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Special offers


Cygnar Cygnar


  • Brickhouse Heavy Warjack

    Brickhouse Heavy Warjack is Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack, a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing warjacks with blows from its devastating power maul. No matter the situation, this bulwark of Cygnaran engineering is a welcome sight to its allies.
    PIP 31123
    £54.95 save 10%
  • Command Book Cygnar

    Command Book Cygnar softback provides the foundation you need to take up the fight for the Cygnus with: • Complete rules and profiles for the brave warcasters and cutting-edge warjacks of Cygnar, including two new warcasters and a new character warjack. • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Cygnar's warcasters and warjacks. • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are. • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Cygnar armies with specific benefits.

    PIP 1080
    £24.95 save 32%
  • Commander Coleman Stryker

    Commander Coleman Stryker sees himself as just another soldier fighting for the crown, he is one of the greatest warriors of Cygnar. His young age may deceive some into believing he has not earned his rank compared to the aged generals leading the king’s army, but battlefield experience has made him wise beyond his years. A fine leader, a better soldier, and one of the most accomplished warcasters in the Iron Kingdoms, Coleman Stryker was born to be a hero of Cygnar and expects to die defending his beloved nation

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 31084
    • Model Materials: Metal
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 31084
    £10.95 save 10%
  • Cygnar Battlegroup Warmachine

    Cygnar Battlegroup box contains everything one player needs to start playing Warmachine.

    Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the warjacks and warcasters of Cygnar provide commanders with the perfect balance of mobility, strength, and stopping power. Take command of the noble forces of Cygnar with this fully loaded battlegroup box!

    This Warmachine Battlegroup contains:

    • 4 Highly Detailed, Single-colored Plastic Miniatures with Stat Cards
    • Basic Training Tutorial Guide
    • Battle Map
    • Introductory Guide
    • WARMACHINE: Prime Rules Digest
    • 18” Ruler
    • 4 Six-sided Dice
    • 10 Focus Tokens
    • 3 Spell Tokens
    • Obstacle Card
    PIP 31121
  • Cygnar Stormblade Infantry and Storm Gunners

    Stormblades are ready to face insurmountable odds and wield the most advanced mechanika Cygnar has to offer. These heavily armored soldiers are each handpicked to become knights of storm. Supplementing ancient martial tradition with state-of-the-art weaponry, in combat Stormblades are surrounded by a nimbus of flashing lightning, a sight that represents a fearsome presage of the future of Cygnaran warfare.

    This Warmachine Blister pack contains nine plastic miniatures.

    These models are supplied unpainted, assembly may be required
    PIP 31097
  • Cygnar Structure Trencher Blockhouse

    Cygnar Structure Trencher Blockhouse are often built to support Cygnaran trenchworks, providing girded fire bays and supporting fire in the event of an enemy overrun of the front. Able to withstand direct artillery fire from all but the heaviest enemy guns, these blockhouses return fire with salvos from their impressive cannons while acting as mustering points to reinforce embattled trencher platoons.

    Warmachine Product Information:

    • Base Size: 120mm
    • Model Materials: Resin
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 31136


  • Cygnar Sword Knights (10 models)

    Among the oldest of the Warmachine knightly orders in western Immoren, the legendary Cygnar Sword Knights are one of the cornerstones of Cygnar’s armies. Since the advent of the warjack, the Sword Knights have adapted their time-honored tactics to deal with monsters of metal as well as flesh. Trained to fight against as well as alongside warjacks, the knights are as adept at striking at a warjack’s weak points as they are at coordinating deadly coordinated attacks.

    Product Information

    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 31106
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 10
    Packaging: Box
    PIP 31106
  • Cygnar Trencher Infantry with Three Weapon Attachments

    Prepared for anything, Warmachine Cygnar’s highly trained trenchers are the first on and the last off the battlefield. These combat-hardened soldiers dig in and make life hell for the enemy, with rifles and grenades softening up the opposition before the decisive bayonet charge.

    SPECIAL NOTE: Warmachine PIP 31105 contains the same Mk II stat cards as PIP 31073 and 31048. The models in this box represent the same figures in the game. PIP 31105 replaces PIP 31073 and PIP 31048 by offering their contents in a complete unit with weapon attachments. However, the models in PIP 31105 are a new sculpt and therefore look different from the models in PIP 31073 and PIP 31048. In addition, these models are plastic rather than metal.

