer vehicle to crew than the Marder II or Marder III series. Unusually, the Hetzer mounted a remote-control machine-gun mount that could be fired from within the vehicle. However, to reload the crew needed to open the hatch and expose themselves to enemy fire.
Flames Of War contents: this blister pack contains 1x German Jagdpanzer 38(t) 'Hetzer'