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Age Of Sigmar: Core Book

Age Of Sigmar: Core Book


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£39.60 (Save 10%)


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This is the time of turmoil. This is the era of war. This is the Age of Sigmar!
Since the breaking of Sigmar's Tempest, the peoples of the Mortal Realms have fought tooth and nail for those islands of civilisation they have established. Every city is blackened by the fires of war, every populace harrowed by the ordeal of simple survival. But now, the Hour of Ruin has come, the fabric of reality splitting as numberless hordes of rat-like Skaven capsize decades of progress.
Yet, the hosts of Sigmar are still marching. They know full well that the cycle of endless war is inescapable, taking its toll on even the mighty Stormcast Eternals. But though the candle of hope gutters, it burns bright enough to inspire a thousand selfless acts.
The Book
This 288-page hardback book is the ultimate companion for all players of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, whether veterans or novices. It contains everything you need to know to collect, build, paint, and play with Citadel miniatures in the Mortal Realms.
The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Hobby
The book opens with an introduction to the Warhammer hobby. Alongside the concept of the game, this section discusses the various aspects of the hobby, including collecting an army, building and painting miniatures, playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and choosing your way to play.
The Mortal Realms
This section provides a comprehensive overview of each realm and its current state, with the narrative presented from the perspective of the realm's inhabitants, such as soldiers, witch hunters, and more.
History of the Realms
Get a primer of the key narrative events from the history of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, including summaries of key events such as the awakening of Kragnos and the Twin-Tailed Crusade.
Factions at War
A background overview of the various factions from each Grand Alliance – Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction. You'll find incredible artwork, a miniatures showcase, and additional information about key characters or important pieces of lore.
The Rules
The book's Rules section is divided into three major sections: Core Rules, Advanced Rules, and a Glossary. You'll also find an overview of Battlepacks, making it easy to understand which ones best suit how you like to play. Finally, there are rules for terrain, and the various game formats, such as Spearhead, Path to Glory, and Matched Play.
The Core Book closes with a handy, alphabetised rules index and a Path to Glory roster, Order of Battle, and Army roster. It also features a red ribbon bookmark.
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    – Warscroll Cards: Darkoath – a set of four handy cards to help you use the miniatures in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar
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    The Warhammer Age of Sigmar General's Handbook 2024-25 measures 161mmx210mm, and comes with a handy elastic enclosure, making it easy to keep your place in the heat of battle.
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    – Faction rules including seven battle traits, four battle formations, three heroic traits, and three artefacts of power
    – Three Spells, three Manifestations, and five Ensorcelled Banners
    – 43 warscrolls for units, terrain, and Manifestations
    – A Spearhead guide, including gameplay and hobby advice for the Darkoath Raiders, along with its own set of warscrolls and army abilities
    – Narrative Path to Glory rules, including the Anvil of Apotheosis, allowing you to create your own hero
    – Rules for one thematic Army of Renown and two Regiments of Renown that can be added to other Chaos armies
    – A handy reference section with army abilities, spells, and battle traits
    This book contains a unique digital code for use with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
  • Warscroll Cards: Slaves To Darkness

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    This set of Slaves to Darkness Warscroll Cards offers a handy set of references to use during games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You'll find cards for your units, faction terrain, endless spells, the First Prince Army of Renown, and Spearhead cards for the Darkoath Raiders. Packed with detail, they'll make it a breeze to find your stats, weapon profiles, and special abilities during your game, so you can focus on the action instead of flipping through rulebooks. They've been designed to put the most important information front and centre, measuring 70mm by 121mm.
    Some of these cards are double-sided, featuring colour-coded rules and abilities on one side, with an explanation of each on the reverse.
    This set of 57 cards includes:
    – 43x Warscroll Cards
    – 8x Legion of the First Prince Army of Renown Warscroll Cards
    – 6x Spearhead Cards with battle traits, regiment abilities, and enhancements for the Darkoath Raiders
    To use these cards fully, you will need a copy of Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness, available separately.