    Product Information

    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 31105
    Model Materials: Plastic
    Model Count: 13
    Packaging: Box
    PIP 31105
    £48.95 save 10%
  • Dalin Sturgis Warcaster Commander Cygnar Warmachine

    Dalin Sturgis Warcaster Commander of Cygnar is a master duelist who believes in leading his troops from the front lines of the Warmachine world of the Iron Kingdoms. Nimble and deadly, he has honed his impressive combat skills to lend support to his warjacks and soldiers even as he surges across the battlefield delivering death with his twin-bladed mechanical staff. Dalin Sturgis rends his foes with a flurry of precisely targeted blades before disappearing in a flash of arcane light to track down his next opponent.

    Warmachine Product Information

    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 31113
    • Model Materials: White Metal
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 31113
  • Dynamo Heavy Warjack Cygnar Warmachine

    Having been rebuilt nearly from scratch by Sebastian Nemo after serving years on the front lines as a Stormclad, Dynamo represents a tremendous advancement in voltaic warjack technology. Powered by its galvanic generator, Dynamo is outfitted to render electrical destruction via its devastating firestorm cannon. This weapon fires deadly bolts of lightning that can strike clusters of advancing soldiers or be concentrated to melt heavy armor to slag. Thanks to Dynamo’s ability to harness and channel its own kinetic energy, each attack it unleashes is deadlier than the last.

    Product Information

    • Classification: Character Heavy Warjack
    • Base Size: 50mm
    • PIP Code: 31111
    • Model Materials: Resin and White Metal
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 31111
    £48.95 save 10%
  • Hurricane or Stormwall Colossal

    Hurricane or Stormwall Colossals tower over Cygnar’s enemies with the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding arcs of electricity from its lightning pods, the Stormwall is the mechanikal embodiment of the tempest. The Hurricane is a state-of-the-art weapons platform designed to put down the heaviest enemy targets while offering arcane support for its warcaster through its arc node. These technological marvels pound the battlefield with a hailstorm of cannon shells before smashing survivors with their giant fists.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 120mm
    • PIP Code: 31112
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 31112
    £106.95 save 15%


  • Lieutenant Allison Jakes Cygnar Character Solo

    A consummate duelist, Warmachine Cygnar Lieutenant Allison Jakes moves across the war-torn battlefields of western Immoren with deadly poise, striking down foes and then darting away in preparation for her next attack. She utilizes her arcane abilities to impart the same fluidity of movement to the warjacks in her battlegroup, granting them a burst of speed at the critical moment or imbuing them with the grace of a duelist.

    Product Information
    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 31104
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 1
    Packaging: Blister

    PIP 31104
  • Lord General Coleman Stryker Cygnar

    Promoted to the rank of Lord General, Coleman Stryker leads his Storm Division with unquestioned authority. Stryker commands his soldiers from the front lines, spurring his mount Valorous onward as he charges Cygnar’s enemies alongside his loyal Storm Lances. At the pivotal moment, Stryker is able to harness the galvanic potential of those charging with him into a thunderous tempest of destruction.

    Product Information

    Classification: Epic Cavalry Warcaster
    Base Size: 50mm
    PIP Code: 31103
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 1
    Packaging: Box
    PIP 31103
  • Major Prime Victoria Haley Cygnar

    Victoria Haley has risen through the ranks of the Cygnaran Warmachine Army to become one of the most potent arcanists in recorded history. Her mastery over the flow of time allows her to conjure echoes of herself from the past and future to fight at her side. By her unprecedented powers, Major Prime Victoria Haley bends the fabric of time and shatters the fundamental laws of reality as she outpaces and outfights the foes of Cygnar.

    Product Information

    • Classification: Epic Warcaster Unit
    • Base Size: 30mm
    • PIP Code: 31107
    • Model Materials: Resin & White Metal
    • Model Count: 3
    • Packaging: Blister
    PIP 31107
    £33.95 save 10%


  • Reliant or Stormclad Heavy Warjack Cygnar

    By taking the impressive bulk and chassis of the Ironclad and adding powerful voltaic weaponry, the Stormclad and Reliant were born. The Stormclad is equipped with an accumulator that draws on the galvanic energies of nearby Stormblades to augment its impressive storm-powered generator blade. The Reliant is built for versatility, whether enveloping the enemy with crackling electrical fields from a distance using its Stormbringer or driving the opposition to its knees with pulse hammer strikes.

    SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 31095 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 31022 as well as one completely new stat card for the Reliant. The model in this box represents the same figure as PIP 31022 in the game. However, the model in PIP 31095 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the model found in PIP 31022. In addition, this model is plastic rather than metal.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 50mm
    • PIP Code: 31095
    • Model Materials: Plastic
    • Model Count: 1
    PIP 31095
  • Silver Line Stormguard UPGRADE

    The Cygnar Silver Line Stormguard Unit Upgrade is NOT a complete model. The upgrade contains: -10 Silver Line Generator -1 Silver Line Electromagnetic Thunder Halberd -1 Silver Line Stormguard Stat Card Players will need a Cygnar Stormguard Unit (PIP 31099) in addition to this upgrade.



    Class:Exclusive Model

    Game Class:Exclusive Model


    Model Type:Unit

    PIP 31900
  • Thunderhead Cygnar Heavy Warjack Warmachine

    Thunderhead Cygnar Heavy Warjack Warmachine is a marvel of innovation, arguably the most sophisticated warjack ever built. Storming into battle armed with electrically charged shock fists and a lightning coil, the Thunderhead lands blows that liquefy metal, roast flesh, and disrupt cortexes, and its lightning coil releases focused electrical bolts of tremendous power with unerring accuracy.

    Product Information

    • Base Size: 50mm
    • PIP Code: 31120
    • Model Materials: White Metal and Resin
    • Model Count: 1
    • Packaging: Box
    PIP 31120
  • Warmachine Cygnar Archduke Runewood, Lord of Fharin

    Among Cygnar’s greatest living battlefield generals, Archduke Alain Runewood has given up the comfort and safety of his estates in aid of his country and his king. Wherever his command fights, Runewood leads from the heart of battle. His tactical acumen is finely honed, and his inspiring presence pushes his sword knights to fight fearlessly in the face of even the most dangerous foe.

    This Warmachine blister pack contains 1 Cygnar Archduke Runewood

    PIP 31081
  • Warmachine Cygnar Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team

    The Black 13th is a well-honed weapon of war sharpened to a razor's edge by relentless service to the crown. It serves as the elite strike force of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. The exact number of men and women serving in this tight knit organization has waxed and waned since the team's founding but has always consisted of a select few who demonstrate deadly skill with the magelock pistol.

    This Warmachine blister pack contains 3 metal models.

    PIP 31057
  • Warmachine Cygnar Captain E Dominic Darius

    Encased in his enormous steam-powered armor, Captain Darius strides into battle like a man of iron. The most ingenious element of this walking arsenal is a drone deployment system allowing him to unleash a number of halfjacks to serve as both weapons and battlefield repair assistants. Darius and his battlegroup act in tandem to disassemble the enemy army with the precision of a well-tuned machine.

    Classification:  Warcaster & Solos
    Base Size:  30mm, 40mm
    PIP Code:  31031
    Model Materials:  White Metal
    Model Count:  4
    Packaging:  Box
    PIP 31031
  • Warmachine Cygnar Captain Jonas Murdoch

    Jonas Murdoch is a tough-as-nails trencher captain who can take even the worst mercenary scum and whip them into soldiers any Cygnaran officer would be proud to lead. Under his command, a mercenary unit functions as part of the army of Cygnar. Classification: Character Unit Attachment Base Size: 30mm PIP Code: 31079 Model Materials: White Metal Model Count: 1 Packaging: Blister

    PIP 31079
  • Warmachine Cygnar Centurion, Hammersmith, Avenger Heavy Warjack

    Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps out shield and spear with massive twin forge hammers meant to flatten anything in its path, while the Avenger features a stun blade and a groundbreaking seismic cannon. Representing a step forward in Cygnaran technology, the seismic cannon fires sophisticated projectiles that can unleash a localized earthquake upon impact.

    This Warmachine boxed set contains one Cygnar Centurion Heavy Warjack, one Cygnar Centurion option, one Cygnar Hammersmith option, one Cygnar Avenger option.
    PIP 31074
  • Warmachine Cygnar Charger Light Warjack

    Fast, nimble and equipped with the repeating Dual Cannon, the Charger is a favourite among Cygnar commanders who favour the advantage of range.

    This Warmachine box set contains one plastic model which requires assembly.
    PIP 31089
    £18.95 save 10%
  • Warmachine Cygnar Colossal Stormwall & Lightning Pods

    Perhaps Nemo’s greatest creation, the Warmachine Cygnar Colossal Stormwall towers over Cygnar’s enemies with all the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding cracks of arcing electricity from its lightning pods, the Stormwall is the mechanikal embodiment of the tempest. Powered by both steam and surging voltaic energy, it riddles the enemy lines with cannon shells and hails of bullets before smashing survivors with its electrified fists.

    PIP 31050
    £114.95 save 30%
  • Warmachine Cygnar Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo Variant

    Despite a gruff and uncompromising demeanor, Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo is Cygnar’s foremost master of lightning-augmented mechanika. His ability to control warjacks is legendary, as is the variety and power of his arcane repertoire. Rather than the typical red furnace glow and smoke plumes, Nemo crackles with electrical energy and in the darkness emits a faint nimbus of light. If he flaunts his power, it is to show others what they can achieve if they persevere.
    This all-new version of Commander Adept Nemo presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster.
    Classification:  Warcaster
    Base Size:  30mm
    PIP Code:  31071
    Model Materials:  White Metal
    Model Count:  1
    Packaging:  Blister
    PIP 31071
  • Warmachine Cygnar Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet

    Constance Blaize is a resolute champion of Morrow who leads her Precursor Knights into battle against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind. Her greatest foes are the sprawling nightmare empire of Cryx and the vile servants of the dark god Thamar. Empowered by her faith, Blaize fights for her god and her nation with fervor inspired by the holy ascendants she reveres. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet

    PIP 31090
  • Warmachine Cygnar Epic Captain Allister Caine

    As Cygnar's most talented and audacious gun mage, Allister Caine reluctantly accepted his promotion; he considers the rank more of a burden than an honour. He is sent forth to conduct precision attacks along Cygnar's war-torn borders. Despite his intolerance of authority, this master of the Spellstorm pistols has become an irreplaceable weapon in the arsenal of Cygnar's Scout General, for he is equally deadly to enemies within the nation. His deeds are known to few, but his actions may change the course of history. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Epic Captain Allister Caine


    Classification:  Epic Warcaster
    Base Size:  30mm
    PIP Code:  31041
    Model Materials:  White Metal
    Model Count:  1
    Packaging:  Blister
    PIP 31041
  • Warmachine Cygnar Epic Lord Commander Coleman Stryker

    As Cygnar is besieged on all sides King Leto turns to the only man that can save the jewel of the Iron Kingdoms, Lord Commander Stryker. He is the one man that has stood with unfailing loyalty throughout the constant warfare and strife.. he is Cygnar's hope. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Epic Lord Commander Coleman Stryker
    PIP 31034
  • Warmachine Cygnar Epic Major Victoria Haley

    After returning from an extended leave to recuperate from injuries sustained at the hands of Deneghra, Haley has become ever more insistent that something stirs within the Thornwood and not all is quiet near the fringes of Cygnar's borders. Focusing her relentless attention on the borders of Cygnar, she uses her newly attained rank of Major in the Cygnaran military to requisition warjacks, troops, mercenaries and funds so she may purge the northwestern borders and eliminate the evil lingering in the woods and hidden vales. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Epic Major Victoria Haley
    PIP 31033
  • Warmachine Cygnar Female Journeyman Warcaster

    Though only a field apprentice, the Female Journeyman Warcaster adds much needed focus and spell support to the Cygnar front lines. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Female Journeyman Warcaster
    PIP 31049
  • Warmachine Cygnar Firefly Light Warjack

    The light warjacks commissioned by the Cygnaran Armory set the standard by which all light ’jacks are judged. The original Charger chassis has proven an excellent platform for versatile and deadly machines. The Firefly is the most recent variant of the Charger chassis and possesses cutting-edge electro-mechanika capable of frying opponents to a crisp.

    Classification: Light Warjack
    Base Size: 40mm
    PIP Code: 31070
    Model Materials: Plastic
    Model Count: 1
    PIP 31070
  • Warmachine Cygnar Gallant Upgrade Kit

    Based on the Ironclad chassis and heavily modified by Sancteum armorers, Gallant is a walking instrument of righteous battle and the favored warjack of the warcaster Constance Blaize. In combat Gallant wields the mighty blade Lasting Light to strike down the enemies of Morrow as dictated by the Prayers for Battle, the holy catechism mounted onto its hull. This Warmachine blister pack contains one Cygnar Gallant Heavy Warjack upgrade kit.

    PIP 31091
  • Warmachine Cygnar General Adept Sebastian Nemo

    Sebastian Nemo has defended Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Promoted to general, he has learned from recent battles and created new strategies and weapons to throw back his nation's enemies. Nemo takes to battle with surprising aggression and power. His experience thwarts his foe's plans as surely and easily as his augmented strength shatters armour and bone. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar General Adept Sebastian Nemo
    PIP 31051
  • Warmachine Cygnar General Nemo & Storm Chaser Adept Caitlin Finch

    Sebastian Nemo’s myriad innovations—from the storm chamber to the modern colossal—have given Cygnar a crucial technological edge over its enemies. Promoted to the rank of Artificer General, Nemo now holds authority over all Cygnar’s military industry, and he wields his nation’s most advanced weaponry. Nemo’s assistant, Storm Chaser Adept Caitlin Finch, takes to the battlefield at his side, utilizing precisely tuned mechanikal apparatus to augment Nemo’s command over warjacks to unparalleled mastery.

    Classification:  Epic Warcaster & Character Solo
    Base Size:  30mm
    PIP Code:  31093
    Model Materials:  White Metal
    Model Count:  2
    Packaging:  Blister
    Release Date:  June 13, 2012
    PIP 31093
  • Warmachine Cygnar Hammersmith

    Built on the chassis of the Centurion, the Hammersmith takes the phrase 'unstoppable force' to a completely different level. It's twin Forge Hammers are capable of rocking even the heaviest warjack back.

    This Warmachine boxed set contains one Cygnar Hammersmith
    PIP 31039
  • Warmachine Cygnar Journeyman Warcaster

    Though only a field apprentice, the Journeyman Warcaster adds much needed focus and spell support to the Cygnar front lines. contents: this blister pack contains 1x Cygnar Journeyman Warcaster
    PIP 31016
  • Warmachine Cygnar Lancer Light Warjack

    The Lancer was developed with an emphasis on defense and survivability. The machine’s main weapon is a heavy spear designed to keep adversaries at bay, and its sturdy shield generates a shock field capable of burning out a warjack’s cortex on contact. The Lancer is valued most of all, however, for its arc node. A device of unquestionable utility, the arc node allows a warcaster to extend his arcane reach across the battlefield.

    Product Information
    Classification: Light Warjack
    Base Size: 40mm
    PIP Code: 31085
    Model Materials: Plastic
    Model Count: 1
    Packaging: Box
    PIP 31085
    £16.75 save 25%
  • Warmachine Cygnar Long Gunners Unit

    Renowned for their legendary skill and repeating rifles, the long gunners are among the finest riflemen in the Warmachine Iron Kingdoms. In unison, these well trained riflemen concentrate their fire and release barrages of withering shots that tear through the enemy. This Warmachine box set contains 10 metal models.

    PIP 31087
  • Warmachine Cygnar Major Katherine Laddermore

    A superlative, battle-proven cavalry officer, Katherine Laddermore demonstrates unflinching loyalty and a tenacious fighting spirit that inspires her comrades. She leads a hand-picked group of Storm Lances on lightning-imbued charges that arc deadly bolts of electricity and clear out swathes of opposing infantry. contents: this boxed set contains 1x Cygnar Mounted Major Katherine Laddermore 1x Cygnar Major Katherine Laddermore on foot

    PIP 31055
    £22.95 save 10%
  • Warmachine Cygnar Major Markus Brisbane

    A professional soldier with more field experience than virtually any other warcaster in the Cygnaran Army, Major Markus Brisbane is famous among Cygnaran troops for his ability to lead from the front and infamous among his enemies for his ability to triumph. It has been said there is no strategic obstacle the man cannot overcome, nor is there any wall in western Immoren that can stand against him.

    Classification: Warcaster
    Base Size: 30mm
    PIP Code: 31032
    Model Materials: White Metal
    Model Count: 1
    Packaging: Blister
    PIP 31032R
  • Warmachine Cygnar Ol' Rowdy Heavy Warjack

    Ol' Rowdy has five decades of service under its chassis. It hails from the first generation of Ironclads hammered together at the Cygnaran Armoury from parts manufactured at Engines East. Not until after several years fighting with distinction during the Scharde Invasions did the ornery temper that would characterise Ol' Rowdy actually come to the fore.
    This Warmachine box set contains one metal model
    PIP 31053
  • Warmachine Cygnar Precursor Knight Officer and Standard Bearer

    These holy warriors emulate the example of their god and march to war preaching His word. Leading units of blessed Precursor Knights, these officers and their standard bearers bring light to the darkness of war. They preserve the souls and bodies of their comrades from rapacious undead and destroy the wicked with righteous fervor. This Warmachine blister pack contains one Cygnar Precursor Knight Officer and one Cygnar Precursor Knight Standard Bearer

    PIP 42009
  • Warmachine Cygnar Precursor Knights Unit

    A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to guarding the innocent. Protected from fell magic by the blessings of the ascendants and from the weapons of their enemies by heavy armor and locked shields, the Precursor Knights wield their blessed maces against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 42013 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 42001. The models in PIP 42013 are the same models as are in PIP 42001 and 42002 and replace those older PIPs by offering their contents in a complete unit. The replaced PIPs will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning November 1st, 2011.

    PIP 42013
  • Warmachine Cygnar Precursor Knights Unit (2)

    A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to guarding the innocent. Protected from fell magic by the blessings of the ascendants and from the weapons of their enemies by heavy armor and locked shields, the Precursor Knights wield their blessed maces against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind. SPECIAL NOTE: This Unit is availiable in full in 42011

    PIP 42002
  • Warmachine Cygnar Rangers Unit

    Cunning and resourceful, Rangers are elite troops trained to blend into the terrain and mark enemy targets for Cygnaran gunners. Equipped with an array of signal gear and detailed maps, Rangers can blaze trails for friendly units and even bring them into the battle far behind the enemy's lines.

    This Warmachine boxed set contains six Cygnar Rangers.
    PIP 31046
  • Warmachine Cygnar Sentinel

    Outfitted with an infantry-shredding chain gun, the Warmachine Cygnar Sentinel fills an essential role on the battlefield. Its rapid-fire weapon enables it to cut down swathes of the enemy, making it invaluable against charging platoons of Winter Guard, tides of Menite zealots, or waves of Cryxian mechanithralls.
    PIP 31088
  • Warmachine Cygnar Storm Lances Unit (3)

    The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy. Using the resonance of storm chambers, Storm Lances can form an electrical charge between heavily insulated riders deadly to anyone caught between them. This Warmachine boxed set contains three Cygnar Storm Lances.

    PIP 31042
  • Warmachine Cygnar Storm Lances Unit (5)

    The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy. Using the resonance of storm chambers, Storm Lances can form an electrical charge between heavily insulated riders deadly to anyone caught between them. This Warmachine boxed set contains five Cygnar Storm Lances.

    PIP 31114
  • Warmachine Cygnar Storm Strider Battle Engine

    Towering above its enemies, the lightning-wreathed Storm Strider moves across the battlefield raining voltaic death upon all who stand against Cygnar. Its lightning cannon is one of the most potent weapons in the Cygnaran arsenal and represents the pinnacle of stormsmith achievement. More devastating still is the Storm Strider's ability to capture and store the energy of enemy attacks, adding this deadly kinetic force to its withering lightning blasts. This Warmachine boxed set contains one Warmachine Cygnar Storm Strider Battle Engine and includes a 120mm base.

    PIP 31078
    £82.95 save 20%
  • Warmachine Cygnar Stormblade Officer and Standard Bearer

    The destructive force of the Stormblades are bolstered by a Stormblade Captain to lead their charge, and the standard bearer enhances their electrical attacks greatly!

    This Warmachine blister pack contains 2 metal models.
    PIP 31023